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  1. H

    Gaia green and ffof

    I check city it is chlorine I leave mine out for 48 hours with a submersible pump aerating water back in through tubing like a water fall aquarium affect for fish. And it’s on a timer and the end on every hours for 15 mins. I heard is best way to oxygenate water and only cost me 18 bucks...
  2. H

    Gaia green and ffof

    HEllo again. I just wanted to know so u ph you’re water Lot a of ppl so no need and somebody say I need to. My tap water is 8ph And if u do what do u use for I heard ph downs solution can mess with microbial life ?
  3. H

    Ffof compressed soil

    How do I do this without damaging any roots. ? And how avoid this in future. ?
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    Ffof compressed soil

    Hey growers I know I have lots of questions. But I just want the knowledge In ffof soil added 30% perlite 8 weeks later and soil pretty compressed. Just wondering For future grows how to avoid this. I bought a big bag of perlite but will buy other stuff if need be. A...
  5. H

    Gaia green and ffof

    USB = questions
  6. H

    Gaia green and ffof

    Thanks For the help. If I think of more USB it ok to reach out to u.
  7. H

    Gaia green and ffof

    So your saying ewc is pretty much a form of recharge ? How often do u top dress ewc. ? And do u also top dress ewc in flower ?
  8. H

    Gaia green and ffof

    Can u let me in on your tea recipe. And how do u like recharge. And are teas kinda like a recharge ? And can I use recharge like great white mycroryzane and sprinkle on roots ? Sorry for all questions. Just don’t wanna mess up
  9. H

    Where to order seeds in Canada ?

    Hey all I have gotten a few seedbank names of thieves site and others. BUt due to covid a lot of these banks are not delivering to Canada. Is there anyone here from Canada Toronto and hasn’t ordered seeds in the last few weeks and can let me in on a good seed bank that delivers here...
  10. H

    Gaia green and ffof

    ALso do u give something like recharge or a micro inoculate to keep microbial life happy ?
  11. H

    Gaia green and ffof

    It’s my first grow and that’s what’s happening to me. I am over watering forsure. And I mixed my ffof with about 30% perlite and my soil is super compact. Shud I go 50/50 perlite. Or do u know what I can use next run to keep-soil aerated better How much do u water a 5 gallon...
  12. H

    Gaia green and ffof

    SO I was told to only top amend Gaia green products after ffof soil nutrients have depleted approx 4 weeks worth in ffof so I Wud top Amend at week 3 to give time to release before soil is depleted. But sounds like you amend in full strength (out the bag ) ffof. I Wud like to hear more...
  13. H

    Seedbanks with good thc %!

    Hey all. New to all this. Iam in Canada and not all seedbanks deliver here. Can anyone suggest a good seenbank for me with really good seeds. Looking for autos and photos
  14. H

    Fabric pots or plastic pots

    CAn u share what nute line u use
  15. H

    Fabric pots or plastic pots

    Hey there. Can u get into more detail for a n future or want to use coco. But only if I can water every other day. Daily too much. And I wanted to go same style nutes as u mentioned too
  16. H

    Compost teas without molasses only worm

    Why brown sugar over honey
  17. H

    Organic ph up and down

    What’s ferts are u talking about. Like Gaia green ?