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  1. T

    HPS tempered glass shield? Help!

    I've tried diff set ups with my 5" O2 fan. No matter where, the temps hit 92F. I've set it to blow directly across my HPS towards my carbon filter, but still temps where high. It's weird, because the whole rig was cool to the touch, except the end part which housed the ballast. My theory is that...
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    HPS tempered glass shield? Help!

    BumpBump, anyoneeee
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    Thrips?!? Help please!

    Po boy thanks for the response, I've already got floramite coming in the mail prob by the end of this week. Do you think it'll be safe to spray that? Edit: When my NL was in seed, I've left it outside with my tomato/basil plants due to it being too cold in my basement where my box is located...
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    HPS tempered glass shield? Help!

    EDIT: I swapped out my 150w HPS with my 55w and 65w CFLs. The constant checking on the temps were starting to take a toll on me lol... So now comes the new problems. I have an extra passive intake for no reason. I think I can keep those two CFLs around 77-83F. Should I cover it up? If not I...
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    HPS tempered glass shield? Help!

    No that's fine, gives me some insight. Thanks though. How well does the tempered glass work?
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    HPS tempered glass shield? Help!

    Hello RIU I'm experiencing some pretty bad heat issues with my 150w HPS. Got a 100CFM inline fan attached to 4x8 phresh and a case fan bringing in cool air, and a 5" O2 fan for air circulation. I've tried doing everything possible to bring the temps down. I added another 4" hole for passive...
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    Thrips?!? Help please!

    Thanks for the quick reply. I've taken a look at those links, and I haven't seen anything that looks like the damage stated above. Do you know if its safe to spray floramite during flowering? Random little holes at first I thought it was cause I accidentally got little drops of water on the...
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    Thrips?!? Help please!

    Bump... and let me add a little extra info for anyone willing to help. I've been using FFOF soil 70/30 perlite and using their trio of nutes. Fed three times so far. Once with grow big, once with grow big and big bloom, and once with all three. Every feeding has been 1/4 strength. Haven't really...
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    Thrips?!? Help please!

    Hey RIU, My Nirvana NL auto is five or six days into flower, and I've noticed some of my leaves are a little deformed and see some white specks. I haven't noticed any webs or much else, so I'm thinking its thrips... I have some floramite coming in the mail, but I've read that it takes about 28...
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    Why Buy from NonCup Winning Seed Companies

    Simply put, your outcome is not determined 100% by the type of bean you get. There are different situations though. Lets say a very experienced grower got some beans from (insert less reputable breeder). Everything was done right, no light leaks, top notch growing conditions. Yes there are beans...
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    Why Buy from NonCup Winning Seed Companies

    This may be the brownies speaking, but all this chat about seeds makes me want to say something about it. Seeds are seeds, just that. Sure there are genetics involved, which are more prone to herm, fungal resistant etc etc. But in the end, even if you have the best bean in the world, with the...
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    Stealth cab heat issues! Help!!

    wow, got a link by any chance? couldn't find any wally world fans...
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    Re using FFOF??

    Hey, thanks to everyone for their reply. To allthumbs, they died b/c my CFL clamp was drooping a little, and it burned my seedling within two minutes lol... Other than that, it was doing pretty well =[. And my FFOF is around 70/30 perlite. R.I.P =(
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    Re using FFOF??

    Hey RIU Recently I think I've just killed my five day old seedling from heat, and I'm considering just dropping a new bean. But my question is, can I take out the dead seedling and drop a new bean in the same old cup? Nothings been done to it except watering it twice. Thanks in advance!
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    Stealth cab heat issues! Help!!

    2000 CFM? Think that's a bit much for my needs. And its 16 dollars? I've just read up on a couple things, and I saw that your passive intake hole size needs to be 2x your exhaust. But the thing is, my intake is powered by a case fan atm. Would I need to take out the case fan and just put two 4"...
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    Stealth cab heat issues! Help!!

    As of now, the only options that seem reasonable/in my budget are to either drill another hole for passive intake, or get a slightly stronger case fan. (I'm guessing my inline is running somewhere around 50-60 CFM while attached to the CF). Another thing that has me worried is my temp range from...
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    Stealth cab heat issues! Help!!

    Hello RIU I've just recently switched my cfls out for a 150 HPS due to my girl entering flowering. My stealth cab which measures 36x21x19, is equipped with a 100 CFM inline fan attached to 4x8 phresh filter, and a 45 CFM case fan for intake. Also have a 5" O2 fan for circulation. Lately the...
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    First time grow!! need help with growth problem!!

    Patience my friend... One thing I learned is try not to compare your grows to these people writing journals. My NL auto was the same size as yours around that day, but now its on day 23 from sprout and I'm starting to see white hairs coming out =]. Just give it some tlc and it'll all be groovy...
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    Plant out growing tent...

    Hey doni, you can get a hole saw, I got one on amazon for like $12 for a 17 set or something like that. Cheap stuff, but works well enough. For you though, you might need a bigger better quality one, depending on what you're tryna drill through and how thick it is. If scratch is an issue, can...
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    Short Rider & Northern Lights Auto Grow

    Wow thanks a lot doni, appreciate it. I guess next feeding I"ll add some BB to the GB. My plants have to be under 2' o.o so I might invest in some pvc cutters. Do you know if its safe to be drying qwiso in the grow box? And hows your girls doing? Any more updates pics?