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  1. S

    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    Sorry, I misunderstood what you said. You said run it early and shut it off for the last two weeks. My bad!!
  2. S

    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    Sorry, I don't quite understand your statement. You say I should be running the co2 the entre time, but then say If i run it from start to end, my plants can lose potency? Can you rephrase please :) And as ancap has said, running Co2 in these boxes too soon can, as im sure you know from...
  3. S

    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    Thanks for the tip, I will be turning it on in week 2 for sure :D Alright, so here are some pics of day 2 of flowering. PPM = 384, and temps are never above 68 degrees, sometimes as low as 56-58. Roots have never looked so strong, but I'm noticing a tiny bit of residual slime on the air...
  4. S

    Advanced Nutrients SENSIZYM

    I recently almost ruined a DWC crop when my AC died on me, and the hydrogen peroxide wasn't enough to fend off the root rot. I have to say that the combination of sensizym, piranha and voodoo juice saved my crop. It would have been a total wash without them, and the roots have never looked so...
  5. S

    Advanced Nutrients PHP-ppm perfect

    And people ask me why I don't take advice from hydro store workers... 5-8?!?!?! LOL
  6. S

    Advanced nutrients organics In DWC.....

    Don't worry about discoloration, this is to be expected with organic nutes. Pay close attention to your roots, check them every day. If the roots are hairy and don't smell, and still have color, you're laughing. If they develop a slimey material and start to smell, you're in trouble. I woudn't...
  7. S

    BC Northern Lights Producer Grow #2

    Looking great buddy. Here's me crossing my fingers for a nice even canopy with those seedlings! Have you ever thought about LSTing the more vigorous seedlings, and placing them near spaces that arent being used? I figure a few are bound to grow faster than others, that might allow you to get...
  8. S

    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    Thanks for the boost of confidence brother. When did you flip your Co2 on? I was thinking of waiting till the second week of flowering just to make sure they dont get too tall, but ive also been told to do it already by some people on this forum. Your opinion please?
  9. S

    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    Alright, so after sweat and some meditation, and even some mild prayer... I think the plants are going to survive this crop. There is some rampant new root growth on the majority of the plants (thank you BB's and voodoo juice). Very nice root mass on a couple. There is brown gunk still on the...
  10. S

    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    Thanks for the tip Ancap. I actually have one of those Hanna EC/temp/ph meters, it works quite well I just never bothered to check the EC due to being on schedule, ill have a look for sure. I'm so on the fence about this grow. Still some slime dangling on the roots, but most of the roots are a...
  11. S

    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    Alright so, I changed out the res last night, and added a week 2 veg schedule with the recommended doses of sensizym and piranha on the BCNL feeding schedule. I didn't have a nylon sock to use, so i just mixed it into the res... this was a mistake, the shit doesn't mix at all, so next res...
  12. S

    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    Thanks for the tips guys. The roots have gotten worse. The tips on every plant are bad, and one of them is crawling right up to the plant. I took the plants out and smelt them, and it doesn't stink of rot at all, so it might either not be root rot, or be early enough to solve the problem. I'm...
  13. S

    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    Welcome! And thanks. I'm having a tough time dialing on my h2o2. I've decided to dose the res daily with a very small dose of h2o2 to keep it really clean and to have a steady flow of oxygen. Seems I keep using too much, and the plants droop and burnt the tips of my roots. I'm down to as...
  14. S

    BC Northern Lights Producer Grow #2

    Looks good so far man! Can I ask why you chose seedlings, and chose not to fill it to capacity? I hope you nail the veg time this round :D All in all, 4.5 on only 8 plants for a first attempt is pretty good bro!
  15. S

    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    Yea that's a great idea, I wonder how many extra air stones that extra pump is powering? It would be really nice to have a total of 8 running side by side. I think that would do wonderful things for the quality of the water in there, and the stones really are dirt cheap. I think i'll run to the...
  16. S

    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    Absolutely man! The roots are looking pretty good. All of them are now touching the water except one.... it won't root at all, but it's still alive, so i'll push the little prick as far as I can :D There is some darkness on the roots, but I discovered this is because the gentleman who supplied...
  17. S

    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    my res temp is anywhere from 68 to 75 at the absolute tops after 18 hours of light before it was 75-80+
  18. S

    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    Ok guys, here are a couple pics of the old grow, showing how healthy they looked up top and how foul the roots were on the bottom. I almost cried... right before I drove them down the garborator :lol: As for the new pics, 2 of which are my closet veg station with the God bud seedlings, and one...
  19. S

    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    Sorry about the lack of updates, the leaves are burnt and look like absolute crap, so I'm too ashamed to take pics. Got the problem solved for now, new growth looks lifted and healthy, so when they are vegged a little further ill post. Stay tuned!