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  1. A

    Brunmy Bubbler Newby

    Yeah lookong good mate, think ill start my ec at 1.2 and work up to 2 at the peak and then reduce back down towards the end slightly, iv read to change my water in my res’s weekly, dont think im gonna bother though, not that often anyway. Only think is if you keep the water do you just too it up...
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    Brunmy Bubbler Newby

    Will add some multit total, take root and cal/Mag tomorrow and A&B, whar EC woukd you aim for in the first week or two of veg mate?
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    Brunmy Bubbler Newby

    Ok do you use that silver bullet all the way through? Im on day 2 and today i have been tweaking the aC and the light wattage to see what i can achieve, iv got 2 outside lights on 400w and middle light on 250w and my temp is good and my AC Aint quite maxed out yet so so far so good. Will slowly...
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    Brunmy Bubbler Newby

  5. A

    Brunmy Bubbler Newby

    Thanks for reply buddy, you look to be be in the same situation as me conditions wise only difference is i have 3 lights/3 bubllers in a 2.4x1.2 tent, i have digital controllers ican control wattage so will each lght up it untill temp gets too high then stabslise it there.. As for chemicals, i...
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    Brunmy Bubbler Newby

    Yeah heats a real struggle at the minute, what are you guys allowing yours get up to before you start to panic, iv been told not to worry about it quite AS much during veg but more important during flower stage. Yes i am from uk, hardest thing for me aswell is i tun my lights in the day. Also...
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    Temprature problems

    Thanks mate, interesting stuff, Well i hang my thermometer on a stick down from the light so its in the canopy area, i do this on the light furtherst away from my intake. so yeah that will be under direct sunligght with lights on. (See photo iv just screen shotted my live camara feed to show...
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    Temprature problems

    How very helpfull lol, will do
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    Temprature problems

    hi all, Fairly Newby here, really struggling to keep the temp down in my tent, i got a 2400 x 1200 tent and im about to start up again running 3 lights (3 bubblers) but before i start im having a play around trying to get the enviroment sorted which im finding difficult. At the minute its...
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    Brunmy Bubbler Newby

    thats the one hahaha
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    Brunmy Bubbler Newby

    ok so i'll keep the ring running to keep the roots in the hydroton nourished :) i was just going to continue using the same nutes as i used to use in my soil. im a newby so you may see my nute combination and think i'm crazy, you'll be correct haha. well.. i only go from what friends told me to...
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    Brunmy Bubbler Newby

    Its basically a DWP with a drip feed to help them grow as babys, as soon as the roots get through the tray to the water i think the ring can be removed, the water/nutes will be bubbling away below mate, and yeah people deffo cover the spaces to prevent the light hitting the water but im Not...
  13. A

    Brunmy Bubbler Newby

    Hi all just set up my first attempt at the Brummy bubbler set up, going for 3 tabks with a double on the middlw which i know may cause a stir with you guys haha, its an experiment lol, almost ready for the baby’s to go in, just few things i need to clear up firstly, hopefully you guys can help...