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  1. B

    Intake and exhaust - ventilation.

    fucking the intake can be the same size as the exhaust and the holes can be the same size as your fan . no need to make them bigger i have a few to many tokes of these cherry tomatoes going right now hard to think if you knowwhat i am saying .
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    Pre Flowers and Seeds.

    what is your intent to herm this plant ? if so its easy fuck with the light cycle . 2 hours on 1 off 2 on 1 off . this will cause it to do what you want .
  3. B

    new medium . 100 % organic monster yields .

    this stuff works benefits its cheap / expect monster yields strong root zones very tight spacing nodes and most of all with out the need to water it well only 1 time . plant it and walk away . this is scientifically proven to result in monster plants please read restriction its not...
  4. B

    How many plants can I feet?

    suggest 1 plant in a 20 gallon pot. perfect . just top it 2 times and pull the the same amount . only down side your veg will take at least 3.5 months but your smaller plants will take at least 2 for hardly any yield . my opinion . then again i am not new so possible your better...
  5. B

    Air-Pot vs Fabric Pot vs Root Trapper II

    i use grow bags or fabric pots for my 20 gallon containers . for my 1/2 3 and 5 and 7 / i have used fabric but 2 years ago i switched to plastic . its so cheap plastic throw away bags cost me hardly anything mabe 30 to 50 c each compared to fabric 5 to 8 each . ok the...
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    Why does my weed seem like the best weed I've ever smoked?

    nothing wrong with feeling good .
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    I bet that you guys have never seen a variant clone like this!

    from experience I would throw this clone out . in Michigan the legal number is 72 . so some people deal with 72 plants every few months . possible the larger number of plants let us see this crazy shit happen .
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    Because I said so.....

    I like . a lot . I thought I was the only on that felt this way .
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    Because I said so.....

    lol me yelling at my woman .
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    Because I said so.....

    are you high right now ?
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    I bet that you guys have never seen a variant clone like this!

    don't you see the leaves . it has 3 and 1 finger leafs on it . this is a herm waiting to happen . its not herm yet but in late flower it will be shooting out see.d all over the place . 3 leafs ok but 1 finger leaves serious issue . watch out .
  12. B

    can dehydration shrink buds?

    if the plants thirsty it wont try to produce . if they are totally grow to size and thirsty . they will start to dry out the same as you cutting it off the plant . yes they will shrink .
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    Because I said so.....

    subjective question . wtf is the point of this posting ?
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    Still water cloning

    I have learned that @ 63f the water is the most oxygenated . and adding a stone maximum o2 to form roots . no I prefer my hydro cloner sprays water to the roots in a mist with a lot of o2 and dwc your system water is just chilling . but In a top of the line dwc there is just a...
  15. B

    Still water cloning

    13 days fully rooted . this is about the best you can do . i my hydro i about 10 days they are ready . you can throw a air stone in the water it may speed it up . this is it i know of .
  16. B

    Portable air conditioner which one to get?

    this posting is a waste of time . the poster don't ever reply . go buy a used ac unit that granny had in her home for 40 years .
  17. B

    3 gallon or 5 gallon soil containers for Autos?

    with a picture like his . all he is about is hate ignore this guy . im sure he never grow a thing in his life except for his jail brewed toilet brew home made sugar wine . his picture reminds me of jail movies im sure its really him self you can thank roolitup tac...
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    3 gallon or 5 gallon soil containers for Autos?

    this is intended to bash this poster ? why bother with your opinion if so .
  19. B

    getting ready for 1st time

    if you can keep it steady 67 with very large air stones and change the water weekly . you may be ok . for me I personally have bad luck with fungi funky shit in the water over 65f in a few weeks. time to change the water . I have a lot of bleach in my tap water too but I know a lot of...