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  1. Alec420

    Lst question.

    no, but i dont see the difference. these guys do it
  2. Alec420

    Droopy plants...can't figure it out riu!

    buy some Super thrive, and add it
  3. Alec420

    Lst question.

    is having a string attatched to a paper holder on the side of the pot too much stress? thats what i do
  4. Alec420

    300 w Mars hydro

    id wait alittle longer till you have a nice sized root. just make sure the root does not get attatched to the paper towel or what ever that its on top of
  5. Alec420

    PH levels for coco in Bud

    are low ppms like 400-600?
  6. Alec420

    Flowering week 4 ur opnian?

    is it me or those leaves look pretty dark, Great looking plant ! frosty :weed:
  7. Alec420

    PH levels for coco in Bud

    sorry, i meant Cal-mag watering
  8. Alec420

    PH levels for coco in Bud

    When you say feed, you mean nutes. Not a watering?
  9. Alec420

    PH levels for coco in Bud

    oh my god, ive been only feeding once a week in coco! :? i would not know where to start feeding twice a day!
  10. Alec420

    PH levels for coco in Bud

    like feeding twice a week?
  11. Alec420

    flushed too early

    You had the choice to respond with good intentions, but no. You felt the need to get agro from one comment... Im not part of any shill, Listen buddy not everyone is out there to get you. You are way too defensive lol thats not a good personality trait. RELAX, its the fucking internet. What do...
  12. Alec420

    flushed too early

    nah, this only started when you told a guy to fuck off and called him a cunt. Thats when all the negativity came after that...
  13. Alec420

    10x10 grow tent , 2000 watts , first grow ?

    He is an experienced grower, thats why it looks easy
  14. Alec420

    HID question regarding 600 watt vs 1000 watt

    that sucks! so this is not an isolated indecent? have you head of other people having that happen to them?
  15. Alec420

    HID question regarding 600 watt vs 1000 watt

    okay, so as long as i have a digital dimmable ballast and both 600 and 1000 bulbs Im free to change when ever i want without losing the efficiency of the 600 because they are separate bulbs
  16. Alec420

    flushed too early

    Go for it, growing is all about trial and error. If it doesn't work, don't do it next time... yes light nutes Buds look great btw
  17. Alec420

    My plants looks bad but idk why

    Im surprised your plants made it this far with little to no nutes lol Is the 600 watt LED the actual Wattage from the wall
  18. Alec420

    THC crystals? What is this???

    Angel dust
  19. Alec420

    10x10 grow tent , 2000 watts , first grow ?

    that was funny:lol: