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  1. T

    Thrips?!? Help please!

    Interesting skeww, looks like pm, but I'm no expert. An update for everyone, just now I've sprayed the shit outta my plant with a habenero spray for now to switch it up from the azamax. got it from this guy. I thought wth...
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    Thrips?!? Help please!

    Thanks for the response 1itsme. I saw some pyrethrum at a garden center, but I was hesitant whether or not I should get that or the montery that included .5% spinosad. What's your experience with pyrethrum? How well does it work? And how often did you have to use it?
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    Azamax... the climax. What now?

    Hey Ali, thanks for the advice. Think I can use this spray made from peppers I saw for thrips and what not? Maybe it'll save some scratch for now, b/c I have to invest in some dolomite lime I believe or cal/mag. I'm thinking of switching between the pepper and the azamax. How often do you think...
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    Azamax... the climax. What now?

    Hey pepe, thanks for the reply. I'm not too sure about the sand. I heard it's great but how do I water from bottom up? Just fill my drip tray? The thing is I'm scrogged atm, and I find it freaking hard to inspect the leaves for bugs, water, etc. Everytime I have to apply azamax, I take it outta...
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    Thrips?!? Help please!

    Thanks to everyone who took their time out to respond. If I can find a cheap insecticide that seems reputable, I'll add it to switch between the azamax and the other one. Also, I think I'll get some mosquito dunks and some pest strips... Think that's overkill? Mosquito dunks, azamax, pest...
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    DINAFEM critical+ and Fruity chronic juice.

    Hey jondamon, looking good. I had a couple of questions. Is that montery spinosad you're using? If so, how's it work? I've heard that one application and it'll do the trick for thrips. I'm currently using azamax, and I've been foliar spraying and dumping the rest into the FFOF. While doing this...
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    Azamax... the climax. What now?

    Thanks for all the replies. I've sprayed and watered with azamax twice now, and I think there are still signs of those little buggers. So far, I've only been using 1/4 str of the azamax I believe. Should I start to go full str? Or go 1/2 or 3/4? I'm thinking of getting some mosquito dunks as...
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    Thrips?!? Help please!

    Thanks for all the answers. Mag, I currently am out of scratch to buy another insecticide. So I'm hoping this azamax works for the time being. But as soon as I get enough money, I'll invest in some spinosad. Do you use the organic one? B/c that's the one I got my eyes on, but its 1/2 the product...
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    Azamax... the climax. What now?

    hmm.. no one??
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    Azamax... the climax. What now?

    bump bump...
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    Azamax... the climax. What now?

    Hello RIU! I desperately need some insight on anyone using azamax, or anything similar to it such as neem, bug off, etc. Three days ago, I sprayed my NL auto with azamax, b/c I finally found some evidence of some random little bug (I'm going with thrips) eating my crop. I took a 1/4 tsp of it...
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    DINAFEM critical+ and Fruity chronic juice.

    Yeahh I plan on doing the same thing as you with the clones and topping. So the small holes in the bottom of the cup for clones was just left there? Enough space for them to root out? I've yet to transplant anything, b/c I started my auto in its finishing container. (I hope) So can you explain...
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    DINAFEM critical+ and Fruity chronic juice.

    Hey jondamon, all your plants are looking vicious... I had a question though about the clones you made. Were there any holes on the lid of your domes? What did you do with the cup? Transplant like you transplanted your other girls? Cause I was thinking about doing the same thing topping and...
  14. T

    Cal/mag or pests?? Help

    Edit: I also went crazy with clorox wipes. Wiped down pretty much everything in there that I could get my hands on/in. How long before I start to notice, or not notice anything o.o
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    Cal/mag or pests?? Help

    Hey po boy, thanks again for responding on two diff threads lol. As for the pests, I DID spot one bugger on the floor of my box. Got some tape, stuck it, scoped it and looks like a longer kinda bug, my guess thrip? Scope says its 40x but seems more like 10-15x lol. Either way, I got 1/4 tsp of...
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    Cal/mag or pests?? Help

    Hello RIU Lately I've noticed small brown blotches on a few leaves, and little white blotches on about a third of my leaves with small bite like holes on some others. At first I was convinced it was a spidermite/thrip problem... but I've yet to notice any bugs, even after putting bunch of...
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    skywalker og from seed

    Hey herk, thanks for the reply. Unfortunately, I've got my azamax in the mail today, and I've read through the directions. .5tsp/gal? Sound right to you? And that's the full dosage? Should I go .25tsp/gal and spray once a week for the next two-three weeks? And whens the best time to spray...
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    HPS tempered glass shield? Help!

    To everyone replying. Thank you, but getting a cool tube or a 20" box fan will not accommodate my situation. I'm growing in a box that's 16"x19"x36". That's why I opted to get the light that I did. I've looked onto multiple light selling sights and have yet to see a cool tube manufacturer that...
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    HPS tempered glass shield? Help!

    Thanks demon, I've taken a look at your journal. Plants are looking real nice! I'm jealous b/c I was about to germ a Barney's Farm PC two days ago, but as I was taking it out of the shot glass, the seed stuck to my finger and fell down the garbage disposal I think. Super sad face... only got one...
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    skywalker og from seed

    Hey herk, it's looking real nice! Clones looking badass as well. I had a question though about pests, b/c I'm finding small little bite like holes in some of my leaves, and some random white specs, (suspect it might be my perlite flying around everywhere). I've put up scotch tape around the box...