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  1. H

    CFL Soil BagSeed Rubbermaid Growbox - Flowering Grow Journal

    I am starting this grow journal a bit late, flowering already, but I plan on using it for practice for a future complete seed to bud tutorial. 2 chambers 1-veg chamber w/ blue spectum cfls currently has 2 little plants I haven't decided whether or not to top yet, thinking of trying lst on...
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    Bump If You're Baked!

  3. H

    Simple Weed Tea!!!!!!!!(in the microwave)

    Can someone whose had luck with this post some quantities? I just tried it and I think I had to much milk or water or something. I got an extremely weak buzz for about 25 min and a fresh fat nug was sacrificed for the sake of experimenting (Though I am trying to dry it for smoke, thats a whole...
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    Green Dragon Tincture

    How do you go about titrating the final solution?
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    Yellow, Brown, White, Dying plants PLZ HELP

    I had a similar problem once. I notice that they were actually coming out of the soil. what I did was mist the surface soil with cold water, just enough to get it damp. Then I scooped away the loose damp inch or so of top soil and tossed it. I replaced the top dirt with some fresh potting mix...
  6. H

    Yellow, Brown, White, Dying plants PLZ HELP

    Not a problem. I'm happy to help anyone I can. It's alot more fun once you have it figure out your way. On the repot, I'd let the soil dry out before doing it. You always wanna be able to water your repot heavily right after transplanting and then give it time and let the leaf umbrella tell...
  7. H

    Yellow, Brown, White, Dying plants PLZ HELP

    Also if your wanting to keep it cheap I've heard of people using vinigar and baking soda to control ph levels. not sure I remember which one does what. You could test it and find out or just google it. Okay I'm passin out.
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    Yellow, Brown, White, Dying plants PLZ HELP

    And if you must have several plants in one planter box, give them a square foot of space for horizontal growth even small plants can get to be 18+ inches across with a little grooming very fast. Also give them at least 7-10 inches of soil depth, thrive below ground and you can thrive above it...
  9. H

    Yellow, Brown, White, Dying plants PLZ HELP

    Also if ur gonna repot do it fast before the root masses become too big and get all tangly. And don't get intimedated, its just a plant and growing is in its nature. I've seen plants bounce back that were worse off, once you get them on the right track new 3 bladed leaves will sprout and...
  10. H

    Yellow, Brown, White, Dying plants PLZ HELP

    Thats what I meant about the ph man, I was smoking b4 I messaged ealier and simply got them turned around lol:hump: When it comes to bargain soil, I generally try and look for anything that says it has nutrients mixed in. Like it could say, "feeds plants for up to 3 months" or "up to 6 months"...
  11. H

    Help!!! 2nd day flowering and the photo period was messed up!!!

    That sounds great!! How long did u have them germinating, got picks?
  12. H

    Yellow, Brown, White, Dying plants PLZ HELP

    sorry bout the clear bit, guess u don't have that problem. I see alot of posts and I didn't see the pics rt in front of me when I was typing but the rest of the advise all still applies;P
  13. H

    Yellow, Brown, White, Dying plants PLZ HELP

    Covered almost everything I would suggest. The potting soil that you are using looks more like a garden soil mix, it has no perlite or anything mixed in to retain more oxygen for the roots. Even on budget I've mixed in styroform particles from the packaging of a tv I bought. Not nuting to early...
  14. H

    Help!!! 2nd day flowering and the photo period was messed up!!!

    Problem fixed itself. Here they are on day 4 of flower looking just fine at just under a month from bagseed:mrgreen: 6 tops each:hump:
  15. H

    Help!!! 2nd day flowering and the photo period was messed up!!!

    Also real quick while I'm on here too; The plants in question for this post have made a full recovery and I will post updated pics tonight after 7pm when I get home. As far as I can tell the prob was just a bit of stress from the light cycle and a slight potassium deficiency that was treated...
  16. H

    Help!!! 2nd day flowering and the photo period was messed up!!!

    Very wise grasshopper:) Thinks I'll go ahead and get one started tonight then. Wasn't really looking for the ego boost tho, just nobody else but stoner me had ever seen my garden and I thought it be nice to see what people with more experience then me thought about the job I was doing or...
  17. H

    Help!!! 2nd day flowering and the photo period was messed up!!!

    Advise taken. Thanks for the reassurance:) been thinking about starting a grow log on here for over a year, but I got high And I've always been super paranoid to post on here for fear the DEA would show up at my house the net day. Do you think anyone would even benefit from it? I think...
  18. H

    Help!!! 2nd day flowering and the photo period was messed up!!!

    Update: Okay now that the lights are back on I've been able to re-examine the situation and its not as bad as I thought. The crispy is all gone and they're looking like they'll pull through in a day or two. They look a little folded in yet, I think that will right itself when I water next time...
  19. H

    Help!!! 2nd day flowering and the photo period was messed up!!!

    They have been given rain water or bottled water with veg nutes mixed in in controled measured tested and true (used successfully in the past) amounts then I just flushed them b4 changing the photoperiod and give them plain water with a ph of 6.2. I'm going to get some sort of gow log going. I...