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  1. ancap

    Evolution Or God?

    Is this directed towards me or no? Just in case this is directed towards me, I'm not going to dive into a philosophical conversation with someone who is unwilling or not able to respond to my arguments and objections. If you would like to address my other post first, I would be happy to discuss...
  2. ancap

    Evolution Or God?

    It's quite unreasonable for you to ask me about something that you are unwilling to define.
  3. ancap

    Evolution Or God?

    What is your definition of a "spirit"?
  4. ancap

    Evolution Or God?

    I think the second half of my last post, #98 addressed much of this question. To expand... The possibility of life to evolve under various specific circumstances has already been proven here on Earth, thus to say it is possible that aliens exist is logical. However, the existence of the...
  5. ancap

    Evolution Or God?

    The problem with perpetual doubt in this manner is that the senses and our filter of logic are human's only tools to pierce into reality and discover the truth about our universe (we've also developed instruments that translate non-sensory data into sensory data). Because these are the only...
  6. ancap

    Evolution Or God?

    I was a devoted "Christ follower" for years and years, and I don't say this to win points in the argument. I certainly felt like I had a very close relationship with God. I inundated myself in the scripture, witnessed to people in other countries, and was very involved in the drama program at a...
  7. ancap

    Evolution Or God?

    Read that one more time. It's "experiential, not experimental". ;-) You may have to explain to me how some of these quotes may have been taken out of context. Regardless of the time they were written in relation to other events, or in relation to Christ's "fulfilling the law", these quotes...
  8. ancap

    Evolution Or God?

    Water under the bridge. I simply say what I believe to be the truth of the matter, and if that cuts to the core of some people, that wasn't my intention. I use the term "delusion" to mean specifically a false belief that is resistent to reason and confrontation with the actual truth. I don't...
  9. ancap

    Evolution Or God?

    Numbers 31: 13 Moses, Eleazar the priest and all the leaders of the community went to meet them outside the camp. 14 Moses was angry with the officers of the army—the commanders of thousands and commanders of hundreds—who returned from the battle. 15 "Have you allowed all the women to live?" he...
  10. ancap

    Evolution Or God?

    I almost typed "I folded my hands, bowed my head...", but I took out the folded hands part because I thought that would have been too distracting for you. I should have take the bowed head part out too. It was totally meant to be representative of the act of prayer, and was totally...
  11. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    Day 11 Flowering More pictures of growth and bending. Check out my new T-5's on the bottom. Still worried I'm going to run out of space! New clones still bent over and sad, but still green and not rotting. Forgot to post my week two feeding schedule... Sensi Bloom A: 55ml Sensi Bloom B...
  12. ancap

    Evolution Or God?

    I quoted you accidentally since your quote html was already copied on my clipboard. My bad. Problem edited and fixed.
  13. ancap

    Evolution Or God?

    No, it's not lame. Irish people really dont get drunk all the time and asian penis size is not smaller compared to the mean of other races. It's important that you understand this...
  14. ancap

    Evolution Or God?

    Run that by me again? Not following you here... Edit: I quoted the wrong person, my bad. Fixed.
  15. ancap

    Evolution Or God?

    If ALL Irish people got drunk ALL the time, there would be no sustainable Irish economy. I think it's safe to say we can conclude this proposition to be false. A study conducted by Drs. Kevan Wylie and Ian Eardley of the Porterback Clinic and Royal Hallamshire Hospital in Sheffield and St...
  16. ancap

    Evolution Or God?

    Look, I see the sincerity behind your faith, and I'm convinced you're probably a very nice person, but what you are presenting to me is not evidence. Essentially you are saying, "I bowed my head and silently asked a question to an omniscient being, and then received an answer from a supernatural...
  17. ancap

    Evolution Or God?

    So I'm intolerant because I think people who believe in nonsense are delusional? Please help me connect the dots if you are so concerned with convicting me in the public square. Please, if you are going to debate me, then drop the straw man arguments and debate me on my words. I never called...
  18. ancap

    Evolution Or God?

    I think you're reasoning correctly, but I don't think you have to end at an "agnostic" conclusion (which to me is like "weak atheism"). As an atheist, I never stated that I am unwilling to hear new evidence, nor should I be unwilling. Also remember, more people believing in a delusion does not...
  19. ancap

    Uninsured ER patients twice as likely to die

    I wouldn't necessarily dispute the study. To me though, allowing the government to take over healthcare (which will happen when they get into the insurance business) to solve healthcare problems is like giving a child abuser more custody of his child instead of taking the child away from the...
  20. ancap

    Who wants bigger gov't??? Please help me understand liberals.

    Technology Review (May 2001) When cell phones first became commercially available in the United States in 1983, an explosion of sales soon followed. Today, cell phones are a $40 billion industry; one out of three people in the United States carries one in a pocket or a bag. But were it not for...