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  1. B

    Found this article on public LED lighting interesting

    I believe you have cancer if you say you do . but how would the doctors link lighting to your cancer ? there are millions of people under these hps lighting from construction workers to base ball games to grow rooms to fishing boats .
  2. B

    Crop sabotage?

    fuck that happens . lot of people have tents set up out in the fields and also dogs not so friendly . and deer stands hunting purposes not going much into that . electric fence . a lot of work time money could be invested in your crop. have to protect to cherry tomatoes for...
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    IS Legit?

    very old posting
  4. B

    where to get 55g drums?

    get for free , hit some auto care centers ,
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    Neem cake

    just dont over water and let the top of the soil dry before watering . no gnats .
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    wonder if my autoflower is ready to harvest? :)

    good way to tell is once you see about 10 % of them getting amber under your scope its at its peak .
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    photo's and auto's in the same tent?

    i did auto and photoes . under the same light . the issue you will . the photos like 12/12 the auto like 18 or 24. so the auto will flower very well under the 12/12 but will not give you any return . next to nothing
  8. B

    go ahead an pick on me lol . cheap led . i think it will do what i want .

    update . still rocking the led lighting in the budget set up . i have to say the cloning is going well all happy soon to be plants . and new plants responding well . i dont suggest picking one of these up if your trying to veg . its not a good bang for your buck .
  9. B

    small white worms .

    neem oil and citrus oil worked well . no more slimy worms . all gone . after 1 application they did not like my treatment at all never came back .
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    freedom of speech may be lost of today . on the internet .

    any body notice any of there favorite websites or videos missing ? you tube i dont know if there is a glitch i dont think it was . i was watching some videos and it was redirected right away to random bull shit . its very random . some videos i watched in the pas would not come up as...
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    to me it was on the sativa side effects . i like to relax . so it was not for me .it just made every thing look funny . dizzy . depend on what you like . it was strong .looked good friends liked it .
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    for the price . kc is very good . i paid 2 times as much and got much worse . buy kc . you will be happy . i am thinking of getting the northern lights again . its cool if you can actually see the lights above kc made it possible . its was strange how it is seeing the northern lights...
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    ok i retract my statement . kcbrains is above average . a good choice for sure . the cyber crystal was a 6.5 not a five .
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    cyber crystal is average 5/ 10 . norther lights was a 8 out of 10 . they are a ok breeder . trust me there are a lot worse out there .
  15. B

    freedom of speech may be lost of today . on the internet .

    no need to spell check me . problem is testing out these new tomatoes . tearing me up .
  16. B

    freedom of speech may be lost of today . on the internet .

    do your dogs pack way more heat then you ?
  17. B

    Found this article on public LED lighting interesting

    wonder if the lights in the plant room is the same . bad for you long term .
  18. B

    Close or no?

    looks very good . and done .
  19. B

    freedom of speech may be lost of today . on the internet .

    should I start another one of these posts . ? I have a good one that will get everybody talking . on a different subject
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    open hood parabolic vs air cooled

    all this electric to just grow cherry tomatoes . lol . depending might be the same as you