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  1. Alec420

    10x10 grow tent , 2000 watts , first grow ?

    is that SOG or a joke lol
  2. Alec420

    10x10 grow tent , 2000 watts , first grow ?

    per harvest. you could use that tent for flower only buy another a 4x4 tent for veg only and harvest every month if you want... that can wait till you get better... you should be able to fit 12 plants, 6 flower, 6 veg. IMO you should do 4 flower, 4 veg. Less plants but bigger pots more...
  3. Alec420

    flushed too early

    do you have a link on how to harvest without flushing?
  4. Alec420

    10x10 grow tent , 2000 watts , first grow ?

    Thats still kinda big, but its better then what you were thinking before haha. very manageable, easier to ventilate, affordable. probably more bang for your buck. Do a perpetual harvest, gain experience faster by doing that. split up the tent. and MAYBE get 1lb every 2 months. Thats more...
  5. Alec420

    flushed too early

    Same here... I hate smoking weed that makesme not productive and tired, its annoying when you want to get out and get shit done lol
  6. Alec420

    flushed too early

    what type of high do you prefer?
  7. Alec420

    flushed too early

    feed for one more week with light nute strength, then wait and see if you get the ambers you want i've heard of people cutting the top cola and leaving the popcorn buds for another week to mature. Whats the worst that can happen if you feed again? but then again ive also heard that people...
  8. Alec420

    HID question regarding 600 watt vs 1000 watt

    Huh? so you have to change the bulbs for different settings?
  9. Alec420

    HID question regarding 600 watt vs 1000 watt

    the reason I would want a dimable light is 1.for heat 2. unitll i can buy a portable A/C i dont need to buy a 1000 watt cause i already have one 3. so i can slowly increase the light over time to get more efficient use of my light and save some money on electricity. Im doing a perpetual harvest...
  10. Alec420

    10x10 grow tent , 2000 watts , first grow ?

    Too much talking, not enough walking :roll: don't mean to sound like a dick,but I've also seen many of your threads. It doesn't seem like you are listening. How can you grow 10 lbs your first grow, even if you do it will probably be Bunk. No one in SoCal is going to buy bunk bud. Its SUPER...
  11. Alec420

    HID question regarding 600 watt vs 1000 watt

    yeah, I was thinking of getting a 1000 watt dim-able, but i have the same problem with So Cal heat... I always read the arguments about 600s being more efficient and whatever, however i like the idea of having the extra 400 watt wiggle room if my plants get alittle to big for the 600
  12. Alec420

    HID question regarding 600 watt vs 1000 watt

    Is having a 1000 Watt HID dimmed to 600 watts the same as having a 600 Watt only HID? does it have the same efficiency?
  13. Alec420

    1000w vs 600w

    How about a 600 hps in a 4x4x7, Would that be enough? maybe with a 300w LED supplemental light
  14. Alec420

    Tall Plants Yeild on average ?

    you should walk before you start running, you might trip and face plant if haven't learn to run haha
  15. Alec420

    Tall Plants Yeild on average ?

    Yes, ive seen first time growers yield close to a pound off one plant... but they were ONLY growing ONE plant, using all there light with 1 plant.also they did a shit load of research before starting If you want pounds, you are going to need ALOT of light, thats not cheap :wall: The...
  16. Alec420

    Tall Plants Yeild on average ?

    um...being a master grower lol
  17. Alec420

    Tall Plants Yeild on average ?

    yes and no, it all depends, what strain, indoors or outdoors , what techniques you use, size of pots, hydro or soil. type of light and how many watts,tent size, growing skills.. etc. thats a loaded question dude. you should really read more lol. if you are limited with space you should be able...
  18. Alec420

    Big Bud x White Widow - Huge Growth

    I also noticed BBxWW barely has a smell to it which is alittle disappointing,
  19. Alec420

    Working A 9-5 & Growing Pot?

    There are timers that plug into the outlet, and you can set the times you want the light to be on or off... should be able to find at any hardware store...