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  1. M

    flavored dro

    i dont know too much about flavoring for a final flush. but i highly doubt that the chemicle composition of coke would envelope your plan in the same way. especially because of the fact that coke is evil.
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    400w BC Blueberry Harvest - Lots of good pics!!! Weight Predictions?

    Love the plants Technine. You should do a simple dwc in a Rubbermaid and start pulling 400 grams dry. if you want to maximize your bubble hash i like salt water ice extraction. around 30ml/gallon. gets down to -3 C. I use bubble bags. i have 7, use three. mix bag, 190micron or 160micron and...
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    Sprayed sulpher/soy bean spray on aphids 17 days before harvest

    soap and water works great for future reference. i would recommenced a water curing technique if you are worried about residue for final product.
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    Prepping a 53' container for growing

    hahahah, id learn to grow before going balls out.
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    HPS Healp please....+ rep

    in an area that large heat wont be a prominent issue. there is lots of space/ air to heat up. however. you do need some better ventilation or you risk mold and stagnation problems. do you have any windows in there/ vents? with that space i would do a couple winter grows. get couple grand, then...
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    time to harvest? 58 days flowering 6 pic's

    wow, that is incredible call me log. Im truly amazed at your personal qualities. good luck in your venturs. However i would recomend at least two weeks before harvesting. you can see that near the top of the buds there is a lot of new bud development. further more your crop has yet to bursting...
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    New $4 drying box/chamber, what you think

    can i get some specs on that carbon filter? what pc fan rating? cheers
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    Anyone use Final Flush to fertilize up to harvest?

    i would use it for one week, then flush with water the last week. you want a purge of everything in the plant. makes two res changes tho.
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    LED Lighting Systems

    LED are getting better, but there are still issues with the spectrums of light they emit. i have seen that most good LED grow boards these days have three spectrums plus infrared. mostly dominated by red 650-660. What they really need to do is cover all the visible light spectrums and non...
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    hydrogen peroxide

    you dont want more then 2.5 ml/gallon of 35% h202. i use half strength for any problems. math time!!! 2.5ml x .35 = Yml x .03 where Y ml is mililitres of 3% h202 some people use peroxide in their res throughout a grow. i wouldent recomend it. if your environment is in good order you should...
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    Need CFL grow box help

    tough call, i mean your kinda limited to space, but you still are looking for the wattage. i would go with the first set up, it is more elegant. pick up some Y connectors so you can have two bulbs out of a single socket if you think you need more light. post pics of your box, sounds like a...
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    different light scheduals

    i dont know about the power consumption personaly i dont think it would change shit. but at the core of this thread... what the is the fucking point of 3 hours on 1 hour off? i mean you cant expect the plant to consider 4 hour light cycles a full day cycle. i would expect some hermies to come...
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    Top or not????

    its all about making a well developed even canopy to maximize light intake! so it totaly depends on the rooms specs
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    Top or not????

    if you are working in a six foot grow area then it really depends on how long you plan to veg for and how much height you have to work with. if you plan to have some monsters then i would recomend topping early, the simple fim technique will produce 2-3 prominent stocks and plants that bush out...
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    hydro problems - clones are drooping yellowing curling, all of sudden! HELP!

    also, after re-reading your post, what strains are prospering?
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    hydro problems - clones are drooping yellowing curling, all of sudden! HELP!

    do you have root development on all clones? if so what does it look like? all white or brown? also how much root mass do you have? are we talking a just a few tap roots or a full blowen system? what lights are the plants under now? you should keep them under the T5 untill everything is growing...
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    1st grow... when will they flower?

    they all look good. you can make hash out of males, but it will suck. you could try iso oil. that would be pretty quick and easy, get a good half gram of hash for the day.
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    First Timer, DIY Stealth CFL DWC w/ AutoAK47, Purple Lady, & Gigabud

    you still need another fan, trust.
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    Question on 6 plant rubbermaid growing.

    that is the worst answer i have ever gotten... im sure you can understand my disapointment. i agree, its better to grow for yourself and have a sick stash, many strains for many different days, i got some indica shit going right now, bagseed n clones. but after that i plan to do a mostly sativa...
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    Question on 6 plant rubbermaid growing.

    hey long horn, what kind of harvest are you getting from dwc and clf? im curiouse to compare. ive growen soil before, and its safe to say that you get around 3.-.5 grams per watt. what is your experience with clf and dwc?