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    is all Tincture sublingual...

    I've used the water bath method and 186 proof alcohol successfully. 2-3 droppers full was good for a nighttime go to sleep dose. Keep it away from light.
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    I put 33grams in (1 box of mix) once. They were pretty effective. 1 around noon and one around dinner time would keep you good to go all day long. Or have one at night and you wake up still high. Good for camping.
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    Sublingual Tincture

    Hey Hobbes, Glad to see I could help you some. I'm a little buzzed at the moment :) so I'm gonna try and answer your questions but also make this quick. Anyways, as far as your mesh I would not only put it below but I would wrap the jar and even possibly extend slightly above it you want a...
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    Hot Shot 5580 No Pest Strip Vapor Insect Repellent WARNING~

    "There is sufficient evidence from non-mammalian systems to indicate that DDVP has the intrinsic potential for inducing genetic alteration " So you're saying I could keep mites away AND perhaps obtain super powers!?!?!?! Hells yea.
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    IMO its works better this way, but doesnt taste as good as budder since you are eating the plant material. I assure you it will certainly work without budder(ie just dump it in). Clear several hours of your day. Also to store them wrap in foil, then in plastic then put in freezer. They lose...
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    is miracle grow seed starting soil safe?

    Not sure about the seed staring soil specifically but:
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    sugar injection to plants .

    If it did work you wouldnt like the result. I mean if you want a plant 20ft tall with 2ft internode length then by all means...assuming it didnt hermie on you. GA3 is great for many plants but has a few uses in MJ. I will say it defintely makes plants grow like hell but in MJ they strech like...
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    Question about my bugs

    They crawl, never seen one jump. Even if they did jump they only have the vertical of a fat white kid. Also you'd never see spider mites on the floor with your naked eye. they are head of a pin tiny.
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    First problem with soil

    I vote PH, looks like the start of Zn, Fe, and Mn lockout from high Ph. Google zinc deficiency will look familiar.
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    Best Places To Go - Online Shopping

    Carbon filter $79 470CFM
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    DIY Carbon filter , opinions wanted!

    Save your time and money. $79.00
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    2 Pounds Per Light

    No problem just throwing some ideas out there. Have you tried going 12/12 from clone with no veg instead of vegging to 2 ft? maybe an idea for another grow or mix in a plant or 2 with this method next time and see if it creates something that might work for you if you dont want to commit to it...
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    2 Pounds Per Light

    All else being equal an easier way to accomplish this is to increase your canopy size. How can you increase your canopy size? Think in 3 dimensions. So in other words Vertical grow. When you bare the light (no reflector) the problem is your loose some intensity. So how do you correct that...
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    How do you make honey oil?

    One thought, if you are going to produce weed to do this, it would probably make some sense to water cure it that way there are less impurities to pull out during the extraction.
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    Stop the smell during flowering?

    This is probably overkill for your 1 plan but: this is the type of thing you need. Either way you need to make sure the filter you get has activated carbon in it or it wont work for what you want it to...
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    DIY Carbon filter , opinions wanted!

    No I think its fine. For that much air it needs to be LARGE. My purchased one is larger than that and is supposed to flow 490cfm
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    what cfm rating fan should i get for....

    Maybe mod the hood and put a 4" flange where the vent louvers are attach a hose and run one of those cheep inline booster fans? That would take a lot of heat out before it got to your plants. Also the idea of remoteing the ballast is a good idea. You dont need a whole lot with only a 150...
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    Remoisturizing ??

    1 spray of distilled water.
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    Stop the smell during flowering?

    No it needs to have carbon in it. That wont work. Search for carbon air filter
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    Having Furnace Problems: Jackson Area

    This used to happen to my furnace all the time. In my case there would be a spider or bug that would crawl into the orifice where the pilot light comes out of. Basically the dead bug corpse would divert the gas just enough so that the thermocouple that it blows on wouldnt get hot enough to...