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  1. selfmedicator462

    First time in 20 years!

    just an observation..........I used to see the Adult Swim stuff at night and scratch my head (except Robot Chicken..that shits great) but after enjoying a little herb I totally fucking get it!! Super Jail...Brilliant! Dr Steve Brule...Hillarious! Might have to get the bass out and see what other...
  2. selfmedicator462

    First time in 20 years!

    i only take like a half tab of buspar twice a day. Dr says it helps my nerves. I dont think it does anything.
  3. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise (selfmedicators second grow)

    seeing lots better growth this time around. Guess feeding in promix helps from the start. Feeding at 200ppm right now. Ill keep increasing it till i get them out of solo cups then ill probably do 800ppm for a few weeks. Then in flower 1400ppm or so.
  4. selfmedicator462

    600watt overkill?

    I ran a 400 in my 3x3x5 last grow and just ordered a 600 ballast to just use in flower. Just experimenting.
  5. selfmedicator462

    First time in 20 years!

    What's really funny is I'm prone to panic attacks and normally I'd have a five alarm one when I started feeling shit like I felt the other night but I didn't. I just kinda laid there and soaked it all in.
  6. selfmedicator462

    First time in 20 years!

    When I first gout out of the military the first stuff I smoked knocked me out for literally 16 hrs!! I felt great when I woke up. Have no idea what it was tho
  7. selfmedicator462

    First time in 20 years!

    I actually weened off the Effexor over the course of 6 months. It still bit me in the ass. I had like electric pulses or shocks hitting my brain every half our or so for like a month. That shit is pure evil. If I knew how bad it was I would have never taken it.
  8. selfmedicator462

    First time in 20 years!

    No thanks necessary...but very much appreciated. Ive been tryin to dump the pills. Its been rough. I tapered off real slow and got down to 25mg of effexor every day and i went into full panic mode about 2 days into it. Had to go back to 25mg twice a day and have been managing. Im hoping this...
  9. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise (selfmedicators second grow)

    about the 3rd week or so. Growing nicely.
  10. selfmedicator462

    First time in 20 years!

    I guess I didnt think I was getting enough in my pulls so i just kept pulling. LOL lesson learned.
  11. selfmedicator462

    First time in 20 years!

    i think i freaked myself out a bit cause ive read horror stories of people having stroke type shit from these kinda meds and smoking.
  12. selfmedicator462

    400hps, SCROG.

    I just finished a SCROG and I did like you did...just trimmed the dead stuff but it all dies under the screen. My next grow as soon as the screen fills in ill trim everything below cause it gets almost zero light.
  13. selfmedicator462

    First time in 20 years!

    Quick background: I have PTSD/anxiety disorder and the VA has had me on like every pill known to man over the last 20 years. Currently on Effexor and Buspar. Very low doses right now as ive been trying to get off it completely. I finally said fuck it and decided to try something natural. So I...
  14. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise (selfmedicators second grow)

    If you interested in what my space looks like here is my first journal.
  15. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise (selfmedicators second grow)

    Mine is only 3x3 and about 4.5' tall. The screen is about 10" above the top of the pots. When I chopped the flowers were only at about the 3' mark.
  16. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise (selfmedicators second grow)

    They have all sprouted nicely. Growing under 6 cfls. I forget the watts but its around 140. 4 blue 2 red. this has only been a week from soak to seedling.
  17. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise (selfmedicators second grow)

    Hoping I have the same luck with these being females. They are all above the soil now.
  18. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise (selfmedicators second grow)

    Don't worry. I'll post lots of pics. I did TGA Dairy Queen last grow and I was 3 for 3 on females. All grew well and produced quite a bit.
  19. selfmedicator462

    TGA Subcool Pennywise (selfmedicators second grow)

    Starting my second grow. Seeds have soaked, popped and been planted. Using solo cups and Promix HP. Still trying to decide if im going to SCROG this grow or LST. This is supposed to be a short plant.
  20. selfmedicator462

    selfmedicator462's first grow!

    It's at 65% in the jar with no humidification. So I musta pulled it at just the right time.