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  1. thesmokering

    The Mirror Enigma

    When you quote me, dont try to rewrite what I said. You have it wrong, I said what I said, not what you said I said ok? :) Now, imagine you have a mirror that reflects a picture of a baseball. The INTENSITY of the light is how bright the baseball looks in the mirror. The IMAGE is that you...
  2. thesmokering

    The Mirror Enigma

    Mirrors reflect coherent images, but this is completely seperate from if they reflect more or less light. In general white plastic reflects more light than a mirror, but you cannot focus that light to a small area to test that. If they are in a closed space, the light is spread out randomly...
  3. thesmokering

    Best solution to deal with Powder Mold?

    I noticed one of my colas got rotten today, it was stunted and now I know it was mold between the buds and the stem, they had gone all brown like old fruit so i chopped the cola and dried. Airflow has got to be the best way to treat an infestation without killing the taste of the bud. remember...
  4. thesmokering

    Is this a good idea? Im trying 2learn the best way to flush my plants Theyer in soil.

    Just flush the soil with like 2-3x the water capacity and they should clear that stuff out of their systems in a week
  5. thesmokering

    Underground gro?

    Depends on soil density, composition, and moisture content. Tough to say, but depending on the insulation you can calculate the distance from thermal conductivity. When you get some specifics, like using concrete or whatever insulation we can try to play with some numbers.
  6. thesmokering

    leaves dying

    Could it be overwatering? Is the soil drying out nicely between watering? Do you stir the top half inch of soil to let air get to the roots?
  7. thesmokering

    Is this correct?

    All good info so far, i just want to point out one thing i notice, ppl quote footprint of a light as square footage possible to grow so that total lumens over square footage is minimum 2500, but you have to remember this is an average and most of those lumens end up in the center region since...
  8. thesmokering

    Yellowing leaves three weeks into flower

    Definitely give them N in bloom, seems like a common mistake to stop giving N in bloom, but it will hurt the yield. If you are worried about when to stop giving nuts, consult the feed chart of advanced nutrients. Definitely a nut deficiency, feed them a little more but be sure to flush the...
  9. thesmokering

    Weird Question

    Yah, theres no good answer based on such a vague question. For example, a better question would be, "what does it mean when someone inhales quickly when you ask them a stupid question"
  10. thesmokering

    Best solution to deal with Powder Mold?

    Maybe its just semantics or whatever but i would consider airflow to prevent powdery mildew, and that other stuff is how to eradicate it. I wouldn't even bother since that stuff is absolutely everywhere this time of year unless you are dealing with a serious infestation.
  11. thesmokering

    Best solution to deal with Powder Mold?

    air flow prevents powdery mildew, just keep a fan blowing air on your plants
  12. thesmokering

    Curing question

    The triches rub off on plastic and you cant scrape it off the way you can with glass so you lose thc.
  13. thesmokering

    genetics question, or just dreaming

    I would try everything you can to increase yields first, so that you can run more strains. Try vegging longer, lst, sc, hydro or bubble, whatever you can. Doing all that is still easier than grafting.
  14. thesmokering

    What do you guys think? Outdoor from bagseed.

    Looks like some stress caused a lot of pistils to die early
  15. thesmokering

    Whats wrong with my baby?????

    My clones drooped a day after i took them out of the humidity dome, gotta wait for the roots to develop to support the vegetation. Keep the medium nice and wet for a few days.
  16. thesmokering

    Do you 12/12 from seed or 18/6 +rep for vote and post

    doing 0/24 will trigger flowering response, and if you keep doing 24/0-0/24 every day i think it just kills the plants. switching from 24/0 to 18/6 doesnt change anything, both will be fine.
  17. thesmokering

    Got caught!! Just got out =(

    interesting to hear others stories, its walkin a fine line that we all manage to keep the peace. do you think any wives out there gotta hide it from their husbands? somehow i dont think so...
  18. thesmokering

    lights to powerful

    lol, lights dont do harm, how long is that thing gonna last without light, the point is pointless because time between sprout and light needed is so short anyways. Plants do grow toward light though, so they would start growing towards the nearest light leak, probably not a big deal either though.
  19. thesmokering

    Do you 12/12 from seed or 18/6 +rep for vote and post

    I just do that when i switch to 12/12, but no one really knows diff between 24/0 and 18/6, they are very similar.
  20. thesmokering

    Got caught!! Just got out =(

    I have been threatened once by my girl to call the cops, it was in the middle of heated argument. She is always tripping about what school to go to to get her degree and why is she here, just for you, kind of shit. She is the most fucking indecisive person in the world and it just pisses me...