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  1. selfmedicator462

    Bleedmaize's dual 600w grow room -caramelo-crazy miss hyde-northern lights skunk

    Looks good! Come do mine in a few months. I started a journal too.
  2. selfmedicator462

    Veg+Bloom dirty?

    what kind of schedule have you been using with Dirty? I am going to start using it here pretty soon and wasnt sure if i should follow theirs or not.
  3. selfmedicator462

    F17T8 enough for seedlings?

    I soaked mine for 24hrs in water then transferred to a damp paper towel for 24hrs then to jiffy cubes. All 4 popped. 1 went nuts and grew a half inch and the other 3 are just sticking out.
  4. selfmedicator462

    F17T8 enough for seedlings?

    How soon should I start the light after I put the popped seeds in jiffy pellets?
  5. selfmedicator462

    F17T8 enough for seedlings?

    Cool. Thanks
  6. selfmedicator462

    F17T8 enough for seedlings?

    I have a full spectrum F17t8 laying around and thought about using it for my seeds/seedlings in my humidity dome. Would that be enough to get them started? I'm only germinating 4 at a time. Don't feel like cranking up the HID for seeds.
  7. selfmedicator462

    selfmedicator462's first grow!

    transferred my beans to jiffy pellets this morning and placed the container in a warm place. How soon should i add some light?
  8. selfmedicator462

    Veg+Bloom schedule

    Im growing in ProMix so do I use the coco or the soil schedule? Im guessing the coco but it never hurts to ask. How do you like the product overall?
  9. selfmedicator462

    When is the right time to start adding fertilizer

    I too am just starting out and from what i understand it depends on your growing medium. If your in soil your fine for a few weeks without nutrients. However if your growing in something like coco or peat moss you will need nutrients right away but at a very low dose.
  10. selfmedicator462

    selfmedicator462's first grow!

    mixed up my soil while i wait for my beans to pop. Pro Mix HP with 8 extra quarts of perilite.
  11. selfmedicator462

    selfmedicator462's first grow!

    Just noticed the "do not post in other peoples journal" sticky. Please feel free to comment in mine. If you notice something I could be doing better let me know.
  12. selfmedicator462

    selfmedicator462's first grow!

    soaked my seeds for 24 hours. Wasnt sure if i should leave them in longer or not so I just transfered them to a damp paper towel. Will check again tomorrow and if they are ready ill put them in jiffy pellets in a humidity dome. Will probably get my soil mixed tomorrow. Ive noticed my grow room...
  13. selfmedicator462

    DIY mini split installation kit

    That's a little different than the ones I've installed. That's pretty slick. The ones I've done have a nutted line set filled with dry nitrogen. So when you make your connection to the condensing unit you have to evacuate the line set/evaporator. Then open the valves on the condenser. I'm...
  14. selfmedicator462

    DIY mini split installation kit

    Oh sorry I didn't watch the video. I've never worked with one that you didn't have to pull a vacuum on the line set. I'll go back and watch it
  15. selfmedicator462

    DIY mini split installation kit

    tons of companies make them now. Lennox, Trane, Mitsubishi, Fujitsu just to name a few. I did a quick ebay search and came up with this its also a...
  16. selfmedicator462

    grow room issues

    Pretty much fully functional after today. Got my SCROG screen mounted. Installed my intake backdraft damper. Mounted my fire bottle. Stocked my shelves with MREs just in case that zombie shit ever really happens and started soaking my beans. Barney's Blue Cheese Feminized. Tomorrow if they...
  17. selfmedicator462

    selfmedicator462's first grow!

    Pretty much fully functional after today. Got my SCROG screen mounted. Installed my intake backdraft damper. Mounted my fire bottle. Stocked my shelves with MREs just in case that zombie shit ever really happens and started soaking my beans. Barney's Blue Cheese Feminized. Tomorrow if they...
  18. selfmedicator462

    Veg+Bloom schedule

    shit that didnt work 1TSP = 5.5g = 1.7EC / 1 GAL In 1 Gallon Veg Flower Week 1 Flower Week 2 Flower Week 3 Flower Week 4 Flower Week 5 Flower Week 6 Flower Week 7 Flower Week 8 COCO FLUSH EC .4-1EC/1Gal 1.0-1.8EC 1.0-1.8EC 1.0-1.8EC 1.2-1.8EC 1.2-1.8EC .8-1.5EC .4-.8EC .2-.4EC...
  19. selfmedicator462

    Veg+Bloom schedule

    for those of you using Hydroponic Researches Veg+Bloom Dirty you follow the schedule on their site or do you have a better one? Here is their schedule
  20. selfmedicator462

    DIY mini split installation kit

    i do HVAC for a living. Mini splits are spendy for what they are but do the job pretty well. Easy Easy install. We use them a lot to add additional cooling to rooms where the mechanical engineers undersized the system. Easy fix.