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  1. O4aUsErNaMe

    Are they ready to be put in the wild?

    they are ready for the wild but are looking very stretched to me.
  2. O4aUsErNaMe

    Outdoor competition 08

    well if i got my seeds labeled correctly they should be 70 sativa 30 indica. my grow will be very slow we are only half way through winter so no warm weather to kick them along. but spring will bring some rapid growth.
  3. O4aUsErNaMe

    Outdoor competition 08

    well i guess i could enter these 4 for my 2008 effort ..:hump:
  4. O4aUsErNaMe

    i keep getting this when clicking links on the page right now...

    oh good it looks like i am not the only one getting the error message
  5. O4aUsErNaMe


    I would recommend some fish emulsion and seaweed extract,good natural ferts
  6. O4aUsErNaMe

    Weed Issue

    yep i would just pull the weeds so they dont compete for moisture and nutrients,and mulch aruond the base of your plants to help suppress the weeds.
  7. O4aUsErNaMe

    Who knows about Ghost of Ghana 100% sativa?

    After an extensive search of all the online seedbanks i find no mention of such a strain. you say you got it from under the counter so i would suggest going back and asking them all about it. as it seems you and them are the only people to know of such a strain
  8. O4aUsErNaMe

    Gonna Grow. The Natural Way.

    Urine is a fantastic source of nitrogen and it's estimated that we all produce enough urine to fertilize all the wheat and corn that we as individuals consume. And urine is sterile and safe unless you've got a bladder infection. Urine should be diluted before applying directly to plants since...
  9. O4aUsErNaMe

    Guerilla style bush

    They wont grow well with more than one per hole ,they will become too crowded. optimum growth one per hole..:hump:
  10. O4aUsErNaMe

    Alaskan fish eluzium

    all you have to do is follow the instructions on the label and it wont hurt your girls.. i water every second day and every second water is with full strength fish emulsion. unless of course it rains
  11. O4aUsErNaMe

    Gonna Grow. The Natural Way.

    aint that the truth.. i breed meat rabbits and my gardens are full of rabbit poop.and the good thing about rabbit poop no weeds. they digest even the hardiest of seeds. i love my rabbits poop and so does my garden
  12. O4aUsErNaMe

    Is it to late to top?

    just give them a drink of the evening,(this will give them plenty of time to have a drink before it gets to hot)they will be fine i get well over 120 deg during the summer and mine do fine(look at my avatar) do not water during the heat of the day and definately do not spray the plant during...
  13. O4aUsErNaMe

    How much rain is to much?

    they can handle the rain till they start floating down the newly created stream..:)
  14. O4aUsErNaMe

    Flowering Period

    yes that is one of my little girls i grew this year.. i just use molasses (2 table spoons per 9 litre) and seasol (according to directions)for flowering
  15. O4aUsErNaMe

    Flowering Period

    what area of aus are you.I am from the southeast wa.. sativa dominant strains 90 days indica dominant strains 60 days
  16. O4aUsErNaMe

    Am i too late??

    ohh jeeezes wot a :)
  17. O4aUsErNaMe

    Fish info

    moist, then water immediately after transplant.
  18. O4aUsErNaMe

    Fish info

    no whole fish are fine ,i was just thinking that in a pot if it is in small pieces it would break down quicker thats all..
  19. O4aUsErNaMe

    How deep the hole? Rock problem.

    they should be fine ,i have about the same to solid clay and limestone and mine do ok..
  20. O4aUsErNaMe

    Outdoor Yeilds?

    that depends on what part of the world you are in???