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  1. O4aUsErNaMe

    Can you smoke a Hermie??

    what a load of cods wallop,you should ask you'r self what are you thinking... now back to the question,yes you can smoke a hermie it will have some seeds but it will still do the job. I went for a few years and that is all i could grow as it was the only seeds i had. i enjoyed it and so did a...
  2. O4aUsErNaMe

    Molasses vs. Honey

    don't any one live next to or close to horses? next time you pass a pet food store go and look in the horse food section you will find that you can get ten times the molasses for the same price as you can in the super markets. sh*t for $20.00 bucks you could buy a life time supply...:-)
  3. O4aUsErNaMe

    o4's 2008/2009 monster attempt..:-)

    they get harder to transplant the bigger they get, I am not saying you cant transplant them. i like to get them to around ten/twelve inches before i transplant outside ,because i feel they can handle the elements at that age...:-)
  4. O4aUsErNaMe

    o4's 2008/2009 monster attempt..:-)

    yes i like to get an early start.just have to nurse them a bit at the start.:mrgreen: good luck on your grow this season...:-)
  5. O4aUsErNaMe

    What would you do? this is fucked up....

    well to be honest i would show the neighbor the video,let him know you know what he is doing. but remember he will probably call the fuzz,so clean up get everything out are never going to get any remuneration back from them, so be polite be forceful and let them know they will be...
  6. O4aUsErNaMe

    o4's 2008/2009 monster attempt..:-)

    first day of spring so yes just out of winter, I think the frost bit is a bit of a myth i have always put them out early and the frosts don't seem to harm them in any way and we get some doozies here.(seedlings yes i would not expose them to frost but once they get up a bit it seems fine)...
  7. O4aUsErNaMe

    yess my 9feet white russians started to blossom...

    absolutely beautiful looking girls....;-) +rep on the grow
  8. O4aUsErNaMe

    my first attempt at an indoor grow

    just thought i would put another picture up.:-) me i think i like this indoor grow thing,they grow well and you seem to get some pretty good results......:-)
  9. O4aUsErNaMe

    o4's 2008/2009 monster attempt..:-)

    here is your update shroomy.:-) she is starting to show some movement,she is around the 2 foot mark(21 inches to be exact.) havn't had to feed her yet,and i don't think the roots have hit the fish yet, at least the weather is warming up here so hopefully no more frosts.
  10. O4aUsErNaMe

    Who can tell??????

    I concur...................:-)
  11. O4aUsErNaMe

    Ph balance

    before you worry too much about the ph of the water,have you checked the ph of the soil so you can balance them out. in soil one is no good without the other..:-)
  12. O4aUsErNaMe


    absolutely nothing wrong with starting in the pot you are going to finish in. so if you have a big pot already put her in and save a transplant down the track..:-)
  13. O4aUsErNaMe


    I like to use a bit at the start(get the hole ready and give it a water with molasses just to get the microbe's working before i plant) then every couple of weeks during the flowering period. i use it at 2 tablespoon per gallon....:-)
  14. O4aUsErNaMe

    how do my plants look?

    nah they will fall off all by themselves...:-)
  15. O4aUsErNaMe

    how do my plants look?

    yep they are fine transplant.......:-)
  16. O4aUsErNaMe

    my first attempt at an indoor grow

    here is an update of my indoor grow the one in the cupboard is on its second week of 12/12,and going quite well i feel the two in the spare room just got switched to 12/12 this morning
  17. O4aUsErNaMe


    I got
  18. O4aUsErNaMe

    o4's 2008/2009 monster attempt..:-)

    on the week end my man only update once a week....:-)
  19. O4aUsErNaMe

    o4's 2008/2009 monster attempt..:-)

    howdy shroomy that is only a guestimate i was giving it a nine liter watering can full every day and it was drying out every day. my indoors are drinking around a liter a day at the moment. my monster havn't had to water yet getting just enough rain to keep it wet.
  20. O4aUsErNaMe

    You know your a pothead when...

    when you..........................................................bugger forgot