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  1. trains strain

    Accidentally told someone

    nah no med permits, but yeh im gonna have to tell him they died this weekend, can never be to sure i guess these days since so many people just like to fuck you over left right and center
  2. trains strain

    Accidentally told someone

    im fucked arent i
  3. trains strain

    Accidentally told someone

    heres the whole convo: his name lets say is Guy me"so what is the best possible way for creating co2 with slow release"(i was talking about the experiment we were doing) Guy"well what are you using it for and is smell an issue" me"*laughing*no smell is not an issue but we need to creat slow...
  4. trains strain

    Accidentally told someone

    yeah unfortunatly, he knew, hes a previous grower himself so i dont know what to do. im def gonna have to tell him they died, he just caught me on it so badly and there was nothing i could do, he just caught me in the middle nowhere
  5. trains strain

    Accidentally told someone

    i wish i could eliminate him lol but he is my mentor at this positionand eliminating isnt an option unfortunatly haha...but one day when i take over his job haha. but yeh i "had to kill them off for they were too much work"
  6. trains strain

    Accidentally told someone

    so at work a buddy and mine were talking co2 and stuff for this product we're inventing through work and i asked him the easiest way to create co2 and right there and then he called me on it. now im not that close with this guy but what should i do, i dont hthink i trust him enough to keep goin...
  7. trains strain

    bagseed with cfls, ready to flower

    its about 9inch tall right now but since space is limited for height im just gonna flower it now, shes already starting to flower on her own
  8. trains strain

    bagseed with cfls, ready to flower

    hey everyone once again. so a question on flowering with cfls, i have 2-42W daylight 1-42soft white, 1-23W soft whie and 1-13W soft white. im only going for 2 plants one isnt yet mature enough but i dont have the time to keep her growing, will the lights suffice?
  9. trains strain

    Flowering with cfls?

    yeah i figured theyd need a few more weeks, not to worry though i think i can pull it off letting them veg for another month or so, then im gonna throw in a crap more lights to start the flowering process. as for the cfl sections, ive read and read but from what ive seen a lot of people like to...
  10. trains strain

    Flowering with cfls?

    well we have 2 plants, one we're going to have to flower sooner than the other cause of stunted growth but our main plant is looking marvelous. the only thing is, we're in about 3 weeks of veg, we cant do much longer cause we're losing our location soon, how much longer should be wait before...
  11. trains strain

    Flowering with cfls?

    hey everyone im helping a friend continue on his grow and we were both wondering if 2 42W CFLS could be used through the flowering stage aswell. theyre daylight lights and so far have done wonderful things to these girlies, just wondering if we should switch it up for flowering? we're going for...
  12. trains strain

    didnt work

    gave up on growing...for now...i just dont have the right space nor the appropriate funds to continue but i will one day again, and i will keep you all posted
  13. trains strain

    didnt work

    well after many weeks of hoping and spending a lot of time, i have decided to give up and try again another day another dollar.
  14. trains strain

    another noob question, damn i feel like an idiot

    also the leaves are getting super crunchy, i dont know what is going on with her, she was doing so well, can i cut off the crunchy leaves? the top leaves are softer but still feel like theyre drying up. please help i dont wanna lose her, she smells so good.
  15. trains strain

    another noob question, damn i feel like an idiot

    thanks all. i think my one plant is dying, all the leaves are pointing downwards, i give it a decent water supply every few days with minor nutes 1/4 of the recommended amount to 1 litre of water, i hope she pulls through.
  16. trains strain

    another noob question, damn i feel like an idiot

    ok so again looking all through this site i havent found my answer but i have a feeling what it could be. so the question being: what is flushing the soil? is it just overwatering it to clear out the current nutes? anyways if someone could let me know because i may have to do this to one of...
  17. trains strain

    help, noob at first grow, leaves curling

    yeah i got a thermometer, like i said its usually around 80 -90 more so higher 80s, i did crank the fan and since my last post the temp has decreased a hell of a lot so i just kinda solved my problem.
  18. trains strain

    help, noob at first grow, leaves curling

    so again with the leaves, they should be more moist then i guess eh? alright im gonna try with using the fan at medium as opposed to low.
  19. trains strain

    help, noob at first grow, leaves curling

    which one of these would be the better one to get to lower ph