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  1. thesmokering

    I just took some ecstacy!! what can i do to roll harder?

    Chocolate and Caffeine and OJ are MAOI's (Monoamine oxidase inhibitor) They will make you trip harder when you use them with hallucinogens. Prozac is really strong MAOI, lol, but not sure if its too strong or if that works.
  2. thesmokering

    OW! An ounce a plant in seven gallons. Help.

    Seven gals with two months veg, yeah I would think the strain is bad. Got to make sure the soil has good drainage, because seven gals of roots should make for a huge f***'n plant indoors. Did you have an oscillating fan on them, enough airflow to thicken the stems? If the stems are spindly...
  3. thesmokering

    First time soil grower.. water question

    At first you need almost no light at all. Just stick a 23 watt cfl above them until they pop out. Any use of MH is rediculous because it would have to be like three or four feet away, much much too strong for seedlings so you have to be careful. Plus it wastes energy because its overkill. I...
  4. thesmokering

    Found out someone who grows

    Yeah, it does make sense to just tell it exactly like it happened, you weren't snooping really so you don't have to worry. I think you could ask him to set you up where you're at but only do this if you are willing to promise to yourself that you will never spread the word to your friends or...
  5. thesmokering

    How much do you think she will yield? First grow

    Definitely not NL, which would be much bushier and compact even with a stretchy one. Looks like a sativa to me, and if you found it outdoors then this makes that likely too since sativa is mostly outdoor. Could be a thai or haze or something, I am not a sativa grower so cant really tell much more.
  6. thesmokering

    Doctor Cannabis you out there?

    The first one could be a K deficiency, but looks severe might be caused by excess P I would check the medium then if you haven't added nuts. The other two look like burn, not knowing anything else. The third one could be mutated or curled, can't tell from pic. Remember its better too go easy...
  7. thesmokering

    Help,mold 2 weeks to harvest

    pics? If its a web, then it could be bug related, but not sure until I see it?
  8. thesmokering

    Do you 12/12 from seed or 18/6 +rep for vote and post

    I veg under cfl 24/0 but when I switch to veg under 600w hps until I grow enough clones i use 18/6 to save on the electricity.
  9. thesmokering

    When to Flower Short Plant

    I am not a scrog expert, but there is a great scrog page on grasscity forums. I won't link it because its external, but you can google how to scrog. Basically you weave the plant outwards along in a horizontal square net, the screen. As the side branches grow, you weave those too, and fill up...
  10. thesmokering

    First Serious Grow (bubblicious) - Few Questions / Problems (Advice?)

    if it is taking too long to dry out then more perlite next time will help. What temps do you have?
  11. thesmokering

    HELP my plant is falling over!

    Seems unusual, because almost any plant will grow in response to stress. Try pinching and rolling some stems on those strains and see what happens, massive growth will result. This is the idea behind SC. If you don't take extra steps to thicken the stems, then indoor growing will usually have...
  12. thesmokering

    Quick Question

    Overall 300 watts of cfl is probably enough, but the problem with cfl is penetration of the light. If you dont get those lights right up to the leaves then they wont get enough light. Discharge lamps like hps and mh dont have that problem so much. It would be better to get 8 40watt cfls and...
  13. thesmokering

    First Serious Grow (bubblicious) - Few Questions / Problems (Advice?)

    Overwatering is one of the most common problems, not surprised here. That soil needs to have good drainage, so go to the local plant store and buy a bag of expanded perlite and mix a bunch into your soil. It works magic for regulating soil moisture. With enough perlite in there, I basically...
  14. thesmokering

    HELP my plant is falling over!

    Those leaves are very light, it looks like you didn't give it enough N during flower or veg too. Gotta fatten those stems early on by blowing with a fan all the time or just shaking the plant once a day.
  15. thesmokering

    When to Flower Short Plant

    LST is a good suggestion, but without a scrog approach with 12/12 almost from seed, 8'' is impossibly small. I would suggest scrog and 12/12 very early for this, its not possible to wait for maturity in veg with such a small space.
  16. thesmokering

    First grow (Northern Bright), Am I Doing it Right?

    You would do a lot better with some simple cfl's you can get anywhere. For instance, 4-23watt cfls (compact fluorescent lightbulb) will only be like $15 or so, and some cheap extension cords and lightsocket plug things you get at the hardware store or lots of other places, definitely...
  17. thesmokering

    Quick Question

    Looks stretched as hell, what kind of lighting are you using? It looks like sativa strain but not sure what conditions you are growing in.
  18. thesmokering

    First Serious Grow (bubblicious) - Few Questions / Problems (Advice?)

    Overwatering can lead to dead spots on the leaves. Make sure that the soil is getting dry enough that the roots get air. To prevent root rot you can stir the top half inch of soil to a very loose sand, helps it dry out and get air. Also try adding nuts only when the plant asks for them by...
  19. thesmokering

    60 day veg under a 600w hps

    I am not sure how much space you have in the 1.2 meter box, but remember that height will at least double when you switch to 12/12. This is the best way to figure out how long to veg, when it is a bit under half the maximum height. It can be different you do some kind of scrog or sc, like you...
  20. thesmokering

    Do you 12/12 from seed or 18/6 +rep for vote and post

    24/0 CFL for veg 18/6 for 1 weeks for switch to 600w hps 12/12 for flower