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  1. T

    Calling All Noob Growers

    Yeah I'm curious about your watering/feeding practice as well. So you water very heavily which will actually help to plant to dry out the soil faster. Once its mostly dry you water it with nutes. Do you use enough nuted water for it to start draining out the bottom, or just a little bit? And...
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    How long does it take for the plant to absorb nutrients?

    I have a plant a few weeks into flowering that has been giving me some trouble. I thought I had pH issues, but after reading some stuff that said how good soil is at buffering ph, I'm pretty sure that's not the case. I'm guessing that I was just underfeeding or improperly feeding my plant. It...
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    Ballests, are they bad for you??

    Haha quite true. I find that if I smoke right before I go to bed, I don't sleep as well and am very tired and sluggish the next day.
  4. T

    Ballests, are they bad for you??

    400w isn't actually as much power as you might think. It certainly wouldn't cause any noticeable effects like that. The only thing I could imagine would be if the sound was keeping you from sleeping well, though they really only make a little hum.
  5. T

    Check out my grow setup: Window veg and closet flower

    Thanks. Yeah I've been having trouble with that. I thought it was the pH, but now I think I was just underfeeding it. And by flushing it with filtered water in an attempt to adjust the pH, I think I starved it even more. From what I've read lately, soil can really buffer a lot of pH issues...
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    Timer Drift

    So the timer I'm currently using came free with my light, and it seems mostly reliable. However, the little clock does seem to gain a couple minutes a day. Not a huge deal but after two and a half weeks its about 45 minutes ahead of the actual time. Will this slight change in time every day...
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    New Op, need advice please

    I'd do a lot of research before I purchase those LED lights. I've heard a lot of stuff about them being next to useless, far worse than CFLs of the same wattage. But this could be from people buying knockoff LEDs that aren't even really designed for growing. Just know what your buying before...
  8. T

    Check out my grow setup: Window veg and closet flower

    So I've just finished getting my whole grow setup together. Well, not entirely true, since I'm sure I'll still buy more stuff for it over the next few months, but I've got the necessities. I have an area by my window for vegging, in which I built a little shelf to put my plants and hang some...
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    New Op, need advice please

    Just a couple questions in helping us figure out what you might need. How much are you willing to spend on this set up? Also, you want it stealthy, but would cabinets with lots of fans and vents be a problem?
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    New Op, need advice please

    Its usually very roughly estimated that new growers will get about 0.5 g for every watt of light. So to get a half pound from a grow, you'd need about 250 watts. However, a grow takes more like 3 months. But if you've got separate areas for vegging and flowering, you can get a grow every two...
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    New here. Weak weed question...

    Oddly enough it's not too unique a question. I've used this analogy before, and I think it's pretty apt: sometimes you don't want to get drunk off hard liquor, but would like to sip on a beer, just as sometimes you want a lower potency weed. Something you can take more than a couple hits of...
  12. T

    Where can I find square plastic pot with no drain holes?

    Try looking for a little trash can. So what is the point of drilling holes on the side instead of the bottom?
  13. T

    Sunlight and CFL for veg area

    So I'm setting up a little veg area because I'm too impatient to wait for my plant to finish flowering before I start my next grow. I'm going to have 6 plants in my window, with 4 26w CFLs added to give a little light boost and keep them from flowering too early. I'm still figuring out how to...
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    Keeping maui waui shorter

    I have some maui waui seeds germinating, and I'm going to have them vegging in my window with some CFLs. I don't want to let them get too tall before I move them into my closet where I will be flowering them under a 250w HPS. The tallest they can get is 3 maybe 4 feet before I'd worry about...
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    want some rep?

    I just ordered some seeds from attitude. Then came in less than 10 days, and were relatively cheap compared to other sites out there. I can't yet vouch for the quality as I just started germinating last night.
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    How will CA legalization work?

    So if california does end up legalizing marijuana in november, how will it work? Will it be sold in gas stations and liquor stores? Or will it still only be sold in marijuana dispensaries, they will just no longer require a medical card but instead proof of age? It would be nice to be able...
  17. T

    is $50 good price for 250w hps???

    Yeah that's definitely a good deal, as long as it works well. You'll probably need to buy a new bulb if he's been using that one for a while. I spent $160 on a 250w MH+HPS light. The MH part isn't worth much to me, since I'm building a separate veg area now, but it was only like $10 more than...
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    Growing a mother under poor lighting

    Its sour diesel so its pretty slow. Its about 4 weeks in so I'm guessing another 7 weeks or so. Can I grow out seeds enough to take clones, put the clones in the 12/12 with the sour diesel, have them show sex all within 7 weeks? With this method I can then clone my plants again as soon as...
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    Deep or Wide Pots?

    I'm curious about this too as I am about to buy some more pots tomorrow.
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    Topping question

    So is topping a good way to keep sativas short in a smaller grow area? Or do the colas end up growing as tall as the main one would?