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  1. B

    Lights question

    when they are very small the plats cant take advantage of the very strong lights . but once they pass the 3 inch mark its time to turn up the juice they will grow very fast . any smaller then 3 inches you can use cfl if you want to save on the juice bill best a t5 . i use only 120 watts from...
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    Growing in Michigan? Not for LONG!

    fuck fuck fuck .
  3. B

    Promix thoughts

    i use pro mix for many years my friends use promix they use advanced nutrients for soil . i use a cheap miracle grow along with some kmart bloom boosters in a mix chemical fertilizers . never had a issue . yeah i sound stupid . mg yeah right . if you seen what i can do with...
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    Growing in Michigan? Not for LONG!

    lot of opinions here about caregivers . if he or she is legal to donate it to thee patient for a suggested donation and makes a few what is wrong with that . and the caregiver can have 5 patients . and some patients have a real need . now these pore patients have to go to a dispen...
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    Growing in Michigan? Not for LONG!

    hope for the best it wont change .
  6. B

    Spring vs Tap water

    i dont know if you have a homedepot hardware store near you . they have free water testing . just take a small tube from them mail it it get results also the water company gives us water reports here in michigan .
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    Growing in Michigan? Not for LONG!

    i agree . but some people are caretakers .
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    Spring vs Tap water

    i know i was being sarcastic
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    Growing in Michigan? Not for LONG!

    had a few personal messages passed to me i do understand now . if it passes were fucked simple as that .
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    Spring vs Tap water

    just think we drink this tap water . kills every thing think what its doing to us
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    600 watt hps vs 1000 watt hps . and best bulb vs cheap

    what are your opinions ? i use both 600 and 1000 . plants seem to look a lot more sexy under the 1000 and the light area is quite a bit more . can raise the 1000 up get a very nice 4/4 area . the 600 a 3/3 but not as intense lighting . i need to add a few more lights debating on 4...
  12. B

    Tent Grow In Old Dirty Basement...Need Advice

    great advice with the hid lights . suggest buying some bug bombs . hit it 2 days in a row then skip 2 days and hit it again . do this after you clean . then watch how many bugs you sweep up !
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    Growing in Michigan? Not for LONG!

    why not open a dispen for your self ? sounds like your a serious grower .
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    Growing in Michigan? Not for LONG!

    THANK . for the info . i can real for hours and not understand anything . got it now . dispen low ball people in mi any ways from what i heard .
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    Growing in Michigan? Not for LONG!

    got ya . no caregivers . only patients . will fuck a lot of people over .
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    Growing in Michigan? Not for LONG!

    possible my dream job . its like opening a beer store .
  17. B

    Growing in Michigan? Not for LONG!

    that is all i care about lol . wow wee . i was like holy fuck what is a guy to do . go to a dispen pay 3 times as much for there product pulled 3 weeks to early . news i have found also i...
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    Growing in Michigan? Not for LONG!

    ok if this passes will the patient still have to buy there cards . but they cant grow there own . and real patients dont have much money will not be able to go to a dispen to purchase there meds . they will be fucked . and the bad thing is the patients product quality WILL drop ...
  19. B

    new medium . 100 % organic monster yields .

    i will have to give it a try . also you can use (BRAKE FLUID ) to polish the paint . dont worry put a bottle onto the hood and start buffing watch the shine come right out better then new .
  20. B

    new medium . 100 % organic monster yields .

    right this is neutral ph no need to even mix it just plant water come back in 8 to 10 weeks and its done . no need to change messy hydro system or mess with soil . no need to fuss with costly fertilizers if your cooling your water just think how much you will save . quickrite can...