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  1. M

    The Attitude!- You are scamming us on Reviews!

    We use words like honor, code, and loyalty. We use these words as a backbone of a life spent defending something. You use them as a punch line. I would rather.... lol. I actually thought the reviews were made by the users (us). Oh well.
  2. M

    The Attitude!- You are scamming us on Reviews!

    lol. I'm with you. I just don't know what to believe with the reviews now, that's all.
  3. M

    The Attitude!- You are scamming us on Reviews!

    I was going to buy some more seeds from The Attitude and I was looking at the DinaFem seeds because I received them free with my last order. Interesting enough, all but three seed reviews on DinaFem have the best "5 Cannabis Leaf" rating, while every other seed company might have only have nil...
  4. M

    Possible Magnesium Deficiency

    I feel bad nobody replied. Let me give this a shot. Is this chlorosis/whitening of the leaf? Are there actual "burn" marks after it turns white? How close is your light? Could it be too much light? Most likely not nute burn because the edges look decent. I also doubt it is Mg. Bring...
  5. M

    Anyone from MA been busted?

    State offense only. How did he get busted? Sorry to hear. Sad.
  6. M

    curing with rum

    :hump: This happened to me. I lost 25% of my yield.
  7. M

    Aurora Indica

    Auto Hindu Kush? Is this possible? Doesn't that mean they injected C. ruderaalis into Hindu Kush? Then how is it Hindu Kush? I'm on Day 37 of flowering Northern Lights (and Hindu Kush). Subscribed.
  8. M

    Aurora indica!!

    Mature plants always have more THC. This is why taking a clone from a mature plant will give it an extra head start in the THC department and be more potent (if grown under exact conditions). Fogo is correct.
  9. M

    Update - 4 weeks and 4 days flowering pics

    What's flowering on Master Kush? Sensi Seeds has theirs at 50-55 days. You're currently at 32 days and you have ~ 20 days left. The yellowing is fine.
  10. M

    What size of CARBON FILTER DO I USE IN A 4.5X4.5 GROW TENT?

    Make sure you have at least a 6" inline. Can 33, Can 50 or Can 66 is perfect for this space. I say 33.
  11. M

    Its been 1 month, my plants are only 6" tall and very small!?

    BTW, you can water your soil with hydro nutes. The schedule is usually Feed, Water, Water, Feed so you do not get salt buildup. Check with the manufacturer to make sure.
  12. M

    HELP! 1 week old marijuana seedling leafs are curling down

    You're growing outdoors from seed (right now) in Ohio? I can tell you that most of Ohio's weather (right now) just killed your seedling. Did you know that your seedling is also trying to flower? If you can help us understand your purpose then possibly we can save this seedling.
  13. M

    yellow tops on 1st day of flowering???

    Great replies, thank you! I think it was a Nitrogen deficiency coupled with a lack of sunlight for 36 hours. So my question is: Is there an unusual amount of Nitrogen used when the light switch goes to flowering? I'm thinking if you have a slight deficiency before you kick into flowering...
  14. M

    yellow tops on 1st day of flowering???

    I have a couple of plants in FFOF soil with a balanced pH of 6.5 (runoff). I also have a couple of plants in hydro (ebb&flow) with a pH of 5.9. I use Technaflora RFS for my salts. My soil watering schedule is defnitely under control (I use a spreadsheet and the works to track the progress of...
  15. M

    yellow tops on 1st day of flowering???

    Just prior to flowering I threw my girls from 24/0 lighting to 12/12 by first putting her in dark for 36 hours. When the lights came on after 36 hours of darkness, many leaves on the tops (of all plants) were yellow and lacked chlorophyll. It looks like a Nitrogen deficiency, even though I...
  16. M

    Leaves drying out at ends!!!!

    My plants are presenting the same physical symptoms. They also have deep veins and feel like paper, correct? I am guessing either light shock or too much Mg for my ladies. Not sure though.
  17. M

    Deep ribbed, paper"ish" veins after moving to HID? Please help (details and pics!)

    No, I had just transplanted them to these larger white pots a few weeks ago and they were stable before I moved them under the HID. Is the light too close? I have the AC keeping the temps under control, so this should not be a problem. The ribbed leaves started on the tallest plants and...
  18. M

    Plant Deficiency!! Please HELP!!!

    You can have a deficiency at any ppm level. Are the nutrients available for the plant to uptake? Or is the pH limiting the solubility of that nutrient, or is there an antagonist relationship where you have too much of one and it locks out the other? I need pics and your growing conditions...