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  1. doby mick

    introducing myself from uk/ (uk cheese)

    Welcome U.K. grower from another U.K. grower and with plenty of Cheese { B.B.C. and Exodus}
  2. doby mick

    RUI doesn't seem very welcoming

  3. doby mick

    Wonder Woman Harvest.

    Yeah ! done alright still wet but usely pull 55-60 grams dry on 18 ltr pots on soil, and yeah got plenty of photos but am not very good with computers, but will get my growen up son to help me when he pops into see his old Dad, hopefuly tonight, i have done this one before a few times but this...
  4. doby mick

    Wonder Woman Harvest.

    Im in the middle of harvesting my Wonder Woman plants and cant believe the crystals on these ones, they are so sticky this time i have had to use latex gloves as otherwise my hands get so sticky that i cant do anything, rolling a joint is hard work, as the skins keep sticking to my fingers, so...
  5. doby mick

    Oxygen in the water we useto feed our plants.

    I have now been growing for about 2 years now Organicaly and have alway used water that i store in a 50 gal drum but i have always run air lines through the drum 24/7 i think this probaly does make a difference for the simple reason being your roots love plenty of oxygen, so was just wondering...
  6. doby mick


    Just checked my ladies and Wow for a minute i thought i was in heaven it was only when my music kicked in kmk here in my garden that i relized i was in my growroom not in the carrabean, might as well be, the weed wouldnt be any better, anyway i got to go and build the biggest :joint: i can...
  7. doby mick

    are these ready to harvest????

    I would agree with what kayotick said , there looking good, im harvesting my Blue Cheese on wednesday so join the party
  8. doby mick

    My first all organic grow! Multi-strain

    RLH im sorry to hear about your illness, i myself suffer with depression and other self inflicted things, that we wont go into, You will notice how much better for you the Organic weed is, i dont suffer as much with my chest now and just seem tobe better in myself. It not very often you meet...
  9. doby mick

    My first all organic grow! Multi-strain

    Rlh there looking mighty nice, i have been growing organicly for about 2 years now and have nt looked back, you wont be disapionted as the weed tastes so much better grown organicly, keep the good work and will be interested to know what you think of the taste of the finished artical, all the...
  10. doby mick


    Do yourself a favour dont fuck about with any of the so called wonder concocions go and buy some Vitality + from your local hydro shop, I have used them all over the years, but this one does what it says on the packet, the other thing is this stuff kills the eggs aswell which is what you want or...
  11. doby mick

    super silver haze day 41 flower GODDAMN! how much longer!

    .A mate of mine had a mexican haze that went almost 20 weeks to finish completely but was worth the wait as it turned out tobe a realy nice bit of weed
  12. doby mick

    My new set up!

    And yeah jiggy my wife pussy likes a smoke ha ha
  13. doby mick

    My new set up!

    I agree 100% with what rich says about the mites have had issues with the wife bringing her Pussy into my grow room, it was only when i told her that i like less furry, now no issues with any sort of pest
  14. doby mick

    high potency strain?

    Emerald Jack wins hands down for me it has a taste to die for and its what id descibe as a the holy grail of mary jane
  15. doby mick

    Flavouring the weed

    No secret Lemonade drinkers outthere, or am i just showing my age ?
  16. doby mick

    More than 200g a plant?!

    Im totaly in agreement with warlock, i think also alot of hard workwould probaly go into a plant of the size we are talking
  17. doby mick

    More than 200g a plant?!

    Hi Dank nugs i think it depens on how you are growing your weed, Hydro or soil and the right conditions and good nutes are realy dependent on how much you yield Also outdoors some of these growers are achieving 1 pound or more in places like california. I think that any thing is better than nothing
  18. doby mick

    Flavouring the weed

    I say if you wanna smoke Cool ade then smoke cool ade dont try and make your taste and smell like cool ade
  19. doby mick


    Dont waste your time or money i have done alot of Nirvana stuff and would say that one of the worst i have done is the Super Skunk, its weak and isnt a good yielder, There Northern Lights is alright and Bubblelious is o,k. as is the citral, K2 and aurora indica, Wonder Woman, Snow White
  20. doby mick

    Cheeseberryhaze By Eskobar

    Well what can i say about these butiful girls of mine Except Thank You Uncle Esko for breeding such good beans for us too all enjoy, I suppose he could keep all of his good strains for himself, i have now done a few of his strains and can honestly say that i have been absolutely stoked with them...