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  1. selfmedicator462

    High CBD Strains

    here are the stats on Pennywise I have PTSD/generalized anxiety from my stint in the military (who knew handling 40,000 pounds of explosives everyday was stressfull?) and i am trying this, DairyQueen and Barneys Blue Cheese for starters. I hear...
  2. selfmedicator462

    High CBD Strains

    I'm in the same boat......treating my PTSD and my brothers rumatoid arthritis
  3. selfmedicator462

    Cool tube shortening?

    Well it worked............and then it cracked when i cleaned it up :-(. Its still in one piece but im worried it will shatter over my plants at some point so I just ordered a new one and will live with the tight bends in my pipe.
  4. selfmedicator462

    High CBD Strains

    there should be tons of banks that sell TGA seeds
  5. selfmedicator462

    High CBD Strains

    here are the stats on Pennywise CBD of 12-15% in 70% of the samples taken! DQ is a TGA seed also.
  6. selfmedicator462

    selfmedicator462's first grow!

    So im almost to that stage. Just waiting on my nutrients and a few odds and ends to get here. Should be planting by the weekend. Here is a link to my set up Ive been thinking about doing this for about 10 years and am finally...
  7. selfmedicator462

    High CBD Strains

    I just got some Pennywise seeds. It claims 15% THC and 15% cbd. I also got DairyQueen which is similar. Havent gotten to plant them yet.
  8. selfmedicator462

    who just uses GH (or equiv) and none of the extra BS and gets good results?

    somebody just turned me on to this I just ordered it. Im in a similar boat....didnt want to dump $300 on 20 extra bottles of supplements.
  9. selfmedicator462

    start up nutrient list

    I just ordered a pound for now. According to their feeding chart it seems like it should last awhile.
  10. selfmedicator462

    start up nutrient list

    I went ahead and ordered some Dirty Veg+Bloom last night. Seems like its pretty simple to use. Has alot of the supplements that other people sell separate already in it. Its pretty reasonable too price wise. Still may buy a few additives for bloom but am going to wait till i get to that point.
  11. selfmedicator462

    start up nutrient list

    So with a dual purpose product like dirty do you still need to use supplements?
  12. selfmedicator462

    start up nutrient list

    Yeah I'm going to use pro mix too. I'd like to find something a little simpler to use. I don't like the idea of having 10 different jugs laying around.
  13. selfmedicator462

    grow room issues

    Finished up the door this morning.
  14. selfmedicator462

    start up nutrient list

    Im getting ready to fire my grow up for the first time and am on information overload reading about nutes. Im trying to do this on a half assed budget but not really sticking to it. I think im going to go with either Botanicare or General Hydro/organics. Whats the bare minimum you would suggest...
  15. selfmedicator462

    Cool tube shortening? ah now this i can do. Never considered using my tile saw. Now if i can just get the ends off the tube without messing it up. It looks like its just siliconed together.
  16. selfmedicator462

    Cool tube shortening?

    Has anybody ever cut a cool tube down? My growroom has a 3x3 footprint so by the time i get the thing ducted ive got some nasty bends in my flex duct. With the longest bulb in the tube i have damn near 12" i could cut off. I thought about trying the "burning string"...
  17. selfmedicator462

    grow room issues

    Thanks! I got some in last week. Pennywise, Dairy Queen (both TGA subcool) and Barneys Blueberry Cheese.
  18. selfmedicator462

    grow room issues

    Got shit done today! It didnt take long for my little space to get really crowded. Still need to get a scrubber so the intake is just hanging. Im thinking about building a little cloning chamber where the fan sits now and just put the fan and filter on top of it. Make like a little drop front...
  19. selfmedicator462

    grow room issues

    So this is how my room sits as of this morning. Worked all night and got the drywall and painting done in here and a closet on the opposite side. Im trying to decide if i want to just leave it white or go ahead and attatch my reflective bubble insulation. As small as my room is and with a...
  20. selfmedicator462

    Bleedmaize's dual 600w grow room -caramelo-crazy miss hyde-northern lights skunk

    you got it goin on!!! Wish i had the room you have but my little space will work for what i need it for.