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  1. ancap

    Evolution Or God?

    So then you are agnostic about your belief in magical flying unicorns because you cannot disprove their existence? No they cannot. One is supported by mountains of evidence and the other is supported by the whim of delusional people.
  2. ancap

    Evolution Or God?

    True, not all wars are started in the name of religion. However, the atheist nut jobs that started wars didn't do so in the name of atheism. Their being an atheist is 100% inconsequential to the violence they initiated. You can't say the same thing about the religious nut cases that started the...
  3. ancap

    Who wants bigger gov't??? Please help me understand liberals.

    So I did some asking around on another forum to some people I thought might be more familiar with regulations domestic and international on the cell phone industry. My suspicion all along has been that if you peel back the veil on these industries, you will see massive regulatory costs...
  4. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    Thanks for stopping by! +rep back at ya.
  5. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    Day 9 Flowering Well, I'm starting to worry just a little bit. These plants are getting very big. I have just about 9 inches until my biggest plant hits the glass. I bought some stick on hooks that I plan on mounting near the bottom on the side walls. I'll use them to tie down the tops and...
  6. ancap

    Health Care Poll - Where Do You Stand?

    Exactly! And it's not necessarily only the democrats fault, but you can't ignore the fact that by the government subsidizing corn and beef, they are artificially lowering the cost of some very unhealthy foods which creates a swell in demand. The government is encouraging the consumption of fast...
  7. ancap

    Who wants bigger gov't??? Please help me understand liberals.

    I'm in opposition to all laws. Study finds patents do not encourage innovation Generations would not pass before a corrupt monopoly is destroyed through competition. We're talking a matter of single digit years IF that. Now, having said this, sometimes natural monopolies do exist such as...
  8. ancap

    Who wants bigger gov't??? Please help me understand liberals.

    Power over consumers from a business can only happen when a government creates the environment for that company to operate in an oligarchy or monopoly. The only other way a company can have power over consumers is if the organization pushes its products or services at the point of a gun... but...
  9. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    Hey Smacc, check the clock on your computer. I think you are over an hour ahead! My response to your post was placed before your comment. :)
  10. ancap

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    Yeah, it's not the easiest thing to drain... If you attach the hose and flip the switch, it will drain about 80% of the water. It's a minor pain in the ass, but then I lift the left side of the tub by hand to let the water flow to the pump. That will get about half the remaining volume out. At...
  11. ancap

    Hannity: Jon Stewart Was Right About Protest Footage (VIDEO)

    I hear ya. Just trying to be the Devil's advocate. :twisted:
  12. ancap

    Hannity: Jon Stewart Was Right About Protest Footage (VIDEO)

    No I didn't see the clip (looks like it was removed). I'm not saying there wasn't deceit involved in their decision to air that footage. I'm just saying there wasn't necessarily deceit, and some might be looking for it to fit whatever mold they have of Fox and Hannity. To restate... A producer...
  13. ancap

    The FDA - A Silent Killer?

    Aspertame... is that Sweet N Low? The pink stuff?
  14. ancap

    Who wants bigger gov't??? Please help me understand liberals.

    There are a magnitude of different reasons why someone would want to run a business, and if you run your business with the goal of hiring the most amount of people you can, I think that's great. You just have to realize that you put your potential for job creation in jeopardy if your payroll...
  15. ancap

    Hannity: Jon Stewart Was Right About Protest Footage (VIDEO)

    I listen to Hannity sometimes on the radio and find him more tolerable in that medium. This could have easily been an example of a producer making the call to use old footage because either the correct footage wasn't available or they were too lazy to retrieve it. Hannity may not have even had...
  16. ancap

    Any liberal with a decent sized brain, please challenge me

    Wow. Why would you want to debate someone you think is a dumb fuck and small minded? I wouldn't. Been seeing several "challenge me" threads come through. Just state your opinions/beliefs/evidence and have a conversation!
  17. ancap

    Who wants bigger gov't??? Please help me understand liberals.

    Well, in a pure free market system you would not have such a super charged stock market where nearly all investors are remote speculators. You would also not have a government subsidizing and propping up industries. These factors create irregularities in the corporate culture that lead to...
  18. ancap

    The FDA - A Silent Killer?

    Thanks for your thoughts... You don't think this description of them is rather limiting, regardless of corruption in the industry? Drug therapies are not designed specifically to be safe. They are designed as a somewhat radical last resort to either cutting someone open (surgery) or dying...
  19. ancap

    The FDA - A Silent Killer?

    I justed listened to an interview with Dr. Mary Ruwart, a former research scientist (biochemist, biophysicist and surgeon) for the Upjohn Institute, and found her personal thoughts and experiences regarding the FDA very enlightening. I'll bullet out a couple of her statements, and you can tell...
  20. ancap

    Who wants bigger gov't??? Please help me understand liberals.

    Who are the slaves in your analogy?