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  1. trains strain

    2nd grow northern lights skunk

    so me being a newb i went to transplant into soil instead of that organic stuff which tends to clump and didnt really allow great drainage. so as i was pulling the two plant, well not actually pulling but dump the excess soil into a bag catching the plant as it comes out, i though i had the...
  2. trains strain

    2nd grow northern lights skunk

    so i just added another few cfls to the equation 2-26w and another 42w cfl all three are 2300k i know, not the right color temp but i already have 3 other 42w cfl daylight rated for 5500k, just using these extra for side growth, but im looking into making a new fixture, im kinda tight for space...
  3. trains strain

    2nd grow northern lights skunk

    heres the pics
  4. trains strain

    2nd grow northern lights skunk

    thanks guys for the input, ill keep posting pics with the progress, so its been exactly a week from when i started the germ process and so far doin ok, they got purple stems but i know before in my last grow they did aswell and turned out to be beautiful delicious ladies so not so worried...
  5. trains strain

    2nd grow northern lights skunk

    the pic of the seedling is the exact same for all 3, growing ok, im kind of an impatient person so i cant wait till theyre all a few feet tall, going to try and lst one of them just for practice, eventually upgrading flower cab with a 150w hps home made cool tube thanks to Holes thread...
  6. trains strain

    2nd grow northern lights skunk

    so started my second grow in a tv cab from good ol thrift store for cheap, stripped it and made 2 sections, veg and flowering. even has its own little "utility compartment". anyways started 5 seeds dec 1, germed in 24 hours, 3 made it completlty and the other 2 i kinda forgot about them on top...
  7. trains strain

    setup in apartment (help)

    i was just setting one up, started my seeds and everything and late last night land lords banging on my door, supposivly people under us could hear the vibrations from the fans, so couple hundred bucks of hard earned cahs as well as blood sweat and tears and now im left with 4 seedlings and no...
  8. trains strain

    help heat issues

    so anyways been a long ass time since ive posted on here. finally got my seeds. some northern lights skunk. just started germinating its been about 16hours and nothing yet. still having heat issues though. temp doesnt wanna go lower than 90F and i need a good solid 75F. i have 2 pc fans as...
  9. trains strain

    First indoor grow [Bubblegum(bagseed)] small closet, high watt CFLs (pics)

    nice grow man just gettin a cfl up and goin myself with some northenlights skunk. gotta love the short bushy plants man helps for small grows like yours. keep it up
  10. trains strain

    help heat issues

    tv cab eh i thought of that myself aswell just didnt feel like lugging out a huge old tube tv from the thrift store haha. unfortunatly i cant exctly keep the doors open becuase im trying to keep it stealth i guess you could say. since my last post ive removed my carbon filter, now runing...
  11. trains strain

    help heat issues

    ok well ive been reading all these posts of 85 is still good but 95? and the reason why ive been making new threads is because ill get say 300 views but 2 replies, i understand that my post isnt that amusing haha rather boring than anything but any help is great help. im gonna try a few new...
  12. trains strain

    help heat issues

    so ive posted many threads on this subject but no one really cares to get back to me so im just gonna keep bugging and bugging until i get some solid advice. i have an old tv cabinet that ive gutted and divided almost in half, top half 20.5x21x24 and the bottom half is 26x28x24. i havent even...
  13. trains strain

    exhaust and intake problem

    well sorry for the no private message but im using 4 42w cfl and 3 24w cfl for the middle of the plants but im not growing anything yet. im actually gonna do some hobby growing with bonsais then once my setup is 100% final then maybe move on haha but yeah for sure this setup is gonna work i...
  14. trains strain

    exhaust and intake problem

    ok so ive set up my first of my cabinet, now im getting the exhaust all figured out then its ready to go. heres a diagram of my setup so far, bare with me its only using paint. so i have the intake at the bottom of the cabinet, running up a 1.5" pvc tube with a fan at the top sucking the air in...
  15. trains strain

    heat problems...totally stressed out

    aswell, this grow has to be 100% stealth, not because its my only option, well it kind of is, but i just want to make it dead quiet or close to anyways i know complete silence is near impossible but quiet, and consistent, ive grown with cfls before and was pretty amazed and now im just getting...
  16. trains strain

    heat problems...totally stressed out

    anyone? gettin anxious to start growing
  17. trains strain

    heat problems...totally stressed out

    right now actually theres no plants in it, im trying to get this setup done right before i start anything, i want the ladies to have the finest of placs to grow in
  18. trains strain

    heat problems...totally stressed out

    forgot to mention that aswell, i used the reflectix insulation, very very reflective just not sure if thats helping keep the heat in
  19. trains strain

    heat problems...totally stressed out

    ok so havent really written on here in a long time. recently moved, decided going to try another little project. this time moved to a tv cabnet. gutted completley, now im doing a shelf grow. 21" on the top and about 35" on the bottom. it has its own seperate "utility compartment" where i plan to...
  20. trains strain

    DIY CFL ficture

    well another thing to keep an eye out for is the amperage, because that is what could do damage. check the max amerage for that particular circuit in your fuse panel to avoid blowing fuses or worse, over heating the circuit