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  1. thesmokering

    male/hermaphrodite question

    I had hermie, not sure why it went that way but i think it was competition in my crowded growroom. The top part of the plant is all fem tho, so I just cutoff like 75 percent of the plant and left the fem top to flower. The bottom was all mixed sex, everything all mixed together, very weird...
  2. thesmokering

    Crystalized Thc

    Umm, well right back at you. I was only going off the material data safety sheet on erowid. Where does that number come from? I was obviously taking a guess on the hallucinogenic dose dood! Its probably right though, I was thinking of some of those ethnobotanicals where the hallucinogenic...
  3. thesmokering

    True Breeding Northern Lights??

    BC Seed Company NL #5, they say good things ... I think I have the xmas tree pheno, lol
  4. thesmokering

    Crystalized Thc

    THC could be purified, but it would be beyond just hash oil or whatever. The lethal dose according to the materials data sheet for thc is something like 500 mg/kg for oral dose to rats and mice. If I am 68 kg (150 lbs) then I would need 34 grams of absolutely pure thc to die. 34 grams!! And...
  5. thesmokering

    Attack of the Thrips!

    I use einstein oil sometimes, but I always found it was better when I went without it. Spraying anything as thick as that stuff on your plant does have an effect, although it could actually be a fertilizer as well. Spraying anything late into flower will strongly affect the taste and smell of...
  6. thesmokering

    True Breeding Northern Lights??

    Nice, +rep for doing the rollitup research! It is an amazing plant but it is the first to get hit with powdery mildew, I can say that with experience. Just keep airflow and its fine though.
  7. thesmokering

    True Breeding Northern Lights??

    I cannot really speak for BC Seeds company as a whole, but I am very happy with what I got through a local seedbank that distributes their NL #5. It may be that some other varieties/batches/etc. were inferior, and I just happened to get an awesome one? I am super pleased with my NL, they outdo...
  8. thesmokering

    True Breeding Northern Lights??

    I have seen the ones from BC Seed Company. "The British Columbia Seed Company is the oldest marijuana seed company currently operating in North America. We have been in the business of providing quality cannabis seeds since 1995. More than 30,000 satisfied customers over the past 10 years can...
  9. thesmokering

    Busted by the wife

    I got 99 problems and a b**** aint one.
  10. thesmokering

    Attack of the Thrips!

    They stay in the soil. You can grow with them around, but it actually may help to leave another food source around, like some fruit peels and apple cores and stuff. The bugs attracted to that will be more successfull and outcompete the thrips since they will have such an easy food source. I...
  11. thesmokering

    Crystalized Thc

    The ld50 of this stuff is so high in theory you could take massive amounts and hallucinate. It would take a lab beyond the means of just about everyone to get it that pure though.
  12. thesmokering


    Thrips are a real pain in the ass. Once they start in the soil they are practically impossible to get rid of! I have found that stirring the top half inch or so of soil to keep it very loose prevents thrips from being interested in the soil. This may sound strange too but I usually allow a...
  13. thesmokering

    Plant Disease Problem

    Sorry that was a while back... and I can't remember all the details. I think it might have been one of those things where you just have an unhealthy plant, like you overwatered it, had nute problems, and some bacteria too! The plant was not happy, but I did successfully flower it! I think I...
  14. thesmokering

    Effect of Magnetic Field on Germination and Plant Growth

    Just to clarify I think sound is vibration of air. Magnetic field causes charge to go in circles, like electrons. But in a plant magnetic field causes effects so complicated that only a handfull of people in the entire world could really predict the effect, so it is worth experimenting...
  15. thesmokering

    can ranging temperatures cause bad things to happen

    To regulate temps you definitely need airflow. It isn't too hard to put some fans around that exchange the air in the grow room/box with air in the rest of the house so long as you don't have to hide it. I went cheap and bought a cheap $30 cpu power supply and stuck a few large computer fans...
  16. thesmokering

    An excuse for the landlord...

    Thats genious! Now how do I make the carboard boxes feel heavy without putting all my stuff in them? Need something cheap and heavy...
  17. thesmokering

    can ranging temperatures cause bad things to happen

    You want to be around 70-80 and have only about ten degree variations from day to night cycle. Hotter temps lead to slowed growth, increased bugs, and general plant stress, it can even lead to nutrient problems. One thing I notice is that when the temps are high, new leaves are much skinnier...
  18. thesmokering

    100,000 of us. and all we get is decriminalization

    Think about the scale of it. In order to get the US federal government to change, it would mean majority to 2/3 of the states would have to fully support a bill in congress. The red states just aren't gonna let that happen - but I do believe it is just a matter of time, because as they old...
  19. thesmokering

    Hello all! Im freezing.. My baby's aswell.

    The germination time goes down significantly with a higher temperature. Some seeds will simply not germinate at lower temperatures, and every strain is different. You might consider a small electric heater that is pretty inexpensive to regulate cold temperatures. Using a 400 Watt HPS just to...
  20. thesmokering

    No money but tons of weed

    I have a fluorescent shop light, like a long rectangle with the fluorescent tubes. There is an internal ballast, so above this the painted aluminum surface is a bit hotter than is comfortable to touch, say 120 to 130 degrees (just guessing). If I put a small bud there is will definitely dry...