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    150w HPS heat problems!

    That's my set up for now, for a picture reference.
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    150w HPS heat problems!

    Bert, is your ole just a 6x12" thing with a screen covering it? I've thought of drilling a couple holes down there, but do you know if any smelly odor would leak through there? Or will the (hopefully) negative pressure take care of all that? And I guess I should light trap the hole(s)?
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    150w HPS heat problems!

    aknight, I have an inline i believe. the S&P TD100 fan connected to the 4x8 phresh filter. I don't really think AC will be an option, I've run out of dinero =(. My 6mil poly came in and I took out all my styrofoam and reflectix and lined it...
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    150w HPS heat problems!

    Mattemil, the only reason I'm being "impatient" is b/c I posted this almost 24 hrs ago, and there's been quite a few views, yet not a SINGLE response. I would imagine you could sense my starting frustration. I didn't mean to "post so fucking much", but I addressed this in my other post, and only...
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    150w HPS heat problems!

    bump bump really no one??
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    150w HPS heat problems!

    Last attempt for the night... I experimented a little over the night and so far, I'm using one 23w 6500k cfl clamp atm to warm up my seedling inside which is placed inside a jiffy pellet. Without exhaust and intake fan on, temps get to about 79F, which worries me b/c thats just one 23w cfl o.o...
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    Stealh Box

    No offense to op, but that cab looks a lot like But all that aside, I was wondering what your feeding schedule for the autos were going to...
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    150w HPS heat problems!

    bumpity bump.... bump... no one?
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    150w HPS heat problems!

    I'm leaning more towards cfls eventually cause this heat thing is really bugging me. If I were to, does anyone have any insight on the clamps that I have vs a power strip cfl fixture?
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    150w HPS heat problems!

    If this heat situation can't be resolved, would anyone recommend switching to cfls for now? I have a couple of those reflector clamps from home depot. one which can hold max 100w and the other 75. I would assume that one 65w and one 85w cfl would be just as hot as one 150w hps?
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    150w HPS heat problems!

    bump bump.....
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    150w HPS heat problems!

    Hello riu, I just started my grow, and I have a 150w HPS mini sun built in ballast with an S&P TD100 fan attached to a 4x8 phresh filter. As for intake I have a simple case fan pushing maybe 40~cfm in. Also have an O2 5" fan coming in the mail. Measurements of my box is 36Hx19Wx21D, and my...
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    Short Rider & Northern Lights Auto Grow

    yeah i heard start with 1/4 nutes and since we're both using ffof, when do you plan to start feeding nutes? once you notice a little nute def? sorry lol im completely new to this, and do you plan to feed it veg nutes? or do you think the soil would hold until it starts to flower and we can skip...
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    Carbon Filter / Fan Combo, how much cfm do you lose?

    =T woulda gone with the can, but i got my phresh for pretty cheap on amazon and its extra light weight o.o, anywho thanks
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    First time indoor growing!

    strawberrys right, gotta keep it clean. but yeah make sure you find some 5000-6500k cfls. and gl getting females after you start to flower
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    First time indoor growing!

    oh nvm i see it says the skunk #1. how many? just two? do you know if they're fem seeds or reg?
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    First time indoor growing!

    im too lazy to search for a link, but if you were wondering, from what i know, mh/daylight whatever induces bushy veg and what not. and then put up daytime or hps lights for flowering stage. all relevant to imitating the suns light schedule. and what strain are you growing? do you plan to do...
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    First time indoor growing!

    right there it says 2700k warm white. you need 6500k daytime on the second to last picture. and i just germed my plant. still waiting for it to sprout lol. and my 150w hps was i think 70 USD on amazon. puts out a lot of heat cause mine is ballast all in one. mostly hps is for flowering and mh is...
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    Carbon Filter / Fan Combo, how much cfm do you lose?

    i used phresh 4x8 filter and i notice some carbon falls out over my grow light. my plant is still germing in the backyard grill for now. and yes im using a prefilter
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    Carbon Filter / Fan Combo, how much cfm do you lose?

    i'll give that a read. thanks a bunch. but the only problem for me is my ballast is attached to the light so its prob putting out an extra 10 degrees or so? and i dont have very much space or tools or cash to work with =/. And might you have any info on the leaking carbon?