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  1. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise (selfmedicators second grow)

    I'll probably take them in the next few days
  2. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise (selfmedicators second grow)

    Been movin right along since the site went down. this is 3 weeks from potting up and getting under the HID light. Moving lots faster than the first grow. Flipped these yesterday. Going to leave them under the 400w HPS until I can sex them then switch to the 600w HPS. Temps are still around 73...
  3. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise (selfmedicators second grow)

    hmm I didnt know you could do that. Ive been reading up on cloning at harvest too. I havent used the the 600 yet. Ive got an idea on why i got all females last temps were a steady 75 degrees and my humidity was around 30% or less. Im thinking I will flip them with the 400 then once...
  4. selfmedicator462

    This is how I medicate

    Got me a new toy this week. Little bubbler and a 14mm gog adapter (planet vape) for my Arizer Solo. Really turns the solo into a strong hitter. Keeps the vapor cooler too.
  5. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise (selfmedicators second grow)

    Added a 600w ballast for flower and am gonna spring for good bulbs. I ducted the exhaust up the chimney and out into the attic so it vents out the peak. Other than that it's the same. Probably going to start cloning these.
  6. selfmedicator462


    I had a friend that lived in NC and his family grew tobacco. They hung it in the rafters of a barn to dry then it gets stacked to cure for months and months. Do a search for cigar tobacco and you will find some videos on it.
  7. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise (selfmedicators second grow)

    One week into Veg (from transplant). Getting some good sized leaves. Not sure if im going to top again. Might just see how they grow.
  8. selfmedicator462

    How long can I keep clones in my little cabinet?

    This cabinet was just intended for germination but I thought since I had it I'd try it for cloning. I use the cabinet because it's easier to control temps and RH.
  9. selfmedicator462

    How long can I keep clones in my little cabinet?

    i know its small. It works great for germinating and the first couple weeks of growth. Maybe I should think about getting a bigger cabinet if im going to clone.
  10. selfmedicator462

    How long can I keep clones in my little cabinet?

    Ive never cloned before but plan on it this grow so I can pick out the good phenos of Pennywise. I plan on taking my clones right before flower and am wondering if I can keep them in my cabinet under cfls for 7 to 8 weeks. They would probably have to be in solo cups. I know its a stretch to do...
  11. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise (selfmedicators second grow)

    Got them transplanted to my 3 gallon air pots today. They were already root bound. I pack my promix around a solo cup then just lift out the empty cup. Cut the cup off the plant to be potted and drop it in. Gave them a shot of 550 ppm Veg & Bloom plus a little calmag so I dont end up with a mag...
  12. selfmedicator462

    THC test kit

    you must not have read my first post. There are several phenos of Pennywise. Some have little to no CBD. The good ones have like 12% CBD. I want to find out which ones those are so I can save the clones.
  13. selfmedicator462

    THC test kit

    actually i found a few but they are kinda spendy.
  14. selfmedicator462

    THC test kit

    Is there a THC/CBD test kit a person can buy? Im currently growing Pennywise and ive heard from others that some of the phenos have little to no CBD and Id like to test to see which ones i will keep.
  15. selfmedicator462

    Could someone suggest a entry-level vaporizer?

    I heard it's really good. I have the arizer solo and love it. Very well made. Didn't feel like a cheap pos.
  16. selfmedicator462

    what is the more easier grow medium?

    I went soiless my first time. I used promix hp. It's all peat. Mixed in slot of perilite. Used nutes everytime I watered. It is almost impossible to over water as long as your pots have drainage holes. I had great results.
  17. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise (selfmedicators second grow)

    Ill probably transplant these this weekend into my 3 gallon airpots. Feeding at 300ppm.
  18. selfmedicator462

    First time in 20 years!

    I just saw it online today. Not sure if it's just a webcast or an actual tv show. It's a comedian that interviews celeb stoners
  19. selfmedicator462

    First time in 20 years!

    did you see the new stoner talk show? "Getting Chad with High".
  20. selfmedicator462

    First time in 20 years!

    Two pulls is much more manageable. Squid billies is on as we speak