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  1. Rumple

    when to harvest (newbie)

    6 weeks in not enough. That plant just started to show signs of buds. Be a shame to kill if gor nothing,
  2. Rumple

    3 Days of Darkness before harest?

    I chop um down before the lights come on again. I have seen good growers and authors talk about a dark period, but I don't buy it. A few years back they had a show called Urban Grower. They talked to Big Mike (owner of Advanced Nutrients) about having a dark period before harvest. He said...
  3. Rumple

    Cloning, What am i doing wrong?

    Try this: Lets Build a Clone Machine *Step-By-Step*
  4. Rumple

    Are these ready? Just after 6 weeks flowering

    I agree. And that does help a lot.
  5. Rumple

    WhatS better jarring or paper bagging?

    The bags are only to help all the buds dry out at the same rate regardless of size. When I just hung them dry, I got some small buds that came out over dry and the big ones seemed damp in the middle. The bags gave me a very even dry rate. My small stuff has the same texture as the bug buds. You...
  6. Rumple

    The "I don't starve my plants before harvest" thread

    I have never smoked anything I have grown.
  7. Rumple

    Can I use just "RO" water for my super soil?

    Are you talking about Vic's Super Soil? If so, it would be just fine. I have never had it too hot for anything. Iput clone in it all the time. Make sure it sits damp for a month before use.
  8. Rumple

    Simple Harvest and Cure (Step By Step)

    Let me know when your in my neck of the woods.
  9. Rumple

    The "I don't starve my plants before harvest" thread

    Try flushing if it comes out crappy. Other then that it looks good.
  10. Rumple

    The "I don't starve my plants before harvest" thread

    He is the only well known author I know that would answer an email from me. Opinions from good growers do matter to me.
  11. Rumple

    The "I don't starve my plants before harvest" thread

    I have to admit, that hurt. I am on the fence about flushing and don't have a real passion for this debate one way or another. I felt it was just a friendly conversation between a bunch of guys who like growing weed. Some very good points from both sides. More science from the non-flushers and...
  12. Rumple

    The "I don't starve my plants before harvest" thread

    If you have any more questions for Jorge you can email him yourself at I feel growing experience counts for something. Jorge does offer some good insight into growing cannabis. Was a judge for years at the Cup and has talked with thousands of growers all over the...
  13. Rumple

    Southern CA January 2012 Harvest Support Group

    I live up the street (the OC). I am making clones right now, so thanks for the heads up. I am going to dig up my spray bottle.
  14. Rumple

    The "I don't starve my plants before harvest" thread

    Rumpleforskin, You are correct to flush and might even want to flush for a few days longer. Many uninformed people tell stories. I'm a bit difficult to get a hold of because I am in Spain for the next few months. I should be at a public event in CA sometime this summer or fall. Thanks for...
  15. Rumple

    Simple Harvest and Cure (Step By Step)

    I love the smell! This White widow I grow has a very strong smell that fills the whole house when a jar is cracked. Tuesday night I took some close up pictures, the smell woke my wife up in the other room. I would love to hook up over a coffee.
  16. Rumple

    Simple Harvest and Cure (Step By Step)

    I am in SoCal. You can check out a review I got last year --> here. I have a few others, but it is not something I write down everythime it happens. My wife is pretty good at telling me what she likes, and I am growing for here after all.
  17. Rumple

    Simple Harvest and Cure (Step By Step)

    That is correct sir. I do rely on folks I have met here on the forums to review the stuff I grow. But the sad fact is I don't get to taste it myself.
  18. Rumple

    Word of advise for newbies.

    Just thought you could be a little nicer. Try switching strains.