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    Brummie bubbler Progress

    Also, my res water is ranging between 22-26 degrees. I have a second thermoeter in there now and it reads the same, It doesnt feel hot though :-/ is this a worrying tempreture for the res?
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    Brummie bubbler Progress

    My friend suggested either it could of been my lights were too close, or as i only top up my humidifier in the day, and due to humidifier location its blowong the steam straight onto the leaves and as the lights are on the water is drying up the leaves as it dries in the heat? He said it might...
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    Brummie bubbler Progress

    My temp at the top of my plant hasnt gone above 30 degrees throughout and my lights are only switched at 400watts at the mo. Just been and measured and my bulbs were 16 inches away from plants, just pulled them a little higher to about 19/20”s heat stress has surprised me because iv always...
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    Brummie bubbler Progress

    Hi guys, here is an updated photo of my babies (Cheese) this is my first hydro grow, Im running 3x lights at 400watt each (will up that to 600watt each at later stage) in a 2.4x1.2m tent with 3 bubblers (4plants) EC is running at 1.2/1.4 at mo Temps are consisitantly good and my Humidity is...
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    Brunmy Bubbler Newby

    Yeah i make a right mess when im Empyting the tanks, how do People get the last bits out using the pump? only way i could do it was pump as much out with the pump and then use a towel to soak up the last lot but might be tricky now the roots are taking off? Or do people just drain what they can...
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    Fan/Filter different size

    Ok brilliant thanks mate will look into what filter i have and try find out the CFM
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    Fan/Filter different size

    At the moment all 3 lights running at 400watts it a 2.4x1.2 tent, will be upping to 600w each as soon as i get my new fan and controller. Its a box room, window never open, but loft hatch is in the room and hatch door is open so guess it pulls air from down there, i have all vent flaps open...
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    Fan/Filter different size

    What are your thoughts guys, the middle back one seems stumped at the minute, do i hang in there and keep the double middle pot or remove and go for three monsters??
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    Fan/Filter different size

    Ill be honest i dont know the CFM of the Filter but that makes complete sence, i have just ordered the ram air pro fan controller, which is one of the best on the market i believe. Your answer make logic sence, thanks mate. I will like you say just test it out, the smell isnt the issue at the...
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    Brunmy Bubbler Newby

    Ok well iv just ordered the ram air pro fan controller and i have a spare 6” fan so im going to set my intake up start of next week. Dont know alot about these oxygen bags where do you buy them from And how much they? Im going to add the humidifier now try get it to 45 hopefully. Im amazed...
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    Brunmy Bubbler Newby

    Ok well iv just ordered the ram air pro fan controller and i have a spare 6” fan so im going to set my intake up start of next week. Dont know alot about these oxygen bags where do you buy them from And how much they? Im going to add the humidifier now try get it to 45 hopefully. Im amazed...
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    Fan/Filter different size

    I may not of explained it well, currently the filter is larger but that was for no benefit it was all they had in stock when i set up. But im buying a 10” fan and keeping my 8” filter, so im actually reducing down to the filter.. I want to know if i need to buy a 10” filter to see the full...
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    Fan/Filter different size

    Hi all, currently have a 6” RVK outake fan, with a 8” carbon filter, using a reducer, struggling with the temp so upgrading to a 10” Rhino fan which is on the way, with 10” ducting and was going to use the reducer to down size to the 8” carbon filter... Will this be like running a 8” fan? Dont...
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    Brunmy Bubbler Newby

    There starting to pick up now and look more healthy mate, only just seen this message, mine will be two weeks old tomorrow. Still running diluted Tank so my res is down to 1.0 EC. Looking at upping my wattage in a couple of days buts as i struggle with temp iv ordered a fan upgrade. Currently i...
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    Brunmy Bubbler Newby

    31 degrees at the mo, but very hot and humid weather at the mo here, 34% Humid, EC 1.2 at the mo (take root, multie total and Cal/Mag) Not actually measured the temps of my water, it feels fairly cool though.
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    Brunmy Bubbler Newby

    I changed my mind now and im sticking with it, i have my drip running 24/7 now and won’t turn it off now. Hopefully they start taking off soon, its been a week and it doesnt look like too much has happened, but they havn’t died and i have been faffing around changing my mind so im going to take...
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    Feeding DWC

    hi all, i have a new Hydro (coco) setup (Brummy bubbler system) but i have people telling me to have the drip ring feed running at 15 mins a day to start and i have other people telling me to run the drip feed 24/7, i still not undecided which to do? My babies have bee in there 4 days now and...
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    Brunmy Bubbler Newby

    At the minute im just giving them half an hour a day and as they get bigger i will up it, seems to work both ways listening to different opinions, as soon as the roots hit the water you dont even need the drip feed on, lot of people saying to just leave it on though so will do that
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    Brunmy Bubbler Newby

    Yeah well thats the kind of EC levels i was working to with soil but having doing a bit of research on here ill take your advice, will try lower levels. Heard you dont need as much with these systems. Im not aure what to do with the drip, i have one person telling me i need to leave the drip...