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  1. Stay@homeGROWER

    1st Real Grow !!! Help with Light Schedule and Timers!

    It would hurt to get some literature on the subject matter to go along with what you pick up from this forum
  2. Stay@homeGROWER

    1st Real Grow !!! Help with Light Schedule and Timers!

    HOnestly i would wait at least 2 weeks before you flower. Flowering a mature marijuana plant will produce bigger, more poten buds...more roots more fruits. You want more node reigons...for more bud...there are multiple reasons, but if you have too/want too thats fine still. I flowered a...
  3. Stay@homeGROWER

    WTF? Hair looking thing coming out of a stipule?

    Pre flowers are great because its a true sign of maturity for the plant, which means its ready for flowering! I'll smoke a nice bowl of bubble hash for the homies with no dope!
  4. Stay@homeGROWER

    Gonna try cloning again in water...SHOULD I USE GEL TOO? - answer needed quickly

    I have a thread called cloning 101...check it out!
  5. Stay@homeGROWER

    Fisrt Grow - 1000W - Martian Mean Green - LA Woman - Grape Ape

    GH is legit....look into House and Garden for there additives... I've been using Bud Xl, and Top Booster and LOVE EM!...check it out..........and for a bloom boooster i HIGHLY recomend Mother Of All Blooms for veg i rock the Roots Excel, this stuff called Fish Mix, some stuff Fossil Fuels...
  6. Stay@homeGROWER

    Hydroponic Nutes: Organic or not

    Well I've heard good things about the GH line, I think most of the guys at the shop I buy my gear at uses GH. I'm actually using Cutting Edge Solutions (which is owned by GH) for my base fertz. The next thing to look into is additives, I use some stuff called "Bud XL" by House and Garden...
  7. Stay@homeGROWER

    1st grow. Need check ups

    I've never worked with MG?!?! ssorry, but there is a product called "drip clean" that won't allow the build up of salts and stuff in the roots and reduces the need to do a major flush at the end....3 days rather than 10 And since that's the case don't use any bloom fertz, but I would still...
  8. Stay@homeGROWER

    Cloning 101 with pics

    --Smokey-- Thanks man, but all I did is water, they did all the work! I haven't tried a star, what I've tried is closer to a tic-tac-toe pattern, but I haven't done batch vs batch yet. The cup was great, everybody got f'n ripped, all the speakers were too stoned to stay on topic...some of...
  9. Stay@homeGROWER

    1st grow. Need check ups

    I would ditch the cfl's for flower and get at least a 400W HID lamp. Waiting is good to flower, the more roots you have the more fruits you'll get. I use 24/0, I agree that plants need a dark cycle so than can process the energy that they just collected and plan onswitching to 21/3...18/6 is...
  10. Stay@homeGROWER

    Hydroponic Nutes: Organic or not

    Until you learn the in's and out's just stick with what you got for now. When it comes to nutes, sometimes it's in the prefernce rather than the preformance. I use a combination of different products, but again its my preference. Organics vs Syntheics...Yield is the largest difference...
  11. Stay@homeGROWER

    I'll keep my money, guns, and can keep the "change"

    YouTube: Obama and anitchrist
  12. Stay@homeGROWER

    Fisrt Grow - 1000W - Martian Mean Green - LA Woman - Grape Ape

    Looks like your ladies could use some nitrogen. What kind of nutes are you using?
  13. Stay@homeGROWER

    mysterious dark orange hair

    Once a marijuana plant reaches "maturity" , it shows what is called pre-flowers. They are the first indication of the plant's sex usually found around the 4th week of veg, hen the plant is 6-8 weeks old. Photoperiod does not influnce the rate or growth of pre flowers, again preflowers are a...
  14. Stay@homeGROWER

    topping branches to stop stretch? whats the opinion? short super tight plants 3 weeks

    What i mean by pinching is teh FIM method of topping. Where you "pinch" off the top 3/4 of the very very top sprout, redirecting growth to the lower branches, causing the area where you pinched to produces 2+ branches, with very little stress on the plant... Jorge Cervantes has a good...
  15. Stay@homeGROWER

    topping branches to stop stretch? whats the opinion? short super tight plants 3 weeks

    If you throw a pic up I may be able to help...I use a combo of bending and pinching and when done properly they make sum bushes!
  16. Stay@homeGROWER

    Hardcore/Metal Anyone?

    Going to RockStar Mayhem Fest...Rob Zombie, Lamb of God, Korn, Hatebreed, 5 Finger Death Punch, Atreyu...can't wait!!!!
  17. Stay@homeGROWER

    Only got 2 females of a strain left, strain now discontinued and seeds unobtainable..

    The dude is right, breeding is for people who know it, and who are trying to know it. For someone who is trying to keep bomb ass meds in there room...CLONES!!!
  18. Stay@homeGROWER


    Yeah man things are looking good in there. might want to get a larger area going, def would keep a close eye for bugs and mildew cuz they will spread like wild fire being so close like that and are taking a small risk, one that could really be worth it!!!! Good Luck
  19. Stay@homeGROWER

    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    I've got a few than've been vegging since May and is the size of I am, so f'n trees man. But this is my first and last flower, I've got some Lambsbread and AK-47 thats going to take over