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  1. B

    another bitch post . bad things about growing .

    strange how my posting went replied and typed my message says you said it all .
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    it wont light . ? ever see this

    possible because it was so damn sticky more then usual ? even after Its dry handling it very sticky .
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    another bitch post . bad things about growing .

    everybody has there own way of veg there plants . looking at both pics to me both are wrong I don't like . should of been topped a very long time ago should have at a min of 8 nodes on the tops trimmed off all the bottoms . like I say you do what you think is correct . im sure a lot of...
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    it wont light . ? ever see this

    strange shit . idk whats up
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    it wont light . ? ever see this

    this shit is dry . lots and lots crystals looks very sexy great smell . 100 % dry actually a bit over dry . ever see this ? whats going on ? it looks like a 7 out of 10 a bit loose it was flowered a bit hot 85 not by my choice electric murdered me that hot month lesson learned that's...
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  7. B

    I have a drug test tomorrow need help with proper way to flush system..

    fucking stupid to smoke that shit in the first place you don't deserve a job or pass .second if your that stupid to smoke harmful shit your not to stupid to drink an entire bottle of vinegar . change you ph shut your organs down see if you make it to the er .your heart will fail .
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    female .
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    Should I be freaking out?

    did you mask your ip address on here ? there you go they know where you live . how are you breaking the law shopping ?
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    Outdoor veg indoor flower

    look really good . yea I have an idea give me some !
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    another bitch post . bad things about growing .

    yes that pisses me off . people throwing shit into the lakes in the forest and tossing there trash in the woods . they don't think it will still be there next year and after that . throw it in a parking lot I could care less at least there is somebody paid to clean it up .
  12. B

    Heater Sucks it's air from my grow room any filter suggestions ?

    best way rent a house better a factory turn the entire unit into your room . that's what I would do if I were you
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    another bitch post . bad things about growing .

    right some people do it for there self and others for commercial . I am just like everybody else just a small guy . but have a woman and her friends that smoke 3 zips of tomatoes a week. I cant bitch about that trust me guys I get a lot in return from her friends my lady is ok with that...
  14. B

    What is the best time to water your plants

    this is the best answer . posted above . plants do not have a set time to drink . they drink when they want so its best to have there water asap in the early am and the extra can evaporate off .
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    Heater Sucks it's air from my grow room any filter suggestions ?

    easy . just get some of this . can make a sorts of box to but around your inlet on the furnace and connect it...
  16. B

    Heater Sucks it's air from my grow room any filter suggestions ?

    more info is needed . I am lost . your trying to move or relocate the heater ? what kind of heater ?
  17. B

    where to get 55g drums?

    suggest calling your local shops asking for antifreeze or best washer solvent drums . don't bother with oil or transmission containers take my word on this . you will never get them clean .most of those oil and transmission drums are made of steel . heavy impossible to clean ...
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    another bitch post . bad things about growing .

    adding to the bitch post things that piss me off . ok my gps took a shit today on the way home from a foot ball game Detroit lions good game . yeah the gps took a shit . and the freeway is closed . ok great so I just plan on driving north then after 4 or so miles traffic will thin then...
  19. B

    venting air from out side inside . carbon filer

    thanks . yes I have it figured out . cooling 1000 square feet so building a box and throwing double furnish filter into it . and with all the bug prevents ill be good .