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  1. streets8r88

    150w HPS Questions

    150 watt hps is gonna be optimum from 4" to 12" from the plant. Here's a chart to refer to : Lol yea he beat me to it : )
  2. streets8r88

    Can you tell me what Breed this is,,

    My best bet would be Nirvana White Rhino. Looks more and more similar each time I look.
  3. streets8r88

    Hydrogen Peroxide

    Ive heard of people doing it, but a little bit differently than how you're delivering it. What Ive read up is adding H2O2 to the water so that the extra oxygen breaks off of the H2O2 more readily or quickly. Usually even less than one cap full per gallon, and then letting the gallon sit out for...
  4. streets8r88

    The Real Truth about Rootbound and Transplanting

    Hm dry silty clay powder. You always have great advice Ben. I like the idea, where would you get dry silty clay powder?
  5. streets8r88

    my baby hasnt been showing any bud growth help

    Sounds like they may not be getting enough light. Lower branches tend to grow buds very very slowly and stay very small due to lack of light. (Not saying they are lower buds but using them as an example for ya) So maybe moving the lights closer or adding more light into the area would help.
  6. streets8r88

    Ok so lighting question

    6 Days old doesn't need much light still. Try to think of it more as for every 4 leaves or so turn 1 more light on. On the flip side, it won't hurt it either by having extras on. May stretch it out a little but won't cause issues. -Seedlings don't need much light at all.
  7. streets8r88

    Yellow tips on plant EMERGENCY

    Miracle grow is a bad idea from the get-go. You really don't need any ferts until the plant is out of seedling stage and into vegetation stage. If its just an experiment its not an emergency lol. Best way to learn though is through experience so kudos for just going for it and giving it a shot...
  8. streets8r88

    Will these heal? my gf is an IDIOT

    I would try if they weren't bagseed just for the heck of it but they are nott looking so good bro. You may be past the R.I.P stage but its called weed for a reason... grows like a mother effa so just give em a chance. If it doesn't work charge her for the cost of the seeds :p.
  9. streets8r88

    King's kush grow journal

    Yea kings kush finishes very fluffy and the bananas are a lovely genetic trait. Its less stress and more genetics. I would suggest SLH if you go greenhouse again. No nanner problems with that one. Good luck with the hog and nice job man on KK.
  10. streets8r88

    The Steahiest of Stealth

    Generally leave all the healthy green leaves and only take off leaves that have shriveled and dried up. The plant's leaves help store and provide energy to the plant. You really don't want to ever just start taking off fan leaves. The plant won't yield more just by trimming them off. Also, after...
  11. streets8r88

    Anyone in their 20's have a good full time job?

    yeh those ppl exist. ^_^ . some with a great job n place to live and ingenious ways to keep some aspects of theirs lives private.
  12. streets8r88

    Austrian warns of big government tactics used by Hitler

    Interesting. But isn't the point of a 4yr term to defer the ability of creating a dictatorship by one person. If we are in a dictatorship it's a tiddly bit bigger than the president I hate to say...
  13. streets8r88

    Day 93 from seed - Bubblelicious grow - hermie bud porn?

    93 days in flower will def induce a hermie. The longer the more prone to becoming hermied. Ive had a plant go hermie on me. I think it causes a drop in yield due to the change of the way it's focusing it's energy. Essentially it wants to make seeds and since it isn't pollenated it wants to...
  14. streets8r88

    aeroponics clone help

    first off don't worry about ph. ive had a problem cloning and finally made a diy bubble cloner for 20$ and 100% so far. just a tub of tap water, the chlorine helps kill bacteria and such. I added a few drops of hydrogen peroxide too. Just gotta put an airstone into the tub to give them oxygen...
  15. streets8r88

    very little scent. What went wrong?

    It is supposed to smell grassy as it's drying. Its the chlorophyll being evaporated from leaves. While curing the smell comes back after burping the jar till the chlorophyll smell is gone.
  16. streets8r88

    Cloning help

    I think what you are referring to is a technique called grafting and it involves using a host plant as a multi genetic mother. The plant has an ability to heal itself and when topped, split in half downward, and then another branch can be cut into a V shape, applied gel to, and then held in...
  17. streets8r88

    Fatter buds! Help me i dont know what im not doing right!

    Temps may have a lot to do with your results. You want at least a 10 degree difference between night/day, preferably 15 degrees and the night temperature has to be lower than the day temp. Uncle ben has a good thread that he did from his experience in how to have the most successful harvests...
  18. streets8r88

    Can people really get 1 pound from one plant indoors?

    People can get over a pound from one plant indoors. . 17.5 oz final dry weight, one plant, like 5 oz of hash bricks as well or something like that. Its a long journal. Grab a snack and journey thru. Beautiful story :) One...
  19. streets8r88

    King's kush grow journal

    id actually recommend SLH if anything. it was amazing quality, taste, and appearance. was so dense with such little leaves that I only had to cut off the big fan leaves. all other bud leaves were so coated in trich's that it just looked like part of the bud. even the stems grew trich's on it...
  20. streets8r88

    King's kush grow journal

    Pretty organic for the most part. Happy frog soil and jack's classic/bloom booster. Had it along with SLH, LA confidential, and P.E. All the others finished nice and dense. The Kk actually looked like it was gonna be the highest yield but then turned out being real fluffy. I didn't pull it late...