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    Lucas Formula in soil

    idk man . getting to technical here . and i was sampling . if you following along . later in bloom then the more you increase bloom booster to try ta get the biggest flower possible . if you ask me i do not see any difference at all hitting the shit out of them with bloom boosters...
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    Tissue Culture (cloning)

    grafting will work well . if your over 70 of age go for it . if younger then that lol i suggest a different way .
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    Did I do too much?

    looks like frog legs .
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    Flowering my mother plant

    i would put the clones in the corner and flower the mother . depends how she is topped from you cutting on here . quality yield will be slightly higher from the mom if every plant were the same .
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    Thc bomb scrog

    bomb company is well worth it . i have experience with about 20 .different . my favorite is bomb . quality is the best of the best . plants very easy to grow . can super crop lolly pop top . clone . i rate it a 10 out of 10 . my rating scale is brutal most others...
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    HELP!! Plz leaves Turing light green

    it will take at least 4 days for better results .
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    testing equipment to test the finished fruit .

    next week i will pick 1 up it sounds bad ass that away i know what is up .
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    Growing in Michigan? Not for LONG!

    big question is . why did i eat white castle ! ?? lol those who had it know what i am talking about those who have no the burgers are nick named sliders .
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    HELP!! Plz leaves Turing light green

    strapped for cash . then buy the mg plant foot 7 bucks .
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    Broken trichomes

    never .
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    Growing in Michigan? Not for LONG!

    hey if you harvest a few plants and will be over just dont water the plants the soil drys out and throw a plastic bag over the entire plant and vacuum seal it all roots and pot in this vacuum seal . then its a plant and not finished product . sounds stupid but better then being...
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    Odor Control

    fuck yeah . or ginger . no i use bleach . i mop the kitchen floor with extra heavy bleach before strange company comes over .
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    HELP!! Plz leaves Turing light green

    those nutrients numbers is nothing at all . i would get some actual nutrients and water them with it at least 1/4 strength . do not rely on nutrients in soil . looks for numbers like 5/5/5 or 15/10/ 12 yours is 0. so its not ever a 1/1/1 and its more then likely TIME...
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    Odor Control

    pore some bleach into the sink . smells like you just cleaned . buy some moth balls .
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    Somebody help me!

    point is you need to put the plant under a white light . or outside if needed then take a pic .
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    Somebody help me!

    the lighting sucks in the pics . is the plant dark or lime green we cant see with this light . could be over fed or under idk .
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    testing equipment to test the finished fruit .

    today i was at my favorite store to shop seen a piece of equipment to test the finished stuff . it told the thc cbd amounts and a few other tests . it costed 100 bucks looked very good . i did not want to drop the 100 on it yet until i asked every body here if they have used on ...
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    600 watt hps vs 1000 watt hps . and best bulb vs cheap

    currently have a hortilux 1000 65 dollar bulb well some people pay double . vs a chap i power 18 or so dollar 1000 bulb sitting right next to each other same every thing plants the same . we will see any difference at all . so far nothing . and nothing i can see . i dont have...