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    Brunmy Bubbler Newby

    well i'm back and giving crummy bubbler another go i did pretty well on these in the end^ then packed my stuff away and had a break from it. just doing the single pot in 1200 x1200 this time with two plants in. Wish me luck
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    Brummy Bubbler update

    So its been topped (final topping), trimmed and scrogged now as you can see on the photos. Just sent my meter readings off and i owe the power supplier £1500 So now turned AC off as that drains as much juice as the 3 lights combined, just hope i can keep the tent down with just an intake, may...
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    Brummy Bubbler update

    Member 1st Brummy bubbler update:- Day 29 of Veg stage, 13 days until i flip. Looking nice now i think, geting in there today to do a slight bit of trimming and topping, and getting a net in there to scrog. Gonna weave them outwards to try and fill the tent space as much as i can before i...
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    Leaf curl

    1st Brummy bubbler update:- Day 29 of Veg stage, 13 days until i flip. Looking nice now i think, geting in there today to do a slight bit of trimming and topping, and getting a net in there to scrog. Gonna weave them outwards to try and fill the tent space as much as i can before i switch to...
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    Leaf curl

    UPDATE:- So the first chiller i borrowed didnt work and was huge! Way to big for my tent, curently on plan F i think haha, ice blocks... found that a 2ltr bottle of water frozen will keep my tank below 19/20 degrees for 4 and half hours. Alot of work but it seems to be my solution for now, just...
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    Leaf curl

    100% mate, Far from dead! Picking up two chillers tomorrow off a friend to get the res temps down on two of my warmer tanks, and the other tank rea temp is only 21.5 degrees as aposed to 24/26 degrees like the other two, this is due to the Air Con blowing toward that one, as i only have two...
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    Leaf curl

    So my mate is convinced that synptoms of heat stress can be caused by my water temp being too high, he has had this before. This would make sence as my tent aint hot and aint been hot at all. Iv still taken measure incase it is due to the heat from the lights but now i really want to...
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    Leaf curl

    Killed them lol? Growing pretty fast for dead plants.
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    Leaf curl

    So heres an update, i have cut my wood planks ready to be wrapped in white sided blackout, which im collecting tomorrow from a friend, and here is some updated pics of my babies. Also collecting some silver bullet from a friend to treat the roots When shall i put a net in there thats the question?
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    Leaf curl

    Brilliant will look into it, and yeah ill keep you posted, delayed a bit on changin the res covers, cutting the wood up this afternoon. I was just thinking... wouldnt tin foil work l as a cover due to it being tin? gues this would heat up quick actually and conduct the heat even more. Silly idea...
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    Leaf curl

    Will do mate will keep playing its 35/40 without at the moment not turned it on now for a couple of days. Thanks for the info sorry for late reply never got email notification for some reason.
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    Leaf curl

    Thanks Mike, never even thought to cover the balls aswell, iv been advised to get silver bullet, quite pricey mind, is hydroguard a similar product? Need to order something today to protect the roots as have nothing in the res cutlrrently. 2 air stones in each res already on my setup, Got me...
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    Leaf curl

    Well just as you say that i hve some 4mm sheeted wood in the garage, i have just taken measurments to cut some pieces up and them ill buy some black out and wrap the sheets (white side up) to reflect the light, at the minute im just using bin liners which will probably be absorbing the heat as...
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    Leaf curl

    The worrying thing is the water tempt problem can only get worse as i have another 200/260watts left on each light (x3) to go up to yet as the plants get stonger
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    Leaf curl

    Yeah i dread that. Root rot gives me nightmares, this is my first hydro grow aswell, all previous have been soil, I have never seen a chiller or how ther work, As i have 3 seperate tanks/reseviors i wonder how i could cool 3 areas with one chiller?
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    Leaf curl

    Thanks mate will look into it, will check if my readings are correct when i get an improved themometer though first
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    Leaf curl

    Ahhh learn something new everyday, yes i have two fans blowing, up until now they was blowong more directly onto the plants from both ends of the tent but i have just raised the lights so there 2ft away from the plant tops, and raised the fans so they are blowong into the canopy area alot more...
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    Leaf curl

    Water temp is 22 degrees on a morning after 6 hours of no light, throughout the day it increases to 25/26 degrees (according to the themometer) i dont really trust it though as it feels cool, it feels drinkable if that makes sence? Dont worry i wont be drinking it unless someone tells me i can...
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    Leaf curl

    Ok mate so i have just raised my lights so ther 2ft (24inches away from the plants) i always thought 18” was what people normally go for. There are two fans blowing directly to the tops of the fans from bothe ends, one is a monkey fan that sways side to side, i have raised them now so its...
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    Leaf curl

    Hi All, very baffled as some of the leaves on my plants are curling up as if they struggling with heat stress. This baffles me as the temp at the tops of the plant hasnt rose above 29degress once, iv soent wuite alot on kepling my tempreture stable and it has been... A couple of days ago when...