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  1. A

    Brunmy Bubbler Newby

    My fans were set at 5% when idle (light off) just ramped that up to 20% to keep more air flowing through, cant see much of the roots as there not hardly coming through the bottom yet so hard to see. Very Tempted to cut my losses and start again
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    Brunmy Bubbler Newby

    Just realised one of my x2 air pipes was squashed so only had on air stone working. Shall i set temp to 26 on the fan controller then mate? Sits at 28 with fans on low, have intake but hardly. Shall i set it so intake always on full when lights are on. Have No fans running when lights are off at...
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    Brunmy Bubbler Newby

    The Temps 28 (only using 200watts) ph is 5.8ish, only fot the A and B in there the other day, EC is still high as waiting for water level to drop before i dilute with more water. Gonna go out 5ltra of just water in now, its on constant drip feed through the ring..
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    Brunmy Bubbler Newby

  5. A

    Brunmy Bubbler Newby

    Any ideas what it mean when there dropping down like this?
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    Brunmy Bubbler Newby

    Ok mate, thanks for your constant support lol, well it says on the bottle between 250-350ml per 100ltr and iv put 110ml (res is 40ltr) so about the minimum they reccomend. Its running 1.7 EC, think thats a bit high? Could always pull 5 ltrs out and replace with water to dilute? Cant believe i...
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    Brunmy Bubbler Newby

    Holyyyyy shittt!! Should i put my dutch pro A and B in?? Totally forgot!! Bet iv killed these off
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    Brunmy Bubbler Newby

    ok so these not doing so well now any ideas? Lights on through the night, thermometer is in the corners and sits at 29 degrees. Currently only on water with bit of silver bullet and take root (very minimal)
  9. A

    Brunmy Bubbler Newby

    Glad you have said that mate I did drop It back down to 200, struggling with keeping the heat down. Its 29 now with both fans full pelt and lights only at 200w. It is the hottest day of year though... so hopefully it gets easier when then temp drops outside Debating wether to use my 6” as an...
  10. A

    Brunmy Bubbler Newby

    Switched to nights, fit a 4” inline fan (doesnt feel like its doing alot to be honest lol but cant be hurting, turned lights up to 400watts. Ill see how it copes. Still might struggle as its so warm out anyway 1 plant not looking too good to be fair. Might lose it and just have to soldier on...
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    Brunmy Bubbler Newby

    Ohhh :-( ok ill bring light down when im home. To be fair i only raised the light slightly this morning. Update on heat... Hot day today and turned lights up to 400watts this morning, its gone from sitting comfortable at 29 degrees (fan at 5%) to now sitting at 32 degrees with outake fan at...
  12. A

    Brunmy Bubbler Newby

    Ok ill do that and what do you mean exactly by stretching, is that a bad or good thing?
  13. A

    Brunmy Bubbler Newby

    Plants not looking amazing but well see how they do
  14. A

    Brunmy Bubbler Newby

    Well my fan controller should keep it at 29 hopefully. Its been at 29degrees at 200watts and fans been on 5%. Iv just knocked it up to 400watts to see how fan copes, still waiting for 4” intake fan to be delivered aswell. humidity around 40 but ny humidifier has broke aswell now
  15. A

    Brunmy Bubbler Newby

    Sound mate might do that if i struggle with heat. How far in would you ramp up bulb to 400/600watts. Had two full days now thinking about moving To 400
  16. A

    Brunmy Bubbler Newby

    Hmm guess your probably right i used to ave it on in night. Then my mate got raided but he had 6 in loft and he kitted loft out so wernt in tent. And a chopper was looking fo a burgular who ran in his garden (how fucking unlucky lol) and that scared me then so Started doing it in the day but...
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    Brunmy Bubbler Newby

    So you saying to go 600wat or gradually build up sorry confused me a bit lol. Not a fan of having heat on through night tho with the choppers about lol
  18. A

    Brunmy Bubbler Newby

    Top man, answered all my questions, pretty sure the bag can go in from the start. can't hurt anything really can it. just ordered a small intake, only using 6" outage and gonna get 4" intake. only hard thing is i have lights on through the day, so temp control always difficult especially this...
  19. A

    Brunmy Bubbler Newby

    right so babys turned up before i expected them. so much i forgotten and hoping someone may be able to help me... 1.Firstly can't remember if i keep bubbles on 24/7 (I think i do) 2. What is the favoured distance between light and plant 3. Do i need to run the outtake fan 24/7...
  20. A

    Brunmy Bubbler Newby

    Thats good mate just waiting for the babys to turn up then ill be up and running. Ill be happy with 10oz! I cant remember exactly but i Sure i done 44 off the three last time (middle pot had two plants) i dont think i benefitted much from the extra one in the middle pot if i’m honest, but was...