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    Short Rider & Northern Lights Auto Grow

    Hey doni, plants are looking nice! I just noticed that you went way down on the nutes. Cause my plants just hit week two today, and they look a little bit smaller than yours, and seem to show no deficiencies. So I'm kinda iffy on feeding them atm. I have the nutes, and for week two it says 6tsp...
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    Huge humidity problem with lights off 12/12

    Ok, thats nice to know. Lights off, I haven't been able to check the humidity highs and lows on my thermometer lol... have to figure that out. But I know it must be around 70% with lights off, cause the basements humidity is around 65-72 ish. But I do have ALL my fans running 24/7. Two case...
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    12/12 from seed, need some advice!

    Thanks for the reply. So are you saying 18/6 and go down before flipping to 12/12? Is it so they get as much light as possible and growth before the flip? Any advice on when to top the 12/12? Before pre flowers?
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    12/12 from seed, need some advice!

    O.O growing anything haze in 30".. I'll def check out your grow. But why no bloom foods? Any idea what the feeding schedule would be? Gonna be using FFtrio.
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    Huge humidity problem with lights off 12/12

    I actually was wondering how to combat high humidity during lights off as well. For anyone who can help, my rooms 1.6x1.8' and atm I got one 65w and 55w CFL running. Lights on 6pm-12pm. With lights on, temps are 75-82F~ with RH 50-60~. Lights off I believe humidity gets up to 75~. During...
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    12/12 from seed, need some advice!

    Hello RIU, I know, most of you are like "another 12/12 thread" go check del's and I have, not all of it, but went through a good chunk of pages. So I have gathered a bit of intel, and I had some questions that I need a second opinion on... I plan to do a 12/12 sometime after my auto finishes...
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    Short Rider & Northern Lights Auto Grow

    Hey dani, do you know if evaporating qwiso in my grow box through the CF is safe? B/c smell is an issue o.o
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    Grinder hash in the growbox??

    Hello RIU It's about that time when my grinder needs to be cleaned, and I wanted to make qwiso with it. The only problem is, from what I've heard, it's a pretty strong smell of alcohol, and I don't have the option to let it air dry in the open. So I thought about putting it in the box where the...
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    Short Rider & Northern Lights Auto Grow

    OH yeah btw, are you gonna keep updating pics on this thread? Be interesting to follow.
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    Short Rider & Northern Lights Auto Grow

    Tyvm dani, really informative. Yeah I was scared for a bit b/c I've watered it so much compared to everyone else. And I guess I'll go ahead and order my nutes within the next week. I'm thinking I might start with 1/4 nutes to see in the second-third week ish. Anyways thanks a lot again, answered...
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    Short Rider & Northern Lights Auto Grow

    Alas! One more question, sorry doni boy... lol but how are you ph'ing your water? Do you get your water to around 6.5? And when you feed, do you ph after the nutes have been mixed in, and adjust accordingly? Heard using lime juice, and baking soda (or powder)? can be used as up and down. Did the...
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    Short Rider & Northern Lights Auto Grow

    Hey doni, your plant looks nice o.o. My NL auto just sprouted out of the ground about four days ago. I hope mine looks like that after a week lol. Anyways back to business. You're feeding slight nutes already? You're using FFOF right? I'm doing the same thing, except w/o the light warrior. My...
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    Difference in temps inside the room??

    Thanks sand for the reply, today I swapped out my 150w HPS + 23w cfl set up for one 65w 6500k cfl and one 55w 5000k cfl for veg, and I'll put in the 150w HPS during flower. Right now, the box temp is around 73F, and the temp next to my plant is 75F. Soil I believe mine is actually 6-7 degrees...
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    Difference in temps inside the room??

    Hello RIU Just a quick question concerning temps inside my box. I have two different thermometers, just to be safe. So I have my digi thermometer sitting on top of my soil right next to my plant, and it reads 80-87F~ with 150w HPS and 65w cfl running. On the other hand, my other thermometer...
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    O2 fan increasing temps?!

    I just raised the CFL fixture ever so slightly, and temps went down to 83F. My plan is once I get my hands on couple bigger fixtures, I plan to veg the autos for however short that will be with two 65w CFLs and switch to the HPS afterwards for some peace of mind, and save a little money as well...
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    O2 fan increasing temps?!

    And are you saying drill a 4" hole on my grow light? I have a 4" hole cutter, but idk if it'll be able to cut through the fixture cleanly without damaging the ballast. (Built in ballast). So basically making a sort of cooltube? Both my 4" holes are on the back of the cab, the lower one with a...
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    O2 fan increasing temps?!

    sorry its kinda hard to see. I guess I can't crop pics -.- lol. If I try to link it, the pic comes out sideways? Idk, anyways. Contraptionated, I'm sorry to say, but I'm not much of a DIY guy as you can see, and almost none of that stuff made sense to me without a visual =/. I kinda get what...
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    O2 fan increasing temps?!

    Hello RIU! I'm starting my first grow, and I just xfered from jiffy -> ffof and perlite (roughly 70/30). My concern right now is temps in the box. It's a 36x26x19 box lined with 6mil black/white poly. Got two holes, one for intake one for exhaust. Exhaust fan I'm using S&P TD100 inline fan...
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    150w HPS heat problems!

    Does anyone know if attaching another case fan at the end of my ducting to help out my inline fan would lower temps? o.o
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    150w HPS heat problems!

    Hey Azhden, I plan to start just one (Nirvana NL auto) and if it goes well by the end of the first month, I'll throw in another auto in there to kind of keep a perpetual thing for now. But no more than two plants at a time I believe. I only have 3' of vertical space, minus the vertical space the...