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  1. thesmokering

    What does this leaf say to you?

    Im guessing they will do fine now, nute burn does not look like that second pic. It looks more like yellowing along the leafs edges.
  2. thesmokering

    lights to powerful

    You got to have light on for sprouting or else it will get confused and not grow in the right direction. As for when to move the lamp, the best indicator is just putting your hand out and feeling the heat on it, is it uncomfortable? If it is then the light is too close or the ventilation is...
  3. thesmokering

    bought me a new lumatek

    Now that I think about it, my local grow shop recommended the 600w eye for my lumatek 600w. I am sure they have tested it, so I think in general they should be fine.
  4. thesmokering

    OW! An ounce a plant in seven gallons. Help.

    Thats interesting, and it is possible, but I would think that there are not many stable strains that are hydro-only since it takes so much work to stabilize the genetics. Never done hydro myself, but it seems to have growth rates much higher than soil even for plants that are good in soil. So...
  5. thesmokering

    lights to powerful

    Just buy some cheap cfls, they are like $15 for 4 23w bulbs
  6. thesmokering

    quick question!!!

    Children are not exactly the same as their parents right? They may be stronger and whatnot, same thing here. Maybe a mid grade plant got pollinated by a better plant, so their offspring is better than the mother, or someting like that.
  7. thesmokering

    bought me a new lumatek

    My 600 is great, totally silent and very little heat. Never tried to fire an eye, but sylvania's work fine, and they are next best thing to hortilux i think. Can you confirm that they won't fire up an eye? Is this true for the newer models? I would get one but I'll wait for my sylvania to...
  8. thesmokering

    First time soil grower.. water question

    No prob, sometimes I hear of people killing their fragile seedlings with fox farm soil, so if you have any problems it may be better to start them off in a little bit of regular soil and repot to the foxfarm when they get a bit bigger. Sounds like you are doing fine so far though, good luck to...
  9. thesmokering

    one 600w hps or four 150w hps

    Thanks I was waiting for someone to look that up (im lazy sometimes). If thats right then the 600w is far superior. I run a 600w myself and have never tried anything smaller so I am not sure if there is more info one would need to know. My only thought is that the heat issue could still make...
  10. thesmokering

    one 600w hps or four 150w hps

    It depends on your space, where will you be growing, in a closet or basement or ? How big is the space?
  11. thesmokering

    How much do you think she will yield? First grow

    He is right, the only way to get big cfl yields is to get a lot of lights in there, like as many as possible, and have some way of hanging them so that they are right up to the foliage. As the plant grows you have to adjust the lights daily and pay a lot of attention to getting the lights as...
  12. thesmokering

    I found random terds in my soil

    Shit in soil will not affect taste of buds, just if there is a lot of it around but it wont do anything. That will keep deer away and fertilize your plants, you should feel lucky the cat likes you!
  13. thesmokering

    What does this leaf say to you?

    Are you sure the soil gets dry? Do the pots feel light when you pick them up? If your soil dont have good drainage then that could lead to overwatering symptoms which is most common problem. Also stir up top half inch of soil till its like sand to get air down to roots. Besides that I would...
  14. thesmokering

    one 600w hps or four 150w hps

    I think so, because hid lights are just a point source, not like using a bunch of cfls. Multiple lights can be spread out more to cover more plants, though smaller lights would not penetrate as much so small plants would be better, like in sog/scrog. If you did scrog then you could cover more...
  15. thesmokering

    what are the odds you will get cought with this

    That would be a terrible idea. Most hydro stores go to lengths to distance themselves from blatantly advertising that their equipment is intended for ganja growing. How do you think the other shop owners would react if you are risking their livelihood by giving hydro stores a bad name if you...
  16. thesmokering

    one 600w hps or four 150w hps

    Light penetration of 600w is much better, but area coverage of multiple 150w lights is better. I.e. sog or scrog would be better with multiple lights, but longer vegging and larger plants for larger yield per plant would benefit from 600w. Just depends on your grow style. Happy with 600w...
  17. thesmokering

    my 1000watt 5'x7' bloomroom

    Thats one plant growing sideways out of that green bucket on the left? I have never seen anything like that. How exactly did you do that, e.g. what stage of growth did you turn the plant sideways and how did you train the branches? Those temps may be a little low for C02, but I could be...
  18. thesmokering

    I just took some ecstacy!! what can i do to roll harder?

    I agree actually, but when you know that coffee, chocolate, and OJ have such low levels of MAOIs there is not a real threat to the health. If MDMA is not enough, like for this guy, then a bit of chocolate may help. Don't take antidepressants and MDMA, at that level/strength of MAOI you could...
  19. thesmokering

    How much do you think she will yield? First grow

    Sativas will take longer, which is one of the reasons they are better outdoors. Some sativas are like 10-11 weeks, like super silver haze. But also many sativa strains have been bred together with indicas to reduce the flowering time a bit.
  20. thesmokering

    I just took some ecstacy!! what can i do to roll harder?

    Yep, and it makes you trip harder and longer, but you have to be careful because too much is bad for obviously. People actually taking prozac regularly should NOT take ecstasy. Most recommend taking them 30mins before you take the x rather than after, but it may still work after.