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  1. bonzo1188

    Commercial weed

    haha thats funny, what you "like" the high of is called jamaican brick weed. or at least thats what its called around here. It comes compressed in huge bricks, when you unwrap it doesnt loose shape and its dirt brown. You have one thing right though, it does contain very very low THC. If i were...
  2. bonzo1188

    Serious light burn problem

    im using oragnic compost mixed with vermiculite. as for lights im using 2x 27 watt cfl daylight bulbs in about 1.2 square feet of space the reflectors wont be an issue at all, the paint is dried obviously and wont catch fire from 2 27 watt cfls which put out barely any heat in the first...
  3. bonzo1188

    first grow room tell me what ya think

    So i decided to build a grow room and im pretty excited. This will be my first grow and since im new to this i want to make sure it will work before i go through the trouble of building it. im building a triangular shaped grow room with a total of 3 square feet (look at the diagram for...
  4. bonzo1188

    Whats wrong with my babies?

    These 2 plants are about 5-6 weeks old. The other day my cfl lights fell and were resting on the plants for a while. There was significant light damage. When i got home from work that same day the leaves looked much worse. The bottom leaves are in the worst condition which makes me think its not...
  5. bonzo1188

    Serious light burn problem added
  6. bonzo1188

    Serious light burn problem

    Ok so today when i got home my lights fell a bit and were resting on my 2 plants. Luckily the light burn wasnt too severe.I lifted the light about 3 or 4 inches above the plants. But when i got home from work only about 5 hours later the light burn was much worse on the top leaves and the sides...
  7. bonzo1188

    2 questions

    are you using any nutes? cause it kinda looks like nute burn. And no your plant will not slow growth when switched to 12/12. In fact it does the exact opposite it will double or possibly triple in size(depending on the strain) during the flowering stage
  8. bonzo1188

    Will 5500k work to flower?

    I bought 2x 27watt cfls for my plant. 2600 lumens total and 5500k spectrum.I know im suppose to use around 3500k to flower, but if i used the 5500k bulbs would my plant still prduce buds?
  9. bonzo1188

    cfls short time only

    thats true my girls, but ive tried doing that before and my plants looked terrible from light deficiency. that might have just been my case though im not sure. I believe HPS are better for flowering, if my memory serves me correctly(which i wouldnt be surprised if it didnt) and MH are better...
  10. bonzo1188

    cfls short time only

    a good rule of thumb i like to follow just to make sure i have plenty of lighting is 75 watts of REAL wattage per square foot. But if your on a budget 50 watts will suffice. Make sure to buy the daylight spectrum CFLS
  11. bonzo1188

    Introducing 20/4 light period.

    if you had the light cycle on 24/0 im assuming it was a seedling, if it has grown a bit you can put the light cycle on 18/6 NOT 20/4(unless its lowryder) sorry i realized i didnt answer your question haha. Yes the light and dark time mush be the same everyday. Because your trying to replicate...
  12. bonzo1188

    OFF-TOPIC: Cleaning a bong

    yeah rubbing alcohol and salt will work well, just make sure to flush it with water very very well. but when you get the chance buy this stuff, its pure magic bongsmilie
  13. bonzo1188

    Can i flower these yet

    im using 2x 26 watt cfl daylight bulbs and i put up a divider to make less square footage it was at 3.3 square feet with 52 watts, now its at about 1 square foot with the same wattage i also repotted them to bigger pots and used new soil (organic compost mixed with vermiculite)...
  14. bonzo1188

    Plant Problems

    These plants have been recovering from not enough light and over watering. They have definantly improved but they still look a little weird. theres a little bit of burnt leaf on the left it because the light got too close any idea whats wrong with them the breakdown -2x 26 watt cfl...
  15. bonzo1188

    a couple of problems

    how old are they? the leaves are fine, there suppose to do that when the first set is growing, it will even out as they get bigger. also, theres no need to feed them nutes until there about three weeks old.
  16. bonzo1188

    Can i flower these yet

    I started growing these plants about a month ago and they ran into a lot of troubles. They were over watered and did not have enough sun light. They seemed to have recovered except for the slight light burn marks. The only thing is that they are growing very slow. My question is, would it be...
  17. bonzo1188

    Whats wrong with my plants?

    After receiving advice to give my plants more light and less water. I re potted the plants and mixed the soil with some vermiculite for draining and i figured it would make the soil less wet because of the added volume. Then i bought 2 CFL 26 watt bulbs from home depot, Daylight spectrum of...
  18. bonzo1188

    Whats wrong with my plants?

    is there a specific wattage i should buy?
  19. bonzo1188

    Whats wrong with my plants?

    great! thanks for your help. the light might be a problem because im using sunlight and i cant control how much i get. and to make things worse we just had a huge snowstorm and its not sunny today at all but the weather says later this week
  20. bonzo1188

    Whats wrong with my plants?

    Ive been growing these two plants for about 3 weeks now and there only 3 1/2 - 4 inches tall. This seems a little short but this is my first time growing. Im growing them in 14oz cups with regular potting soil. There growing indoors on a window sill and im using sunlight. The three problems...