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  1. S

    BCNL Producer Round 2 OGxBlueberry

    Hey smacc what an awesome yield brother! Damn rights you're over the pound mark now! Those buds look gorgeous, I can almost smell them from here. Can't wait to see the next one homie, catch ya
  2. S

    Big Buddah Blue Chesse First Hydro Grow in Mothership

    You won't fill the box I don't think. How long we veg and how soon we co2 is so unbelievably strain dependant in these boxes. My plants are 14-15 inches right now in my producer, and I'm 3 days into week 3 of flower, and they might get antoher inch or two. Next run I'll be vegging longer and...
  3. S

    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    Hey guys, update. So it's pretty clear to me now that I didn't veg nearly long enough. These PK didn't really sprout much at all, I'm probably looking at a final plant height of about 15 inches, which is unacceptable. I'm sure my inexperience was a factor in the slow growth as well. If my next...
  4. S

    BC Northern Lights Producer grow

    Get those damned dirty shoes out of your grow room!! hahaha jk bro, nice harvest. Have fun with the buds!! I want to give you a heads up though about the PK, veg them to at least 15 inches before flipping. I'm almost done my second week of flowering with Co2 on, and they arent even 15 inches...
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    Big Buddah Blue Chesse First Hydro Grow in Mothership

    If the roots are covered in that white shit, they aren't uptaking water or nutrients, they are just floating there, suffocated. I would either clean them off gently, or remove them.
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    Big Buddah Blue Chesse First Hydro Grow in Mothership

    That seems very strange to me how one dripper would be going the entire time and not the others. If your water pump is on, it should be pumping to all 4. If it's off, it isn't. This is very strange. I wish I was more familiar with the hardware on the mothership. Water pumps aren't terribly...
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    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    Send me a PM or something. I want to help you but this thread after all is about my grow. I'll be happy to comment and whatnot on yours.
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    Big Buddah Blue Chesse First Hydro Grow in Mothership

    Once again, you DID say how big your res was. I should actually read your posts before saying anything lol. TL:DR version: lightproof, clean it up with just water, and see if it comes back. If it does, go get some 35 percent, and throw 60ml of that with some fresh water in there, along with...
  9. S

    Big Buddah Blue Chesse First Hydro Grow in Mothership

    Sorry, I just read your post a little closely about the concentration. Save that 3% shit for your wounds, and keep it out of your res. It's garbage for hydro, totally inefficient and has additives to dilute it. I've been told in order to kill the pythium outright, for a 34 litre res, you need...
  10. S

    Big Buddah Blue Chesse First Hydro Grow in Mothership

    Hey man. How does the inside of your tub look? Is the slime foating in the res? Are your air stones covered in it? My course of action before any chemicals or changes to the solution is to simply wash all the gunk off gently, lightproof your box, and monitor it every few hours to see if it...
  11. S

    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    It can be one of two things in my experience: Algae or bacteria. Pythium ( root rot ) is a dirty fucking whore of a bacteria and often it can follow you around until your crop is finished, and afterwards if you dont sterilize everything. Even if you hydrox your shit, if some of that bactera...
  12. S

    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    Alright so, plants are looking good, and most of the roots are too :D Trying to back off of the beneficial bacteria and enzymes as they are costing me a fucking small fortune. Co2 is on TODAY!! I love that little hiss it makes when I open my box :D:D I really hope I timed the veg cycle...
  13. S

    Probably root rot, but running out of solutions, help please.

    Hey man thanks for the reply. I spent about an hour completely light proofing the box, there isn't a single ray of light getting in the res, that's the one thing I know for sure isn't causing the problem. As for the hoses and airlines, etc. I basically let my entire set up run a heavy 35...
  14. S

    Probably root rot, but running out of solutions, help please.

    :( Come on guys, if you ever wanted help destroying your crop I would help you!
  15. S

    Probably root rot, but running out of solutions, help please.

    Isnt hydrozyme essentially the same product as sensizym? Any other suggestions?
  16. S

    Probably root rot, but running out of solutions, help please.

    So, I'm running a DWC grow box. I'm in the first week of flowering, and I've already lost one crop to root rot. I thought the issue was temperature, so this crop I started adding disinfected frozen water bottles every day to keep the temps down. Right now the temps are between 52 and 65 degrees...
  17. S

    Aeroponic PVC Scrog ...... God Bud

    Wicked setup man, that's just plain cool. Very creative! Were your God seeds feminized? I'm trying to grow some God mommas right now, praying for at least one healthy female. Going to be paying close attention and watching growth patterns, good luck!
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    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    Ancap if you could be so kind as to just check under your lid to see if I'm just crazy or overthinking this issue. Just look at where the larger irrigation tubing branches off to the smaller drip feeders. As it runs along the plastic there are spaces that run underneath the lid. If I lift up my...
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    Advanced nutrients organics In DWC.....

    Learn from my mistakes bro! The appeals to growing organic are environmental and taste/smoke. Neither of which are substantiated by much, I have to say (in my experience). People say organic just tastes better, and I'll probably agree with them, but to me the best taste/smoke is developed by...
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    1st grow with BCNL producer... God bud!

    Alright so I took about an hour to completely lightproof by box. I'm a little disappointed in the way this thing is designed, in that you pretty much have to use mylar film in order to not grow algae. I'm not even talking about the net pods, im talking about where the irrigation lines run...