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  1. S

    BC Northern Lights Producer Grow #2

    There's nothing wrong with using tap water, as long as it's city water and not well water. I would not for a second recommend using well water, but I'm assuming you're city treated anyways. Test your water with a PPM meter. If it's anywhere below Id say 200, you're fine. If it's above that, a...
  2. S

    BC Northern Lights Producer Grow #2

    Hey BigBux, I'm doing a producer run and I can comment on my experience if you'd like to hear it while you wait for a response from Ancap. I know exactly how you feel, the frustration from having to modify a turn-key machine is overwhelming, especially after the substantial initial investment...
  3. S

    BC Northern Lights Producer Grow #2

    I completely agree about carboload. Within a day or so, it made my clean res into a cloudy, sticky mess that stank like cheap wine. It also coated my air stones. I know people who swear by it, and theyve told me to divide the weekly dosage by 4, then distributed that dosage 4 times a week...
  4. S

    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    Things are goin pretty good man. This has been such a ride. My biggest struggle was in the root zone. I'm also having some smell issues towards the end, which will require a fix for the next go in this thing. From h2o2 damage to organics, then back to h2o2. I finally seem to have the h2o2...
  5. S

    BC Northern Lights Producer Grow #2

    Those colas look great man! I've been told that Co2 isn't really necessary for the last 2 weeks or so, if that helps you make up your mind :D I'm trying to dial it in as well to be able to use one 20lb tank for the entire run. Nice and crystally, almost good enough to eat. How about some...
  6. S

    BC Northern Lights Producer Grow #2

    Hah, very well done my friend :D It appears you put one of the spaces you weren't using for a plant to good use. I'm trying to brainstorm a way to get that hose in there without sacrificing a plant spot, by possibly using a small circle cutter or something on the tub itself... I don't know how...
  7. S

    BC Northern Lights Producer Grow #2

    I have the same light leak problem, I just use tin tape on a bunch of the little creases to solve the problem. These boxes aren't perfect but they can be perfected :D MrBill: Thank you so much for sharing that with us. The intake / outtake hoses, how are you getting those in your box? did you...
  8. S

    BC Northern Lights Producer Grow #2

    Yea, basically I'm going to buy 5-6 bags of ice, and drop a new one in one or twice a day... or whatever it takes to keep the temperature steady at those low levels, then just pH the solution once or twice a day as the ice melts. He said "maintain the temperature" but doesn't really say how :P...
  9. S

    BC Northern Lights Producer Grow #2

    I'm assuming ur talking about medicine man's blog. I did some research about shock ripening too, seems to be a mixed back, some swear by it, others thing it's horseshit. I'm going to give it a go, why not? Just three days. I'm planning on flushing for 7, then chopping down a plant, then shock...
  10. S

    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    Week 6, day 1. Sorry for no pics, I refuse to take pics with my phone ,they just look like crap. So, one of the plants has some very yellow leaves, and some dying leaves, and the others are just showing a bit of yellowing at the tips. I am guessing this is either because A) They have no...
  11. S

    clear slime in res?

    All the advice these nice people have given you is great, and can solve problems, but honestly you should make a much better effort to describe your problem, so that a simple solution can be given instead of 10 solutions. You haven't told us your nutes, your temperatures, your container, your...
  12. S

    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    Hahaha! I look forward to seeing your results man!! Guys I gotta say how impressed I am with this h2o2. There are roots coming out of every pod into the water now, It's so refreshing to see new white roots. One plant appears to be ripening faster than the others, it's demonstrating a lot of...
  13. S

    Big Buddah Blue Chesse First Hydro Grow in Mothership

    I haven't yet found a decent water chiller that will work with these machines. If you find a small submersible one of some kind, let me know, i'm interested. The only one I've seen that even comes close requires seperate water pumps, and the box to be modified to run water lines from outside the...
  14. S

    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    Week 5, day 1 Hey guys, Plants are looking great. Getting thicker every week. I'm pretty sure the colas aren't going to be very thick by the end of the run, as I've seen a lot of SOG purple kush grows and they aren't exactly single cola plants. Couple little things. First, 2 of my plants...
  15. S

    Big Buddah Blue Chesse First Hydro Grow in Mothership

    I'm not sure if you'll score 2 ounces off of the big girls, but you never know. I'm only hoping for about 8 ounces off of my run, and my plants are only a few inches shorter than yours, but im running 16 of them! I find that without a huge root structure, we take a hit to yields. Ive seen some...
  16. S

    Big Buddah Blue Chesse First Hydro Grow in Mothership

    Hey llop, if you're using the newer model of mothership, go into the BCNL website, and click support videos, then changing parameters. It's a step by step guide on how to set all your computers settings to whatever. ;
  17. S

    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    Well, the BCNL schedule says to add 60ml for this weeks res change, so I decided to try 3 equal portions of 20ml a few days apart. Already after adding just the 20ml I'm noticing a small amount of slimey buildup on the roots. It's not enough to call it a problem, but well have to see. Obviously...
  18. S

    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    Good afternoon, update. Things are going considerably well after all the obstacles of this grow. I made the bold decision to try hydrogen peroxide again during week 4's nute change, and go on the ultra-conservative dosage of only 10ml for the entire 34 ml. Made sure I gave it plenty of time to...
  19. S

    Big Buddah Blue Chesse First Hydro Grow in Mothership

    Lookin good man! and PDN you didn't ask me, but I can attempt to answer. The first pH treatment is done after the nutes are mixed, and right before they are dumped into the tub to bring it as close to 5.5-5.6 as possible. Then ideally you want to go in and measure/adjust back down again at...
  20. S

    BC Northern Lights Producer Grow #2

    Lookin good man!! I'm just about to trim some of my ladies down as well but have no idea what i'm doing. Can't wait to see those things bud out!