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  1. G

    Outdoor auto grow

    yo whats up i started my outdoor auto grow heres the list Dinafem Cheese auto-2 Dinafem White Widow auto-1 Sweet Seed Cream Caramel auto-2 Female Seeds Northern Lights auto-1 GHS Big Bang auto-1 This pictures are of my sprouts at the beginning of day 5 these are only two of my sprouts ones a...
  2. G

    is this enough light to sprout seeds

    The things is I'm just sprouting them under the CFLs then putting them outdoors caused its going to be an outdoor grow
  3. G

    is this enough light to sprout seeds

    Yo I was wondering would a 110 actual watt cfl bulb be enough to sprout 8 seeds or should I get an extra 13 or 23 actual watt cfl. I would be starting them in cups and also after about 2 or 3 days I would move them outdoors during the day cause they will be outdoor plants its just that for the...
  4. G

    how should i start my autos

    So I'm growing autos outdoors and was wondering after I germinate my seeds should I start them in a cup until they sprout then transfer them into the ground or should I put the germinated seed straight in the ground.
  5. G

    2 cu ft of pro mix help

    Alright thanks and fuck the people that say look on Google these damn forums are made for people to ask questions dumbshit talking to the first guy everyone else thanks
  6. G

    2 cu ft of pro mix help

    Yo I was wondering how many 5 gallon buckets would 2 cu ft of pro mix fill. I'm growing 8 plants in 5 gallon buckets so could you tell me how many bags I would need
  7. G

    creek water

    Also I would be using general organics go box as my nutrients if that makes any difference
  8. G

    creek water

    Yo what's up guys this summer I'm doing a 9-10 plant auto grow and I was wondering could I use creek water cause there's one that runs right near my grow. I want to do this cause I don't want to have to care 9-10 gallons that's just to much. Now the water seems pretty good there's plants and...
  9. G

    New Sweet Seeds Strains!

    I just bought cream caramel and was waiting for attitude to get the black strains and of course the day after i ordered they end up releasing the strains i was pissed
  10. G

    is this filter good enough

    Also I'll be running CFLs at first then a t5 so heat isn't going to be an issue and yea I'm going pick up a speed controller cause I think the fan is going to be to strong for this space
  11. G

    is this filter good enough

    Its actual 5 feet in length my bad
  12. G

    is this filter good enough

    Alright so I'm picking up my filter in the next week and I was wondering would a 4 in filter with a 190cfm inline fan be big enough for a 2x6x4.5 size closet. Also I will be running 2 autos at most and some will be stinky like cheese or bio diesel and some not that stinky.
  13. G

    what option should i chose

    I meant to say 12/12 from the start with feminized seeds
  14. G

    what option should i chose

    Alright yo so what option one would yield me more auto flowers or going 12/12 from the start i would be running 190 watts of cfls and only running one plant at a time.
  15. G

    how loud would a 4 inch inline be

    Alright thanks I'm going to get a controller and make a box so its silent as shit
  16. G

    how loud would a 4 inch inline be

    Do you think if I put it in a wooden box and filled it with foam that would do good because its not a high velocity it isa inline fan only 170cfms and is 47db here's the link
  17. G

    how loud would a 4 inch inline be

    Alright so how loud would one be. My closet would be in my basement, so would I hear it upstairs also would it be quieter attaching it straight to my filter.
  18. G

    fan question

    I'm growing in a small closet but I'm now thinking of getting an inline, my only question now is how loud would a 4 inch inline be I don't want people to come over and be like what the hell is that that was one of my main concerns of getting an inline
  19. G

    fan question

    Yea I'll be using CFLs and at first I am only going to be growing one plant. Eventually I plan on picking up a t5 but I will only be running 2 and maybe when I get that I'll get a inline fan but thanks for the answer that's exactly what wanted to hear. Also I was watching some guy on YouTube who...
  20. G

    fan question

    So I'm going to be picking up a 4 inch carbon filter in the next week or 2 and was wondering since my closet that I would be growing in would be small just big enough for 2 small plants could I get a 6 inch inline booster fan rated at 160 cfm instead of getting a big ass inline because I don't...