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  1. L

    an expert noob :)

    Hey guys stopping back through for a quick update on my ladies. I FIMmed one of them only. Im hoping I have done it right maybe someone call tell me by the picture(only and after shot sorry). Anyways if anybody sees any topping, pruning, or tending that needs to be done please communicate that...
  2. L

    Few questions on a seed line; talk from experience only no guessing

    yea i think next time i will definately be looking at the fems next time; as i stated above i will be only growing one or two at a time and cloning so i think thatd be my best bet to ensure i recieve the medicine i need. Thank you guys very much for the quick responses. Again i appreciate your...
  3. L

    Few questions on a seed line; talk from experience only no guessing

    Thank you very much for your input it really means alot and makes me feel alot of relief about my order. Currently im running 8 pots with bag seeds(to prepare for males, herms, whatever) to get the hang of things. But when the package arrives i will be building a DIY cloner; reason being that i...
  4. L

    Few questions on a seed line; talk from experience only no guessing

    TGA seeds I cant afford the guessing or theories or whatever. Im a newer grower and member here and i suffer severely medically. My life is miserable and frustrating without the relief from medical bud. I have mental illness as well as physical disease and other surgery complications etc so...
  5. L

    is that really happening?? please let me know if its possible

    yea the cotyldons are probably starting to emerge and seed could still be attached or dirt, numerous things it could be as said above
  6. L

    what kind of soil should i use

    I know i dont have many posts but wow dont do use miracle grow; i know that for sure.. And for rozidays dont recommend that shit to anybody else here if you care about other human beings. I hope you realize you just told someone that probably smokes for medical reasons to contaminate their lungs...
  7. L

    Wanted to introduce myself in the right place!

    GOOD TO MEET YOU GUYS TOO!!! :shock:
  8. L

    need oppinions to avoid misdiagnosing

    ....still waiting patiently
  9. L

    need oppinions to avoid misdiagnosing

    wow thanks for all your help guys. i got a headache reading all these posts....i see that you guys really care about another beings health. Been recieving some good advice so far on this site but this dissappoints me. THis lets me know how unreliable you guys are so if i have problems with a...
  10. L

    an expert noob :)

    haha thats awesome brotha! Just hearing that i have support just made my day. Ive struggled hard with my issues today and that one post turned it around. Thanks for all of your support and to everybody else from RIU!!!!
  11. L


    good to have you here sir! i can relate to your issues. you should check out my introduction thread i would appreciate your time. I currently suffer from chronic pain(several different locations ie back shoulder etc), ibs, anxiety, migraines and other things those mainly. I have had a shoulder...
  12. L

    What do you medicate for?

    This may be overwhelming but.... The problems i smoke for: Facets disease which is degenerative, several disc problems, my clavicle is shaved at end so lack of support from my shoulder is very painful[there is a gap in between my clavicle and shoulder which also naturally deteriates over time]...
  13. L

    an expert noob :)

    LOL hell that hasnt changed at all then. haha yea we totally ran the field twice on the best team in our division at cup won all other games only lost one total and didnt advance due to a unjustified call it was such bullshit. Like the team was basically favored by the psp league due to the fact...
  14. L

    Wanted to introduce myself in the right place!

    oh yea also forgot to mention; this first run im doing is with bag seeds just to get my setup going good and kinks straightened out. Im currently waiting on TGA subcool seeds to arrive. So once thats harvested i will be doing reports on how good the strains are for my specific conditions and...
  15. L

    Wanted to introduce myself in the right place!

    I already have some posts down but wanted to introduce myself in the right thread. Also wanted to introduce a little of my medical background. A few years back the passenger of a roll over accident. We were tboned leaving a traffic light by somone who ran the red light doing approx. 70 mph...
  16. L

    need oppinions to avoid misdiagnosing

    I have done my research so dont think im a lazy grower. I take this very seriously unlike some others due to the fact that i suffer from extreme chronic pain and anxiety. This is verrrry important to my well being and quality of life so you guys' oppinions and time will not be wasted here. I...
  17. L

    an expert noob :)

    just realized your a baller!! good to have a fellow ballers help. Man this harvest is gonna get me back in the game. I went to cup in 07' whooped some ass and havent gotten to play since march 08 due to that accident i mentioned. Has really depressed me due to the talent i had and the path to...
  18. L

    an expert noob :)

    Thanks for the advice on nutes!! will definately keep an eye on that! Also thanks for the compliment makes me feel alot better about it so far. Im very overprotective and a perfectionist; so ive been kinda bummed over small things like a couple transplants that werent exactly perfect but yea ive...
  19. L

    an expert noob :)

    also i know the pots arent filled with enough soil(hence the plant being somewhat cramped on certain leaves. The oldest ones broke ground june 19th, few on the 20th and youngest was 21st.
  20. L

    an expert noob :)

    here are some pics. i know for sure one has a problem. not sure if its a def. or what so i would appreciate any information anybody has to offer. i have done my research on all the stickies about diagnosing but still not sure and do not want to misdiagnose. I would appreciate any other tips...