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  1. RookieoftheYear88

    The Teabag States of America

    the tea party protesters do have their faults, but the percentage that are radicals are much less than just normal people. And if you knew as much as you were acting like you did, you would realize that many of the protesters are libertarians. so check the libertarian platform and see how they...
  2. RookieoftheYear88

    Snow White from nirvana. Tell me what u think!!!!!

    11 finger fan leaves? quick stones count, but pretty plant man
  3. RookieoftheYear88

    Biggest Mistake I Won't Make Again.

    broke off the top cola trying to squeeze through the closet door :(
  4. RookieoftheYear88

    HTG supplies ....any experiences?

    HTG is the shit, my cool tube went out after 7 months. I called them and did not have any information to give them except, "hey my shit is broken" and they said no problem we might have been having some problems with cool tubes around the time you bought yours, just give me your address and...
  5. RookieoftheYear88

    Hot & Cold Strain info please!

    interesting thread.
  6. RookieoftheYear88

    Should I harvest

    did all your fan leaves die? and i don't think it is ready yet man.
  7. RookieoftheYear88

    Mother Plants or No Mother Plants

    i love my mothers =) just gotta figure out cloning and you will love yours too
  8. RookieoftheYear88

    First Perennial Strain I've Seen **Must See** Big Bad John-Perennial strain I was wondering around the attitude site, and found myself in some expensive seeds from the company The Doggies Nuts Seeds. I...
  9. RookieoftheYear88

    Should I get a GROW TENT??? Or just build it myself???

    i love my tent. check ebay man, that is where i got mine and it was very cheap compared to other sources. good luck!
  10. RookieoftheYear88

    CFL grow Nirvana AK48

    great looking plants man. congrats on the results thus far, your hard work is obviously showing.
  11. RookieoftheYear88

    ocean forest

    try the grow faq or something man. those are basic questions that have been answered a hundred times.
  12. RookieoftheYear88

    Leaf/Plant Problem, could use some diagnosis.

    wow good luck with that man. i really wish i could help!
  13. RookieoftheYear88

    Cloning Auto Ak-47 X Auto Blueberry

    i agree. you can't have a mother plant in auto flowering so i will have to agree with the other guy. the only thing that i have ever thought of in a stoned stupor is that maybe it could be possible if you put an auto flowering growing conditions that are so unfavorable that it slows growth...
  14. RookieoftheYear88

    What is the strain? FIRST GROW CFL

    sorry i'm a little grumpy. 3rd day of no smoke so my tolerance will go down for 20 :'(
  15. RookieoftheYear88

    What is the strain? FIRST GROW CFL

    just a quesstion but has anyone who has asked this question ever gotten an answer!? it is either indica or sativa dominant or a little mix but as far as looking at bag seed and being damn, that some SSH, hasn't happened as far as i've seen.
  16. RookieoftheYear88

    How do they Look?

    much too soon.
  17. RookieoftheYear88

    CFLs or little HPS?

    i am actually starting flowering right now. some plants under 150w hps, and some under cfls.
  18. RookieoftheYear88

    please help

    that is heat damage. look in the grow faq under 7 plant problems.
  19. RookieoftheYear88

    One of plant is in clay mediam,and im flushing

    too high to understand what you are telling me.