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  1. J

    Kessil Led's Rock.

    I'm with you on the Kessils. And if your space grows to about 3 x 3 then get a couple three more Kessils and a spinner. The spinner really leverages the watts and you can easily add a little different spectrum by adding one or two different colored fixtures. I can also say that the Kessils are...
  2. J

    Some tips?

    If you are doing a first CFL grow, I recommend that you get this book - Marijuana Buds for Less by SeeMoreBuds. His book is particularly for CFL grows and he basically takes you step by step with LOTS of pics so you can see what he is talking about.
  3. J

    plant all out of sorts please help 3 rd posting

    First you started with terrible soil and nutrients. Guess it's too late to do much about the soil at this point but I would change to neptune's harvest organic hydrolized fish and seaweed fertilizer for nutrients now. The idea of adding kelp and azomite is a good one as well but I don't think...
  4. J

    Outdoor growing problems!!

    i've never grown those strains so can't answer with regards to those in particular, however, from my experiences of growing several different strains outside, some from clone and some from seed, I know that the strain does matter on when blooming begins and when it ends. I have three different...
  5. J

    So, What causes the buds to be airy and not dense and solid

    With LED one should keep the grow room a little bit on the warm side compared to typical HID so don't get talked into keeping it in the 60's. Now you can go down into the 60's during lights out but lights-on I prefer more around 80.
  6. J

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    I would slow down a little and see how happy you are by the end of flower. You can veg with almost anything but flowering is a different story.
  7. J

    Whats the best smelling bud you tried/grown?

    Purple Urkle. Smelled like spice and grapes...kinda' mulled wine...beautiful purple color too....and there's not much left...dayum...
  8. J

    Vermicomposters Unite! Official Worm Farmers Thread

    Oh, I see there are two threads on this...I answered in the other one...but really said mostly what Rrog did... Homemade worm castings are pretty incredible and the more I learn and the longer the soil/worm bin continues, the better it gets.
  9. J

    Re-amending soil for re-use

    ...oh and I forgot but crab or shrimp meal/shell can provide great benefits for keeping pests at bay too. I have added shell to my soil mixes in the past but now tend to put it in the worm bin for "processing". You not only get the benefit of an "insecticide" but you also get plenty of calcium...
  10. J

    Re-amending soil for re-use

    I don't think I'd drench my worm bin with spinosad but if you are getting gnats, you might try adding some more bedding. It does help if their food - like banana peels, coffee grounds, whatever you feed - is buried in the bedding. I typically use coir, a little newspaper, leaves (which are also...
  11. J

    Houston we have a problem!!

    Do not pass go, do not collect $200, go directly to the store and get BT now. It will stop the bud worms and do so safely for now and for future smoking. It won't get rid of the caterpillar shit already in your buds which is what is making them mold but keep picking the caterpillars off and make...
  12. J

    R/O Advice

    I wanted to increase the quality of my grow water as well. I went with a sediment filter and two activated charcoal filters. Does this give as clean a water as R/O? Not if the R/O is working well but it does a wonderful job on removing chlorine and chloramine from the water. I also don't have to...
  13. J

    HELP, how do you get rid of it?

    Cut off the affected leaves. Spray - that means hitting under leaves, over leaves, stems, every part of the plant - a mix of milk diluted 5:1 with water. You'll need to keep doing this every three days until harvest. The milk will keep the PM under control and you won't have ruined your buds...
  14. J

    Proper Ventilation ???

    Don't know about the best but thoughts include: -lower the temp of the incoming air...maybe intake from an air conditioned room... -make sure the hot exhausted air is leaving the grow don't need it lingering in the room to keep up the heat... -cool tube setup to remove heat from grow...
  15. J

    Mildew attack!

    All sprays that are effective are NOT harmful. You should spend some time visiting the organic section of this board. An effective method to control powdery mildew is milk diluted 5:1 with water and sprayed on the leaves. You have to cover all of the plant and reapplication about every 3days...
  16. J

    Caterpillar Poop Falling From The Sky - Pics

    I've never had a tree raining sh*t down before but I have unfortunately gotten bud rot from caterpillars shitting in my buds. I also used BT to deal with the problem. I would certainly do whatever I could to keep the shit off and spray to keep moths/caterpillars from finding your buds because...
  17. J

    IF you are new to LED and want help choosing what to buy, POST HERE!

    You might manage one small plant with #2. You'd do much better with the same amount of money on CFL.
  18. J

    Spider Mite Control | Uncontrollable! Help!

    I've had great luck with just washing them off and then treating with neem oil. You can get rid of much of the infestation by washing with a hose/spraying with water. I then will use neem oil with dynagro protekt (emulsifies the oil...and use warm water too) every two to three days for at least...
  19. J

    Sick of cfl want input

    LED could work very well for you, however, LED costs a lot of money up front; you save on the electric and bulb costs in the longer run...but you pay up front and $100 really isn't enough to get you in the game. for a 2 x 3 space for flower and Hans Panels - -...
  20. J

    Same amount of water as last week, much less runoff?

    Your plants don't have a steady requirement for water;it changes over time - wait until the last two to three weeks of flowering and you are gonna' see some real increase in water requirements. When I first started growing, I tried to work on a watering sked too...but I ended up with...