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  1. M

    Question on 6 plant rubbermaid growing.

    Yeild depends on lighting and veg growth. if your running 400w hps, 4 oz would be on the low side of harvests. Aim for a gram per watt, or Half that for clf. As for multiple plants. Different strains like different ppm. So it will work regardless, but it would be better to do it from clones of...
  2. M

    my battle with a 500 watt halogen............

    how did you get that rep level? seriously. these guys are tearing you a new one. good luck buddy!
  3. M

    DWC, AERO, or AERO/NFT???

    what do you mean by aero done right? do you mean the ultra fine mist? and not just the squirters?
  4. M

    Sunset-sunrise starts flowering 12/12 or sooner????

    thats sick about costa rica, always thought you could have perpetual harvest near the equator. what about on the equator, what happens there?
  5. M

    Dry And Toothie BJ

    get her to watch some porn with you. then, if that doesn't work, tell her your ex girlfriend did everything they do in the movies. worst case scenario, get a new girlfriend, but pick her up at a sleazy bar so you know shes a tramp! good luck!
  6. M

    organic fertilizer $130 per liter!!! should I buy??

    i would love to see someone make a bomb out of organic fertz. hahaha shit would be everywhere... literally.
  7. M

    Sunset-sunrise starts flowering 12/12 or sooner????

    so you are saying that mj responds the rate of change of daylight to night. not to the hours of light it recieves.... thats very interesting. i always thought that pot flowered at 12/12 so that localized plants would ensure reproduction in the same time period. but 12/12 interms of sunrise...
  8. M

    Sunset-sunrise starts flowering 12/12 or sooner????

    Hello, just a quick question, does flowering start when the sun rises and sets 12 hours apart or does does it start when the sun is up for 13 or 14 hours. just because when the sun sets light levels are relatively low. so when does the magic begin? any input would be great.
  9. M

    organic fertilizer $130 per liter!!! should I buy??

    ummm... the only reason they make shit like that... is cause they think stoners are dumb enough to buy it. unless your doing a huge grow... anything organic would go bad by the time you could use it all. think first... dont just post.
  10. M

    Quality PH tester recommendation

    dont fuck around drop 200 and get a tri meter. takes the guess out of mistakes.
  11. M

    Help me!! Toooooo talll!!!!

    fuck that plant, put it in its place and snap the main shoot half off, make sure that juices squeeze out of the stem. then wait about a week. the plant will release hormones, ensuring a speed recovery, possibly maximizing harvest. just gently bend your plant in the best direction to maximize...
  12. M

    Male under weak light

    that will work fine, the genetics should be very similar to that of the same plant in a flourishing environment. maybe this will diminish genetic material if the plant suffers deficiencies/abuse.
  13. M

    A micro cfl nl#5 harvest log

    snip a few small nugs now and do a water cure for 7 days, that way next week after your buds dry out for a few hours, you can get rizziped. it might be nice to have some weed that isnt a total burn out :). also flush this shit out of your soil!
  14. M

    If you know ur going to grow more plants than allowed...

    just go big hydro, get some plastic trash cans and set up a simple six garbage can dwc with flowing to and from as res . maybe set up two systems so you can alternate harvest. hahah then do the biggest scrog knowen to mankind.
  15. M

    One week bubble cloner, no roots. HELP

    so after two weeks i still had no roots, thats two weeks for the first set and three weeks for the second set of clones. plants were lightly heat burnt from lights being too close. anyways temps ph and good water was all maintained. and i dident get shit. that is distilled water 50ppm, 5.2-6.5...
  16. M

    One week bubble cloner, no roots. HELP

    bump... the stems are turning a little brown, and appear to be loosing color. is my water temp too low? i check on them once a day. am i disturbing them too much? i have done many clones in rockwool and peat. and they are looking alright in comparison i mean the leaves are stankdng up good... no...
  17. M

    I have an idea.

    ahahhhhhh mad props. a lawyer would be good.
  18. M

    One week bubble cloner, no roots. HELP

    Hello all. 50ppm, 67-73 degree water,5.5-6.5 ph, 60watt clf(1 foot away) two 4" airstones. 20/4 light cycle. water changed every 4 days. four clones have in been about ten days, showing nothing. their stems are barely in the water. another four have stems fully in water. are about a week...
  19. M

    Watts per house

    i have heard from people more experience that 1000w per bedroom is a good point to be at. anything more and red lights go off at the utility company... in canada anyways.