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  1. marc.jeoffories

    Newbie-- Am I there yet? [Nug Porn]

    Four picture album (click on pic for 100% size) small personal grow Taking suggestions on when to chop THANKS AND STAY HEALTHY!
  2. marc.jeoffories

    Watering during vacation?!

    Help! Any suggestions on how to make sure babies don't die during a 7 day vacation. very small soil grow, no auto-watering system--not worth purchasing extra watering equip. I'm looking for a DIY/cheap method to make sure babies have enough water for 7 days... Thanks!
  3. marc.jeoffories

    First (CFL) Grow Bubblelicious(Nirvana-seeds)

    great grow man i love your grow box. how did you do that wiring to the lights? awesome job... !!!:hump:
  4. marc.jeoffories

    DIY Grow Tent - Cutting all cost corners.

    what do u all think of (dollar store) sun reflectors for car windshields?
  5. marc.jeoffories

    CFL Closet Grow Bubblieicious!

    *subscribe* good luck!
  6. marc.jeoffories


    THanks! Keep up the great posts...
  7. marc.jeoffories


    looks like a good grow may try it myself . *subscribe* can anyone rec. a good tutorial on hempy buckets? i know the idea but i wanted a good guide... nothing in the growfaqs or google... THX
  8. marc.jeoffories

    1 week old plant, bagseed, input?

    looks ok dont give it any nutes just distilled water or tap water thats been sitting at least 24 hrs. also, do you have a fan on it? the stem looks crooked. fan will help strengthen it and keep it cool. very important
  9. marc.jeoffories

    Is this enough light!????

    They print the equivalent wattage for an incandescent bulb on the package, even though they use about 1/4 the amt. of watts as incandescent bulbs. So when it says 100W equivilant, it is the same light output as a 100W incandescent bulb but only uses 23W of electricity (much more efficient which...
  10. marc.jeoffories

    bud + percocet... bad idea?

    I was in a car accident last week and i broke my leg. Got out of the hospital after two days and now i'm home recovering. doc has me on 2 perc's every 5-6 hours at night to sleep and 1 every 4-6 hours during the day to ease the pain. also on an antibiotic that makes me a little nauseous. looked...
  11. marc.jeoffories

    Brand new to growing, am i fucked?

    obv Allahgrew smokes... only someone stoned out of his ass would pour hamburger grease on a plant :-) 12 hours on/ 12 hours off for the light. use a $5 timer. give it a lot of light, add a couple of CFLs around the sides of the plant. Give it a fan. Also, think about a carbon filter if...
  12. marc.jeoffories

    6hrs light,12 hours dark

    stick to 12/12 man. less than 12 hours will produce smaller buds and less THC (although it may flower quicker). more than 12 will keep it in veg. stage. Many will say giving it 24 or 36 hours of darkness before you start a 12/12 schedule will reset the plant's internal clock...
  13. marc.jeoffories

    1st Grow 425w of CFL!!! (Actual Wattage)

    --subscribe-- they look amazing man. and you post lots of great info. keep it up. perfect info on micro stealth/closet grow for little $$. where did u get the 125 W CFL? home-depot?
  14. marc.jeoffories

    What you doing guys if you have no weed?

    when u have weed, put out your blunt/jay when u still have another hit or two but you are already stoned and save them in an ashtray or wherever. when u dont have weed u will be happy you have a bunch of smelly roaches laying around. oh and get a good roach clip...
  15. marc.jeoffories

    First time grower,going to stick through it till the end

    yay i like the new set up. lol R.I.P bigfoot. the same thing happened with my first three seedlings. all died one day. I figured out it was probably the heat that killed them--the next set did better with a samll fan (just get a desk fan they are only like $5) for now you DONT need more light...
  16. marc.jeoffories

    1st CFL Closet grow (PICS)

    -subscribe- looks great
  17. marc.jeoffories

    First time grower,going to stick through it till the end

    looks nice man. i'd put a little tiny fan on it to strengthen up the stem. you don't want that stem breaking and a little breeze will bulk it up. perfect set up, tho for the one plant. id recommend for the other lights: hang em. screw in a few hooks in your closet either on the ceiling or the...
  18. marc.jeoffories

    No timer but need to flower will.....

    take a trip to wal-mart my friend and pick up a digi timer. i wouldn't trust myself, i know that for sure. esp if you go out late one night or dont wake up one morning. the flowering will get way off
  19. marc.jeoffories

    How long does soil take compared to hydro?

    If you have 3 apples [lumens] and someone gives you 2 more apples [lumens] how many apples do you have? Of course lumens add... why else would people use more than one light?!?! As to the main question: It depends on how big you want your plant to get. It will continue to grow as long as it has...