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  1. S

    DWC clone and yield question

    Well, you haven't given us how many clones you'll be using so i'll answer the best I can. You can start vegging your clones as soon as they have healthy roots, usually 2 weeks is a good mark, but use your judgement. If you're using co2, under perfect conditions you could expect the "2+ lbs...
  2. S

    BC Northern Lights Nirvana ICE Grow #3

    Looking great ancap. Question for ya: When I turn my Co2 on override in order to adjust the PSI, I get it to 5, then turn the override off. As soon as I do this, and check the gauge again, it's up to 9 PSI. Goes backdown to 5 as soon as the override goes back on. Do you have this problem as...
  3. S

    Second round with BCNL producer, pink kush

    You'll have to forgive me for not remembering the model, and i'm away from my place right now but, basically they are the small blue pumps, dual diaphragm, they sell them at the hydro stores. each one was 35$, each one holds 2 stones. Pretty easy to install, and *so* worth it. Even the extra 1...
  4. S

    Making the most of maximum plant count

    I'm actually totally into this, but the problem is if you stagger harvests/lights, you then have to invest in a seperate res chiller, a possible seperate split AC unit, seperate water pumps, seperate air pumps, etc. The concept is nice, but it's more work and a lot more expensive. Also, plumbing...
  5. S

    Making the most of maximum plant count

    SOG is a viable option. ALL you have to do is instead of normal SOG grow them big and put them in screens. Oh wait... Nvrmnd! :) But seriously 4.2 lbs per plant?!?!? THat is incredible. I think i just found my next project!! thanks for the link + rep It is the most impressive system i've...
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    Second round with BCNL producer, pink kush

    I have to give credit where credit is due. Smokedup was the person to suggest adding the airflow and it was the best thing I've done to improve my grow success. I'm borrowing a friends camera on monday, i'll take a picture of how they look now... it's absolutely stupid compared to how they were...
  7. S

    BC Northern Lights Nirvana ICE Grow #3

    Ancap or smokedup, could you please post a link to the fans you bought? I can't seem to find a suction-cup fan that isn't for a car anywhere. I'd appreciate it.
  8. S

    BC Northern Lights Nirvana ICE Grow #3

    My understand is bud blood is for the very first week of flowering only, then you replace it with your normal PK booster (big bud, etc).
  9. S

    Making the most of maximum plant count

    I hear ya. It's a grey area. I know many legal growers who follow their plant count to a T, but very few who follow their storage limit. From what I understand, if something should happen and police find themselves in your home with a bunch of extra medicine, but within your plant count, they'll...
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    BC Northern Lights Nirvana ICE Grow #3

    Can't wait to see it man. I'm using the recommended dose of carboload (45ml in 35 litres of water) and having no problems. Last run I had issues, but very few roots were in the water when I started. This grow, my roots are so full, they are floating on top of the water with the lid lifted. They...
  11. S

    BC Northern Lights Nirvana ICE Grow #3

    Carbo load will destroy you if you don't have a ton of roots to suck it up. It's what started my root rot last crop. Could you post a pic of your roots?
  12. S

    Second round with BCNL producer, pink kush

    I'm only in a small condo right now, but electricity is generally very reasonable in BC, especially at steps one and two.
  13. S

    BC Northern Lights Nirvana ICE Grow #3

    As I said earlier, I don't think this will work as well as you want it to given a portable AC is in the room. A lot of growers have this problem with any set up. If you have an AC that exchanges air (like ours) rather than freon (like central AC or 3/5ton units), your carbon scrubbers will...
  14. S

    BC Northern Lights Nirvana ICE Grow #3

    by the way there's no picture in your post.
  15. S

    BC Northern Lights Nirvana ICE Grow #3

    If you're using any sort of organics, expect some form of discolouration on the roots in one form or another. I'm using mother earth tea and b-52 in my run currently, and there are brown areas on the roots, which is totally normal. I don't like the fact that it's slimey, but the smell is a...
  16. S

    BC Northern Lights Nirvana ICE Grow #3

    From what I'm hearing, you want to just extend some ducting from the producers exit vent, not touching anything inside the producer at all, and have either A) that ducting attatched to a scrubber, or B) have that ducting exit near a higher powered CFM fan'd scrubber. I don't see either of...
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    BC Northern Lights Nirvana ICE Grow #3

    I have a friend who's grown a some cheese variants, and he trimmed them down to the bottom, leaving a tiny bit of side branching at the base. The result is what all of us are looking for which was a very large, 2 + foot, 1+ oz cola. Very beautiful. Not a bad smoke either!
  18. S

    new to dwc and cant figure this out?? with pics

    The picture quality is quite poor but, those roots don't look very good. How much oxygen are you supplying your res, and how?
  19. S

    dutch masters nutes and h202

    I've personally had great success with 35% hydrogen peroxide, but it took a long time to dial it in before reaping the benefits. It's extremely volatile stuff as i'm sure you're aware. I use it at a rate of 2 ml's per gallon, and I add it to the water and let it sit for 30 minutes before adding...
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    Making the most of maximum plant count

    Precisely what I was thinking. From what I'm reading it looks like it'll take 15-20k to get a complete 10 bucket system going, which is where the 42 lbs came from (not that im expecting to get that any time soon). That includes a 5 ton ac, a 1/2 hp water chiller, all the gear for the buckets...